February 12, 1938. the 8th Physical you enclosed for are seating tion for the %t is my wider > for Director of Physical Education, ‘Varsity Besketbell Coaches a Wei a #745 Ol OFFICERS Cc. H. MCCLOY, PRESIDENT STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA lowa CITY, Iowa N. P. NEILSON, PRESIDENT-ELECT STANFORD UNIVERSITY CALIFORNIA W. G. MOORHEAD, PAST-PRESIDENT MASON CITY 1OWA DR. MARGARET BELL, VICE-PRES. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN E. D. MITCHELL, SEC'Y-EDITOR UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION A Department of the N.E.A. (Formed by a merger of the American Physical Education Association and the former Department of School Health and Physical Education of the National Education Association) 311 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan February &, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: GOVERNING BOARD A. O. ANDERSON PUBLIC SCHOOLS, ST, Louis, Mo. Dr. EDNA W. BAILEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY PERCY CLAPP COLORADO STATE COLLEGE, GREELEY LAURENTINE B, COLLINS PUBLIC SCHOOLS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN F. W. COZENS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES c. W. Davis PUBLIC SCHOOLS, BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA H. A. JONES STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, ALBANY, N.Y FS LLOYD * NEW YORK UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY ALFREDA MOSSCROP VASSAR COLLEGE, POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. DR. GERTRUDE E. MOULTON, OBERLIN COLLEGE, OBERLIN, OHIO JAY B. NASH NEw YORK UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK CITY l am very glad to know of your interest in becoming af- filiated with the Americen Association for Health and Physical I enclose a membership blank which gives full informa- Education. tion on membership dues and privileges. Membership in our Associa- tion does not include membership in the National Education Associa- tion. tions in Minneapolis and Atlanta. pleasure of seeing you at one of these. EN :m encl With kind regards, Sincerely yours We are glad to know that you plan to attend the conven- I shall look forward to the BO) ntl 00 Secretary Official Publications: THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION and THE RESEARCH QUARTERLY ‘The American Association for Health and Physical Education A Department of the N.E.A. (formed by a merger of the American Physical Education Association and the former Depart- ment of School Health and Physical Education of the National Education Association) Its Aims--- in relation to health, physical education, and recreation - To awaken and promote a wide and intelli- gent interest - To acquire and disseminate accurate infor- mation - To work towards the establishment of a more adequate program. OVER 8,500 MEMBERS WORKING FOR PROGRESS in their PROFESSIONS The AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for HEALTH and PHYSICAL EDUCATION 311 Maynard Street @ Ann Arbor, Michigan Membership in the American Association for Health and Physical Education Offers You the Following Services 1. The Journal of Health and Physical Education.—dActive membership entitles you to a copy of the JouRNAL oF HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION each school month. This magazine brings to you the latest articles by national leaders as well as practical material for your program and news from over the country. 2. The Research Quarterly.—Professional membership entitles you to four copies of the RESEARCH QUARTERLY (in addition to the Jour- NAL) which brings reports of research being done in health, physical education, recreation, and related fields. 3. Reduced Rates on Reprints and Back Copies.—These may be obtained by members at special rates. 4. Informational Service.—The Association provides an informational service to its members for help in their special problems and for references to sources of information on any phase of health and physical education. 3. District Membership.—Membership in the National Association automatically enrolls you as a member of your District Association. 6. Reduced Convention Fees.—Membership in the Association admits you to the national and district conventions at a reduced fee which practically nullifies the cost of your membership. 7. Professional Advancement.—The Asso- ciation is carrying on active work in your behalf. It works to secure and maintain socially desir- able legislation for adequate health and physical education and also to organize and assist dis- trict, state, and local health and physical educa- tion associations. It is constantly sending out material to aid in securing an enlightened public opinion for the support of your program. 8. Professional Standards.—Through its central office, districts, committees, and leaders, the Association is constantly working for pro- fessional advancement—studying conditions and trends, setting standards, making a stronger, more dignified, more interesting, and more worth-while profession for you. Have A Part in This Program --- Join Your National Association --- Your Membership; Will Add to Its Strength. Also--- Join The National Education Association --- $2.00 Sample copies of the Association’s publications will be sent free on request THE JOURNAL OF HEALTH & PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Research Quarterly Send American Association for Health and Physical Education membership fees to 311 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan Send National Education Association mem- bership fees to 1201 Sixteenth Street, N.W. Washington, D. C. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS HEALTH SERVICE LAWRENCE, KANSAS Jane 29, 1958 Forrest Ce Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Doctor Allens This will answer two of your recent letters, one of which should have received my attention sooner. With reference to the radio programs, I do not believe I would care to participate in them. The American Student Health Association has at the present time a membership of 140 universities and colleges. Membership is held by en institution, through a designated representative department. Dr. Naismith when he was head of the Health Service signed as a charter member of the Association. Membership has been continuous since that time. The advantages from membership are very much like those in other organizations, namely, meeting of men in similar lines of work at the annual association meetings. The proceedings of meetings and the papers presented each year are published throughout the year in the Journal Lancet, Minneapolis, Minn. We have this magazine on file here at the hospital. A bound copy of the minutes and papers is published at the end of each yeare We also have these on files If you want copies for your library they can be purchased through the secretary of the American Student Health A,sociation, Dr. Ruth Boynton, Health Service, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. The next mecting of the Association will be held in New York City between Christmas and New Year's, 1938, Sincerely, Vb Bre. Canuteson, M, D, RICsg FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE CENTRAL DISTRICT PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MINNEAPOLIS, MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1-2, 1938 Headquarters—Hotel Nicollet Condensed Program WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1938 8:30 A. M. Registration. 9:00 A. M. Visitation, Schools and University of Minnesota. PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION SECTION 4:00 to 5:30 P. M. Ballroom. “Social Recreation’—Mr. J. R. Batchelor. HEALTH SECTION 4:00 to 5:30 P. M. Room JK. “Min:mum Essentials for a School Health Program’—Dr. Ralph V. Ellis. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION 4:00 to 4:45 P. M. Room———. Round Table Discussion on Basketball. Lead by Miss Gladys Scott, lowa City, lowa. First General Session 8:00 P. M. FIRST GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Presiding: Dr. C. H. McCloy. Honorable George Leach, Mayor of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Alfred O. Anderson, President C. D. P. E. A. Honorable Elmer A. Benson, Governor of Minnesota. Mr. C. R. Reed, Supt. of Schools, Minneapolis, Minn. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 SECOND GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Miss Ethel Perrin, former Director of P. E., Detroit, Mich. Section Meetings RESEARCH SECTION Dr. Carl L. Nordly of Minnesota. Mr. Tom Scott, Moorhead, Minn. Mr. Harry J. Wienbergen, Athletic Director, Dickenson, N. Dak. Dr. Monica Rosina Wild, Cedar Falls, la. Mr. James R. Shepherd, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Geo. Wells, Kirksville, Mo. Mr. Theodore Boyette, lowa City, Ia. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION My Vision of Physical Education Administrater—Mr. M. R. Henre, Director of Health and Physical Educa- tion, Kansas City, Kans. Physical Educaticn Instructor—Miss Margaret Thurston, Washburn High Schocl, Minneapolis, Minn. Classroom Teacher—Miss Margaret Libert, Tuttle School, M:nneapolis, DANCE SECTION Miss Ita Hoxsie, Boulder, Colo. Miss Margaret Ramsey, University City, Mo. Miss Ruth Diamend, Omaha, Neb. THERAPEUTIC SECTION Miss Flora M. Frick, Director of Physical Education for Women, Moor- head State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minn. Mr. A. E. MacQuarrie, Washburn High School, Minneapolis, Minn. CAMPING SECTION Dr. S. Alan Challman, Minneapolis, Minn. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION Miss Elizebeth K. Zimmerli, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Marjorie Camp, lowa City, la. MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC SECTION Mr. P. S. Brain, Tennis Coach of Minnesota. Mr. B. W. Bierman, Football Coach of Minnesota. TEACHER TRAINING SECTION Miss Eloise Lemon, Warrensburg, Mo. Miss Ellen Mosbek, lowa City, la. Dr. W. E. Peik, University of Minn. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938 9:00 A. M. THIRD GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Dr. David Bryn-Jones, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Miss Dorothy Enderis, Extension Department, Milwaukee, Wis. Section Meetings MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC SECTION Mr. Harry J. Schmidt, lowa State College. Mr. Paul F. Bender, lowa State Teachers College. Mr. Robert Brown, Principal, Fargo, N. Dak. TEACHER TRAINING SECTION Miss Gertrude M. Baker, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. RURAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION Mr. Arthur L. Lampe, Duluth, Minn. Miss Doris White, Cedar Falls, la. RECEPTION AND DANCE Wednesday Evening 9:00 A. M. Address: CONVENTION BANQUET AND DANCE | Thursday Evening, 7 P. M. “Methods of Improving the Status of Rural School and Community Recreation”’—Mr. B. G. Leighton, Virginia, Minn. THERAPEUTIC SECTION Speakers: Miss Pattric Ruth O’Keefe, Kansas City, Mo. Horace Newhart, M. D., Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Sara Kollman, University Hospital, Minneapolis. 12:15-1:15 P. M. STATES LUNCHEON. Junior Ballroom. Presiding: Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION Mr. Don Gates, Fargo, N. D. Miss Ethel Perrin, formerly Associate Director of Health Education Service, American Child Health Association. DANCE SECTION Miss Esther Haveson, North High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Mercedes Nelson, Roosevelt Hight School, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Dorothy Falk, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Max Seham, University of Minn. Dr. S. A. Weisman, University of Minn. RESEARCH SECTION Mr. Reuben B. Frost, Bemidji, Minn. Mr. E. R. Elbel and Mr. J. H. Raport of Kansas. D;. A. J. Wendler, lowa City, la. Dr. Grenville B. Johnson, Denver, Colo. Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Des Moines, Ia. Mr. Russell E. Dickinson, Marshalltown, la. PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION SECTION Mr. Ernest W. Johnson, Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. B. G. Leighton, Director, Extension Department, St. Louis County, Mr. Glenn Card, Stowe Junior High School, Duluth, Minn. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION 3:15 to 5:15 P. M. Women’s Field House, University of Minnesota. Demonstration Program Miss Katharine Irvine, Marshall High School, Minneapolis, Minn. “Badminton, Aerial Darts, Organization of a Large Class in Indi- vidual Sports’—Miss Edith Barton. “Speedball”—Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. “Touch Football for Girls’—Miss Eugenia Zeimer, Central High School, Minneapolis. DANCE SECTION Miss Hildegarde Lewis, University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Miss Jean Brownlee, lowa State College, lowa City, la ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS 4:45 to 6:00 P. M. Room E. Presiding: Mrs. Eleanore Graff Adams, St. Paul Public Schools. “Co-educational Recreation for High Schools.” 4:45 to 6:00 P. M. Room G. Presiding: Dr. Glenn E. Galligan, Winona, Minn. “State Certification for Elementary School Teachers .and Part Time Teachers of Physical Education.” 4:45 to 6 P. M. Room H. Presiding: Mr. Clarence A. Nelson, Litchfield, Minn. “Administration of a Program of Health and Physical Education in a Small High School.” (400) SECOND COUNCIL MEETING 4:00 P. M. Room D. The old council is still active but members of the New Council such as new sectional chairmen elected at this Convention and new state representatives are invited to be present at this meeting as spectators. CITY DIRECTORS MEETING Dr. W. K. Foser, School Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. P. E. Mickelson, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Fargo, Public Schools, Fargo, N. D. : SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938 9:00 to 10:30 A. M. FOURTH GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. - Dr. C. H. McCloy, President of American Association for Health and Physical Education. Miss Mabel Lee, Department of Physical Education for Women, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. H. H. Kirk, Superintendent of Schools, Fargo, N. Dak. STUDENT SESSION Mr. Willard M. Greim, Director of Health Education, Denver Public Miss Ermina Tucker, Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. A. E. MacQuarrie, Principal, Washburn High School, Minneapolis, ICE CARNIVAL at the Arena Friday Evening, 8:15 P.M. 2900 Dupont Avenue South 9:30 P. M. BALLROOM, HOTEL NICOLLET Minneapolis Arena Figure Skating Club and wat i ih cates Tickets at Registration Desk, $1.75 Admission by Convention Badge ne ne REUNION STATES DEMONSTRATION Wednesday Afternoon LUNCHEONS LUNCHEON oe eg of inane Ballroom, 4-5:30 P. M. Thursday Noon Friday Noon ethods - Sie rganization Tickets and Information Sponsored by Recreation Section Registration Desk Admission by Convention Badge Junior Ballroom Tickets, 85c FRIDAY EVENING Ballroom, Hotel Nicollet Printed, Courtesy Minnesota Physical Education Association BE SURE TO ATTEND Fifth Annual Convention of the Central District Physical Education Association MINNEAPOLIS is all ready for this practical, informative and instructive program, THE CONVENTION PROGRAM is full of suggestions and help for all persons engaged in the work of full-time or part-time physical education and recreation. FOUR GENERAL SESSIONS featuring addresses by national leaders, discussions of professional problems and demonstrations of new ideas and methods—your problems discussed by experts. COMMERCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS of outstanding value to every teacher of physical education and recreation. . A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM and lots of opportunity for professional contacts. MINNEAPOLIS — MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1-2 — HOTEL NICOLLET General Information Registration Convention Headquarters, Hotel Nicollet. — Please register soon after your arrival in Minneapo- lis. Detailed printed programs giving you all the conven- tion information will be furnished when you register. Registration Fees: Merabers FC A. HEP. Biisccs.cciccs. $1.00 PU ES ooo osseneeies vntnnsecssccees 2.00 SN i iccdtenaperence ees .90 Teachers of other subjects............ 1.00 Sivagle -SMSRIONE 6.nsess -thisisccasnsonsiess 20 Central District Officers Presideniiec sac hii anes Alfred O. Anderson Presierit-C1OC Fig. oi veacdavsesosesenareoasracse Elizabeth Halsey View Preset osc. cassis cccSens acest Willard N. Greim Seve tary Teas Sl occ. dn consinnseits caiteneetness L. P. Washburn Past Presitient........cacciieni cna Edna McCullough Merle a t- bar Bessa sssinsnscessessccnscsesvecsscee J. H. Morrison Railroad and Bus Rates Ask your local agent for round trip rates. Hotels HOTEL NICOLLET Nicollet and Washington RADISSON HOTEL 45 South: Seventh: Street: ...iiccsc.cciccosiescccsssncsseckescoucsts CURTIS HOTEL Teuth: and Tied: Avene :..2.iciccccissscossescscesescooceaees HOTEL DYCKMAN 27 South Sixth Street. WEST HOTEL Fifth and Hennepin........ Price Single $3.00 Double 4.50 Single $3.00 Double 4.50 Single $2.00-$2.50 soot Double 3.00- 4.00 Single $2.50 .Double 3.75 Single $1.50-$3.00 Double 2.50- 4.00 HOTEL VENDOME 17 South Fourth Street Ye 7G. A 30 South Ninth Street ¥. WEG. A; 1130 Nicollet Ave. Single $1.25 up Double 2.00 up Single $1.00 Double 1.25 Single $1.25 Double 2.50 LEAMINGTON HOTEL Third Avenue and Tenth . ANDREWS HOTEL Fourth and Hennepin Single $2.50 up Double 3.50 up Single $2.50 up Double 3.50 up IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Central District Physical Education Association Fifth Annual Convention at Minneapolis, March 30-31, April 1-2, 1938 Section Meetings for Rural Physical Education Teachers, Part-time Public School Teachers, Playground and Recreation, Health Education, Camping, Dance, Men and Women’s Ath- letic, Teacher Training, Therapeutics, Research, Men and Women Physical Education and Pre-convention Meeting of College Women Teachers of Physical Educa- ‘tion. Program on Inside Page Sec. 562 P.L.GR. KANSAS HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION CONVENTION PITTSBURG, KANSAS MARCH 25-26, 1938 HEADQUARTERS == HOTEL BESSE SPEAKERS Miss Marian Telford, Director of Field Activities, Consultant on Child Safety, National Safety Council, New York Citye Dre Bert Nash, Professor of Education, University of Kansas. Miss Helen Saum, Director of Department of Physical Education for Women, Kansas State College, Manhattan. Mr. Earl Kauffman, Jre, President of State Association, Director of Physical Education, Washburn College, Topekae President We Ae Brandenburg, Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg. PURPOSE 1. To bring together the people who are interested in physical education, health, recreation, and safety education. 2e To focus attention upon: ae The need for safe living. be The importance of a balanced emotional life. Ce The value of athletics in terms of better living. de The integrating of the Health and Physical Education program into the regular class schedulée Convention Chairman: Miss Hazel Cave, K.S.T.C., Pittsburg Committee Chairmen: Men's Section - Mr. Wme Mifflin, Supervisor of Health and Physical Education, Coffeyville Women's Section =- Miss Gladys Taggart, Director of Women's Physical Education, Wichita University Athletic Section - Mr. Leo Green, Physical Education, Rosedale, Kansas City Public School Section = Miss Ann Theilen, Junior College and Senior High School, Parsons Student Section - Miss Hattie Stoskopf, Senior Physical Education Majors, K.S.T.C., Pittsburg ADMISSION TO MEETINGS Members « «+ «s.« « «e« 50g |§Nom-members « « « « « « « $1550 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE CENTRAL DISTRICT PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION MINNEAPOLIS, MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1-2, 1938 Headquarters—Hoiel Nicollet Condensed Prog ram WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30, 1938 8:30 A. M. Registration. 9:00 A. M. Visitation, Schools and University of Minnesota. PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION SECTION 4:00 to 5:30 P. M. Ballroom. “Social Recreation’—Mr. J. R. Batchelor. HEALTH SECTION 4:00 to 5:39 P. M. Room JK. “Minimum Essentials for a School Health Program’—Dr. Ralph V. Ellis. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION 4:00 to 4:45 P. M. Room 5 Round Table Discussion on Basketball. Lead by Miss Gladys Scott, lowa City, lowa. First General Session 8:00 P. M. FIRST GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Presiding: Dr. C. H. McCloy. Honorable George Leach, Mayor of Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. Alfred O. Anderson, President C. D. P. E. A. Honorable Elmer A. Benson, Governor of Minnesota. Mz. C. R. Reed, Supt. of Schools, Minneapolis, Minn. THURSDAY, MARCH 31, 1938 9:00 A. M. SECOND GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. ivuss cinel rerrin, former Director of P. E., Detroit, Mich. Section Meetings RESEARCH SECTION Dr. Carl L. Nordly of Minnesota. Mr. Tom Scott, Moorhead, Minn. Mr. Harry J. Wienbergen, Athletic Director, Dickenson, N. Dak. Dr. Monica Rosina Wild, Cedar Falls, la. Mr. James R. Shepherd, Kansas City, Mo. Dr. Geo. Wells, Kirksville, Mo. Mr. Theodore Boyette, lowa City, Ia. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION My Vision of Physical Education Administrator—Mr. M. R. Henre, Director of Health and Physical Educa- tion, Kansas City, Kans. Physical Education Instructor—Miss Margaret Thurston, Washburn High Schocl, Minneapolis, Minn. Classroom Teacher—Miss Margaret Libert, Tuttle School, Minneapolis, DANCE SECTION Miss lta Hoxsie, Boulder, Colo. Miss Margaret Ramsey, University City, Mo. Miss Ruth Diamond, Omaha, Neb. THERAPEUTIC SECTION Miss Flora M. Frick, Director of Physical Education for Women, Moor- head State Teachers College, Moorhead, Minn. Mr. A. E. MacQuarrie, Washburn High School, Minneapolis, Minn. CAMPING SECTION Dr. §. Alan Challman, Minneapolis, Minn. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION. M’ss Elizabeth K. Zimmerli, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Marjorie Camp, lowa City, Ia. MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC SECTION Mr. P. S. Brain, Tennis Coach of Minnesota. Mr. B. W. Bierman, Football Coach of Minnesota. TEACHER TRAINING SECTION Mice Finice Lemon, Warrensbura, Mo. Miss Ellen Mosbek, lowa City, la. Dr. W. E. Peik, University of Minn. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1938 9:00 A. M. THIRD GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Dr. David Bryn-Jones, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn. Miss Dorothy Enderis, Extension Department, Milwaukee, Wis. Section Meetings MEN’S PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND ATHLETIC SECTION Mr. Harry J. Schmidt, lowa State College. Mr. Paul F. Bender, lowa State Teachers College. Mr. Robert Brown, Principal, Fargo, N. Dak. TEACHER TRAINING SECTION Miss Gertrude M. Baker, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. RURAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION Mr. Arthur L. Lampe, Duluth, Minn. Miss Doris White, Cedar Falls, Ia. RECEPTION AND DANCE AAUUICSS. CONVENTION BANQUET AND DANCE “Methods of Improving the Status of Rural School and Community Recreation’—Mr. B. G. Leighton, Virginia, Minn. THERAPEUTIC SECTION Speakers: Miss Pattric Ruth O'Keefe, Kansas City, Mo. Horace Newhart, M. D., Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Sara Kollman, University Hospital, Minneapolis. 12:15-1:15 P. M. STATES LUNCHEON. Junior Ballroom. Presiding: Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. PUBLIC SCHOOL SECTION Mr. Don Gates, Fargo, N. D. Miss Ethel Perrin, formerly Associate Director of Health Education Service, American Child Health Association. DANCE SECTION Miss Esther Haveson, North High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Mercedes Nelson, Roosevelt Hight School, Minneapolis, Minn. Miss Dorothy Falk, Central High School, Minneapolis, Minn. Dr. Max Seham, University of Minn. Dr. S. A. Weisman, University of Minn. RESEARCH SECTION Mr. Reuben B. Frost, Bemidji, Minn. a Mr. E. R. Elbel and Mr. J. H. Raport of Kansas. Dr. A. J. Wendler, lowa City, la. Dr. Granville B. Johnson, Denver, Colo. Mrs. Theresa Anderson, Des Moines, la. Mr. Russell E. Dickinson, Marshalltown, Ia. PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION SECTION Mr. Ernest W. Johnson, Superintendent of Parks and Playgrounds, St. Paul, Minn. Mr. B. G. Leighton, Director, Extension Department, St. Louis County, Mr. Glenn Card, Stowe Junior High School, Duluth, Minn. WOMEN’S ATHLETIC SECTION 3:15 to 5:15 P. M. Women’s Field House, University of Minnesota. Demonstration Program Miss Katharine Irvine, Marshall High School, Minneapolis, Minn. “Badminton, Aerial Darts, Organization of a Large Class in Indi- vidual Sports’—Miss Edith Barton. “Speedball”—Miss Helen Manley, University City, Mo. “Touch Football for Girls’—Miss Eugenia Zeimer, Central High School, Minneapolis. DANCE SECTION Miss Hildegarde Lewis, University of Wichita, Wichita, Kans. Miss Jean Brownlee, lowa State College, lowa City, la ROUND TABLE DISCUSSIONS 4:45 to 6:00 P. M. Room E. Presiding: Mrs. Eleanore Graff Adams, St. Paul Public Schools. “Co-educational Recreation for High Schools.” 4:45 to 6:00 P. M. Room G. Presiding: Dr. Glenn E. Galligan, Winona, Minn. "State Certification for Elementary School Teachers and Part Time Teachers of Physical Education.” 4:45 to 6 P. M. Room H. Presiding: Mr. Clarence A. Nelson, Litchfield, Minn. “Admin‘stration of a Program of Health and Physical Education in a Small High School.” (400) SECOND COUNCIL MEETING 4:00 P. M. Room D. The old council is still active but members of the New Council such as new sectional chairmen elected at this Convention and new state representatives are invited to be present at this meeting as spectators. CITY DIRECTORS MEETING Dr. W. K. Foser, School Physician, Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. P. E. Mickelson, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Fargo, Public Schools, Fargo, N. D. SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1938 9:00 to 10:30 A. M. FOURTH GENERAL SESSION. Ballroom. Dr. C. H. McCloy, President of American Association for Health and Physical Education. Miss Mabel Lee, Department of Physical Education for Women, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb. Mr. H. H. Kirk, Superintendent of Schools, Fargo, N. Dak. STUDENT SESSION Mr Willard M. Greim, Director of Health Education, Denver Public Miss Ermina Tucker, Minneapolis, Minn. Mr. A. E. MacQuarrie, Principal, Washburn High School, Minneapolis, ICE CARNIVAL at the Arena Friday Evening, 8:15 P.M. ~s _ Thursday Evening, 7 P. M. 2900 Dupont Avenue South : ° ° ° BALLROOM, HOTEL NICOLLET Minneapolis Arena Figure Skating Club and BALLROOM, HOTEL NICOLLET Tickets at Registration Desk, $1.75 Admission by Convention Badge SOCIAL MIXER REUNION STATES DEMONSTRATION Wednesday Afternoon LUNCHEONS LUNCHEON gaa a is - - Organization Ballroom, 4-5:30 P. M. Sponsored by Recreation Section Admission by Convention Badge Thursday Noon Tickets and Information Registration Desk Friday Noon Junior Ballroom Tickets, 85c DANCE FRIDAY EVENING Ballroom, Hotel Nicollet Printed, Courtesy Minnesota Physical Education Association BE SURE TO ATTEND Fifth Annual Convention of the Central District Physical Education Association MINNEAPOLIS is all ready for this practical, informative and instructive program. THE CONVENTION PROGRAM is full of suggestions and help for all persons engaged in the work of full-time or part-time physical education and recreation. FOUR GENERAL SESSIONS featuring addresses by national leaders, discussions of professional problems and demonstrations of new ideas and methods—your problems discussed by experts. COMMERCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL EXHIBITS of outstanding value to every teacher of physical education and recreation. A SPLENDID ENTERTAINMENT PROGRAM and lots of opportunity for professional contacts. MINNEAPOLIS — MARCH 30-31, APRIL 1-2 — HOTEL NICOLLET General Information Registration Convention Headquarters, Hotel Nicollet. Please register soon after your arrival in Minneapo- lis. Detailed printed programs giving you all the conven- tion information will be furnished when you register. Registration Fees: neers A A TH. PP: E............:....... $1.00 PO occ cee icteecre eeesis 2.00 IN ids tac ees ens .20 Teachers of other subjects............ 1.00 SURE ACUMEN oss od i ats ots .20 Central District Officers sca sone scavevetvstasscctiouni Alfred O. Anderson NE I ooo, ccantessnsasuvonascceecnsvan Elizabeth Halsey SE FOIE oo cusssengenseneiaeessaasebarvess Willard N. Greim Secretary-Treasurer..............cccccscssseseeeees L. P. Washburn NE PUD TT no. ocnctesedesscbsacasunececed Edna McCullough I MO 0 EGO. ae enanpensssecevescesesace J. H. Morrison Railroad and Bus Rates Ask your local agent for round trip rates. Hotels HOTEL NICOLLET Nicollet and Washington. RADISSON HOTEL #5 South: Seventli- street. 22 es ee na CURTIS HOTEL Tentn coma (nw AVORNG sooo ooo ccc HOTEL DYCKMAN Price Single $3.00 Double 4.50 Single $3.00 Double 4.50 Single $2.00-$2.50 a Double 3.00- 4.00 Single $2.50 27 South Sixth Street WEST HOTEL Fifth and H pin Double 3.75 Single $1.50-$3.00 Double 2.50- 4.00 HOTEL VENDOME 17 South Fourth Street Single $1.25 up Double 2.00 up ¥% MC A. Single $1.00 30 South Ninth Street. Double 1.25 Y.: W. GC. A; Single $1.25 1130 Nicollet Ave. Double 2.50 LEAMINGTON HOTEL Single $2.50 up Third Avenue and Tenth ANDREWS HOTEL Fourth and Hennepin Double 3.50 up Single $2.50 up Double 3.50 up IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Central istics dee Education wal, onvention.. 6 58 eae Ree Ss ete oe : : Se Z : - : opie gt A SS a eae Minneapolis, March 30-31, April 1-2, 1938 Section Meetings for Rural Physical Education Teachers, Part-time Public School Teachers, Playground and Recreation, Health Education, Camping, Dance, Men and Women’s Ath- letic, Teacher Training, Therapeutics, Research, Men and Women Physical Education and Pre-convention Meeting of College Women Teachers of Physical Educa- tion. Program on Inside Page Sec. 562 P.L.GR. February 11, 1988. Dre Harry Ae Scott, Houston, Texase Dear Dr. Scotts Thank you very much for your iind letter of You mentioned that you were enclosing an application blank for membership, but we failed to re~ ceive ite oe to send us this membership blamke Thanking you, and with best wishes, I au Direetor of Physical Education, THE COLLEGE PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION THE RICE INSTITUTE Houston, Texas February 2, 1958 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: Membership in the College Physical Education Association is individual rather than institutional. The membership fee is $5.00 and the dues are $2.00 annu- aity. The College Physical Education Association is affiliated with the American Association for Health and Physical Education, but membership in the one organiza- tion does not carry with it also membership in the other. I am enclosing an application for membership oo blank for you to use in case you care to join. a pa Py Sincerely yours, College Physical ‘ducation Association HAS :CD 4 BNC. February 12, i958. Mre Clark Fredrikson, Natdoual Recreation Asscoiation, 515 = 4th Avenue, New York Citye Dear Mr. Fredriksons Director of Physical Education, - Varsity Basketball Coach, —~ NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION (FORMERLY NAMED PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) JOHN H. FINLEY, PRESIDENT GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY, TREASURER JOHN G. WINANT, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT aay awe ae HOWARD S. BRAUCHER, SECRETARY ROBERT GARRETT, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT ee February 5, 1938 Mr. F. C. Allen Division of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas My dear Mr. Allen Your recent letter addressed to Mr. Braucher has been referred to this bureau for reply. We are very glad to inform you that membership in our Association is open to any individual or organizatio contributing five dollars or more a year. Members are entitled to receive any one of our bulletin services and our magazine “Recreation” as well as a ten per cent discount on all publications purchased during the period of active membership. The magazine and bulletin services which are described in the enclosed statement can be subscribed to separately at the rates indicated in the statement. As you probably know, these services afford the best means of keeping in touch with up to date dev- elopments in their particular field. If you would like to look over a sample of the magazine and any of the bulletin services we shall be happy to send them to you on request. We are en- closing an enrollment blank and if you are interested in be- coming one of our members, we shall be glad to have you fill this in end return it to uSe We are also enclosing our latest catalog of publications which will acqwint you with the publications available through our Association. If you would like any of the material mentioned or if we can be of further service to you in any way, we shall be glad to have you write us again. Sincerely yours Correspondence and Cohsultation Bureau MCB ie a ay F. GREGG BEMIS BOSTON, MASS. MRS. EDWARD W. BIDDLE CARLISLE, PA. MRS. WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH MOLINE, ILL. a HENRY L. CORBETT PORTLAND, ORE. MRS. ARTHUR G. CUMMER JACKSONVILLE, FLA.‘ F. TRUBEE DAVISON LOCUST VALLEY, N. Y. MRS. MINA M. EDISON-HUGHES WEST ORANGE, N. J. JOHN H. FINLEY NEW YORK, N. Y. ROBERT GARRETT BALTIMORE, MD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUSTIN E. GRIFFITHS SEATTLE, WASH. 4 MRS. MELVILLE H. HASKELL TUCSON, ARIZ. MRS. CHARLES V. HICKOX MICHIGAN CITY, IND. GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY NEW YORK, N. Y. HUGH MC K. LANDON INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MRS. CHARLES D. LANIER GREENWICH, CONN. ROBERT LASSITER CHARLOTTE, N. C. J.H. MC CURDY SPRINGFIELD, MASS. OTTO T. MALLERY PHILADELPHIA, PA. WALTER A. MAY PITTSBURGH, PA. CARL E. MILLIKEN AUGUSTA, ME. MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS WOODBURY, N. Y. MRS. J. W. WADSWORTH WASHINGTON, D.C. J.C, WALSH NEW YORK, N. Y. © FREDERICK M. WARBURG NEW YORK, N. Y. JOHN G. WINANT CONCORD, N..H. SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION 315 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY (1) RECREATION Per Year $2.00 The monthly magazine of the recreation movement. Devoted exclusively to discussions of recreational problems, RECREATION, with its practical and inspirational articles, is an invaluable aid not only to the recreation worker but to the teacher, club leader, church worker, and all leaders in recreational activities. 4.2 2 @)' a2: °8 In addition to the magazine the Association issues regularly several mimeographed bulletin services as follows: (2) RECREATION BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $2.50 Issued twice each month except August. Each issue contains a group of bulletins covering a wide range of interests in the field of public recreation such as administration, organization, program, policies, descriptions of specific activities, announcements, etc. Each bulletin carries a file subject heading for the subscriber’s convenience in filing. This service is designed to give recreation workers and others interested in public recreation timely information on live topics from the entire field. (3) RURAL RECREATION BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $1.50 One issue each month except August. A service similar to Number 2 but omitting subjects which apply to public recreation in cities and including additional subjects related specifically to the field of rural recreation. (4) W.P.A. & N.Y. A. BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $1.50 One issue each month except August. A special service designed to bring to recreation workers under the Relief Agencies the best and most practical of all current recreation material, and to serve as a clearing house for information in the activities and programs of such agencies in different states. (5) PLAY IN INSTITUTIONS BULLETIN SERVICE . Per Year $1.00 One issue each month except August. This service places in the hands of those interested in better recreation conditions in institutions information about recreation activities, and tells of recreation programs in institutions throughout the country, such as orphanages, reformatories, etc. (6) NEWS LETTER OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION SERVICE Per Year $1.00 Ten issues (none in July and August). Contains material on organization and administration of health and physical education that escapes the printed journals. Particularly helpful to persons in teacher training institutions and to administrators of health and physical education. bis | i i li ft lu i an i i Maroh 4, 1988, Division of Health Rausation, Me le Tey :BSSe Dear ite Turmers | Your letter of ! 7 18 addressed to Presidents of Teachers Colleges and Dsams of Schools of Edmaticn — Sincerely yours, - ‘Diveetor of Physical Rdusationes irs Howard Braucher, Seeretary, — ie i National Recreation Association, | 315 Fourth Avenue, New York City, N.Ys Rear Mr. Srauchers This will acinowledge receiot of your letter of April 14 recarding our membership in the National Recreation Associatione Your letter ws simply addressed to “University of Kansas", and I em writing to suggest thet on your mailing list you A designate the Department of Physical Education et . the University of Kansas, This will insure the publications being delivered at tho proper place, and will facilitate our receiving theme Thanking you, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Educations No. D 3 3 U 1 () New York City, April.i1. .e oe sees eeeeneerenseseweenesecserersssaceetes _ NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION Incorporated (formerly named PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) 315 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY Acknowledges with sincere gratitude the contribution of. - Five - Dollars from... University of Kansas “The boy without a ( Lawrence, Kansas playground is father to the man without a job” Since \Ot~, Gifts deductible in accordance with Federal Income Tax Law. Treasurer a ‘NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATIOI (FORMERLY NAMED PLAYGROUND AND RECREATION ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY, TREASURER JOHN H. FINLEY, PRESIDENT 315 FourTH AVENUE asus @: enka cea = . * ‘AR Y . VI - JOHN G. WINANT, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT New YorK CITY ROBERT GARRETT, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT April 14, 1938 University of Kansas ; Lawrence \\\A- Kansas Gentlemen Thank you very much for your membership in the National Recreation Association. We are happy to enter your name on our membership list for the coming year and will see that the monthly copies of RECREATION and the bi-weekly copies of the National Recrea- — tion Association Bulletin Service are forwarded regularlye May we remind you also that you are entitled to a discount of 10% on publications of the Association. Please mention your membership when ordering material. Our treasurer's receipt for your membership is gratefully enclosed herewith. Sincerely yours Secretary F. GREGG BEMIS BOSTON, MASS. MRS. EDWARD W. BIDDLE CARLISLE, PA. MRS. WILLIAM BUTTERWORTH MOLINE, ILL. HENRY L. CORBETT PORTLAND, ORE. MRS. ARTHUR G. CUMMER JACKSONVILLE, FLA. F. TRUBEE DAVISON LOCUST VALLEY, N. Y. MRS. MINA M. EDISON-HUGHES WEST ORANGE, N. J. JOHN H. FINLEY NEW YORK, N. Y. ROBERT GARRETT BALTIMORE, MD. BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUSTIN E. GRIFFITHS SEATTLE, WASH. MRS. MELVILLE H. HASKELL TUCSON, ARIZ. MRS. CHARLES V. HICKOX MICHIGAN CITY, IND. GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY NEW YORK, N. Y. HUGH MC K. LANDON INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MRS. CHARLES D. LANIER GREENWICH, CONN. ROBERT LASSITER CHARLOTTE, N. C. J.H. MC CURDY SPRINGFIELD, MASS. OTTO T. MALLERY PHILADELPHIA, PA. WALTER A. MAY PITTSBURGH, PA. CARL E. MILLIKEN AUGUSTA, ME. MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS WOODBURY, N. Y. MRS. J. W. WADSWORTH WASHINGTON, D. C. J.C. WALSH NEW YORK, N. Y. FREDERICK M. WARBURG NEW YORK, N. Y. JOHN G. WINANT CONCORD, N. H. THE COLLEGE PHYSICAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION A Department of the National Education Association DIVISION OF HEALTH EDUCATION Cambridge, Mass. February 16, 1938 To: Presidents of Teacher Colleges and Deans of Schools of Education From:The Section on Health Education Teacher Training Dear Sir: You are no doubt acquainted with the important step taken last summer when the Department of School Health and Physical Education in the National Education Association and the American Physical Education Association amalgamated to form the American Association for Health and Physical Education. This merger marked the consummation of the efforts of many educators to unite the fields of health education, physical education, and recreation within the National Educa- tion Association. A number of working sections have already been organized. One of these is on Teacher Training in Health Education, and as Chairman of that section, I am writing to you to invite the active participation of your institution in our programs and activities. We believe that faculty members of your departments of hygiene, health education, bacteriology, biology, home economics, physiology, psychology, and sociology will be definitely interested in affiliating with this section; and we hope very much that you may see your way to naming at least one faculty member to represent your institution at the first annual meeting of the Association to be held in Atlanta, Georgia, April 20 to 28. May we ask you to let us know at your earliest convenience: 1. The name of the representative from your institution who will attend the Atlanta meeting. 2. To what member of your staff future correspondence con- cerning the work of the section should be addressed. We are most desirous of having the participation of your institution in our work. Faithfull . C. E. Turner, Dr. Li : M. 2. Te» Cambridge, Mass. i Section Chairman j Gasman oh THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION A Department of the National Education Association DIVISION OF. HEALTH EDUCATION Mass. Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts March 10, 1938 Mr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: We are glad to know you are to represent your institution in our Section. I hope to have a chance to talk with you at Atlanta. Most cordially yours C. E. Turner, Dr. P. H. Section Chairman CET: EEW Ene. The Division of Health Education — its Program and Membership by DR. EDNA W. BAILEY Chairman, Division of Health Education Association, younger and weaker than the Division of Physical Education, perhaps a little further advanced in its development than is the Division of Recreation. The purpose of the Division is to give opportunity for coordinated work on health education problems by all the specialists who are professionally concerned with them, and to sponsor through the Association, and in the National Education Association, the findings of the Di- vision with regard to school health policies and curricula. These findings will command respect and receive atten- tion in proportion as the Division membership is inclu- sive, representative, and experienced. [= Division is one of three coordinate parts of the Division Organization This consists of a Division Council, elected by the Sec- tions belonging to the Division. The chairman of the Council is a member of the Legislative Council of the Association, and a member-at-large of the Governing Board. The Chairman of each Section is a member of the Legislative Council of the Association. This representa- tion provides opportunity for expression of points of view characterizing the health sections. The function of the Division Council is to give each of the different pro- fessional groups easy access to candid and expert criticism of their findings on school health. The physicians and den- tists are ready to validate the factual material and discuss the emphasis to be placed on various topics in the health course of study; the health teachers are prepared to explain to the school physician the pedagogic blunders in his plans for an efficient school health service—and so on. From such pooling of resources we should be able to develop statements about school health plans and practices which will be sound, practical, and understand- able by parents and by school people generally. We may hope to bring about greater unanimity among experts in this field, thereby securing much better support and understanding from the public. A very simple program, backed by all the professions concerned, will have a better chance of acceptance than any plan favored by one group but criticized unfavorably as to detail by all the others. Sections affiliated with the Division are five in number, at present. Additional sections may be organized with consent of the Legislative Council, as need and interest develop. Each Section has the right to present at least one program at the annual meeting of the Association; sets its own membership requirements and formulates its program. There are no Section nor Division dues. Membership in the Sections is open to interested per- sons who meet the Section requirements and who are members of the Association or of the N.E.A., or of both. The chief advantage of Section membership is the opportunity offered to make a contribution to school health work in a direct and effective manner; the con- tacts with fellow workers are stimulating; and there is an unusually good opportunity to publish findings where these will become immediately available to school people generally. The following statements present the work of each Section very briefly. If you are interested, send in your application to the chairman of the Section in which you wish to work. I. Section on Education of Teachers Purpose.—The Teacher Education Section seeks to promote the best possible training of classroom teachers, health educators, and school administrators in health subject matter and in the field of health education meth- ods. The Section seeks to reach its objectives through bringing together the professional workers in this country who are concerned with these particular problems, and through the research and recommendations of special Section committees. Membership.—Membership is open to all those who are professionally concerned with these problems. Officers.—The officers of our Section are: (1) Dr. C. E. Turner, Department of Biology and Public Health, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Chairman; (2) Dr. Anita Laton, University of California, Vice-Chair- man; (3) Dr. Mabel Rugen, University of Michigan, Secretary and Treasurer. Notes on Progress.—The Section Meeting in Atlanta will be devoted to a consideration of the teacher-educa- tion problem on the North American continent—the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Speakers will pre- sent teacher-education activities of special interest in each of these three countries and the Section will hold a discussion of the work of the Section committee in the teacher-education field. A publicity committee has been appointed composed of key people throughout the southeast. These persons are accepting responsibility for calling the meeting to the attention of interested professional workers and ad- ministrators. Il. Section on Health Instruction Purpose.—The desire of the Health Instruction Sec- tion to make a contribution in assisting personnel to meet the needs in this field, taking advantage of all available channels. Membership.—All those engaged in teaching, supervis- ing, administering or rendering advisory service in the field of health instruction are eligible for membership in the Health Instruction section. Officers —(1) Eliot V. Graves, Chairman, Supervisor of Physical and Health Education, State Board of Edu- cation, Richmond, Virginia; (2) Miss Ethel M. Mealey, Secretary, White Plains, New York. Notes on Progress.—For the Atlanta program, two Section meetings are planned; Miss Fannie Shaw, Di- rector of Health Education, Georgia, will be Chairman of the elementary program. The business meeting of the section will be combined with the secondary program. The Organization Committee has recommended the following committee: 1. Program Committee—Major Graves, Chairman, with the help of Miss Shaw and others are planning the program for the Atlanta meeting. 2. Curriculum Study—Dr. Lillian Davis, Baltimore, Chairman. She has already developed a small committee which is at work. 3. Membership Committee—Miss Mealey of White Plains is Chairman. 4. Committee on Information, Methods and Material —Dr. H. F. Kilander, Panzer College, Chairman. The Organization Committee recognizes a need for a distributing service in the Division, with each section contributing its peculiar service. For the Summer Meeting of the National Education Association, Miss Ruth Grout, Consultant in School Health Education, Olean, New York, represents this Section in program making. Ill. School Nutrition Section Purpose.—An educational organization pertaining to health should include persons who can present authentic material on nutrition which can be used by the Class- room teacher. To supply this need, a School Nutrition Section has been formed as a part of the Division of Health Education of the American Association for Health and Physical Education. Membership.—Members of the School Nutrition Sec- tion must have at least a bachelor’s degree from a recog- nized college or university with a major in foods and nutrition or with additional courses in nutrition and re- lated subjects. A member must also have had at least two years’ successful experience as a nutritionist either in teaching, social service, editorial, or allied fields. Officers.—(1) Carlotta C. Greer, Chairman, Head of the Home Economics Department, John Hay High J-159 School, Cleveland, Ohio; (2) Dr. Marietta Eichelberger, Secretary, Director, Nutrition Service, Irradiated Evapo- rated Milk Institute, Chicago, Illinois; (3) Dr. Lydia J. Roberts, Chairman of the Work Committee, Chairman, Department of Home Economics, The University of Chicago. ; Notes on Progress——An unpublished report of the White House Conference on Child Health and Protection, viz., “Nutrition Service for the School Child,” is being revised by Dr. Lydia Roberts, Chairman of the Work Committee of the School Nutrition Section. Tentative plans have been made to. publish in the JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND PHysSICAL EpucATION a “‘Ques- tion Box.” The latter will consist of questions pertaining to nutrition sent in by teachers and answers prepared by an authoritative nutritionist. IV. Section on School Nursing Purpose.—The purpose of our section is to interpret school nursing to the educators; to develop an active relationship with other school health personnel and to present standards for guiding administrators in the em- ployment of school nurses. | Membership.—Membership in the section for this year may be held by nurses who belong to the American Nurses Association or the National Organization for Public Health Nurses. Officers——(1) Miss Lulu V. Cline, Chairman, 228 So. St. Joseph Street, South Bend, Indiana; (2) Miss Ger- trude Cromwell, Vice-Chairman, Health Education and School Nursing, 629 3rd Street, Des Moines, Iowa; (3) Miss Marie Swanson, Secretary, Supervisor of School Nursing, University of the State of New York, Albany, New York. Notes On Progress.—(1) Business meeting will be held at Atlanta. (2) No program is planned for the Section . as such. (3) Participation of school nurses on the Divi- sion Program; discussion of the relation of school nurs- ing to the health program. V. School Medical and Dental Section Purpose.—To relate the work of school physicians and dentists to ‘the school health program in its more general aspects; to make available to other members of the Division the advice and counsel of members of the Sec- tion; and to express the judgment of the Section member- ship on school health policies through the medium of the Association and of the National Education Association. Membership.—Those interested in school medical and dental services, who are members of the American Medi- cal Association or its subsidiary societies; or members of the American Dental Association or its affiliated organi- zations. Officers —(1) Don W. Gudakunst, M.D., Dr. P.H., Chairman, Director, School Health Service, Department of Health, Detroit, Michigan; (2) William W. Bauer, M.D., Secretary, Director, Bureau of Health and Public Instruction, American Medical Association, Chicago, Illinois. Reprinted from THE JourNAL OF HEALTH AND PuysicaL EpucaTion, February, 1938, Vol. IX, No. 2 Section Meetings Public School Health Playground and Recreation Camping Teacher Training Dance Men’s Physical Education and Athletics Women’s Athletics Therapeutics Research Rural Physical Education Pre-convention meeting Association of Teachers of Physical Education for College Women University of Minnesota March 28-29-30 Registration Fee Members A.A.H.P.E. ................. $1.00 Non-Members 2....scccescssccsscsescssseeee 2.00 Stucents 50 Teachers of other subjects ...... 1.00 Single admission 50 Professional Contacts Addresses by National Leaders Consultation’ Service eee of Professional Problems Demonstrations New Ideas and New Methods Exhibits of New Equipment Educational Features Visits to Schools CENTRAL DISTRICT Physical Education ~ Convention MINNEAPOLIS March 30-31; April 2-3 HOTEL NICOLLET Speakers Miss ETHEL PERRIN pees Pioneer leader in Physical Education in Detroit Miss DorotHy ENDERIS Founder of Milwaukee's Recreation System Miss MaBeL Lez Former president of the A.P.E.A. Mr. Davip Bryn-JONES Authority on International Relations GOVERNOR BENSON of Minnesota Mr. C. R. REED Superintendent of Schools, Minneapolis Mr. E. T. PETERSON Authority on School Buildings Professor of Education, University of Iowa Mr. N. N. Kirk Superintendent of Schools, Fargo, N. Da. Mr. C. H. McCoy National President A.A.H.P.E. Mr. A. O. ANDERSON President Central District, Physical Education Association And many others Past President Member-at-Large neat Officers President ALFRED O. ANDERSON oe President-elect ELIZABETH HALSEY Vice-President WILLARD N. GrREIM Secretary-Treasurer L. P. WAsHBURN Epna McCuLLouGH J. H. Morrison Recreation SOCIAL MIXER Wednesday Afternoon Sponsored by Recreation Section, 4:00-5:30 RECEPTION AND DANCE Wednesday Evening 9:30—Hotel Nicollet BANQUET AND DANCE Thursday Evening 7:00—Hotel Nicollet Ticket—$1.50 ICE CARNIVAL Friday Evening—8:15 DANCE Friday Evening REUNION LUNCHEONS Thursday Noon STATES LUNCHEON Friday Noon—$1.00 Minneapolis SUMMER AND WINTER SPORTS EXCELLENT SCHOOLS A Great University EASY TO REACH By Auto — Railroad — Bus — Airplane Ask for Round Trip Rates GOOD HOTELS — SMART SHOPS INTERESTING ART GALLERIES INDUSTRIAL CENTRE