SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES OF THE NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION 315 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY (1) RECREATION Per Year $2.00 The monthly magazine of the recreation movement. Devoted exclusively to discussions of recreational problems, RECREATION, with its practical and inspirational articles, is an invaluable aid not only to the recreation worker but to the teacher, club leader, church worker, and all leaders in recreational activities. 4.2 2 @)' a2: °8 In addition to the magazine the Association issues regularly several mimeographed bulletin services as follows: (2) RECREATION BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $2.50 Issued twice each month except August. Each issue contains a group of bulletins covering a wide range of interests in the field of public recreation such as administration, organization, program, policies, descriptions of specific activities, announcements, etc. Each bulletin carries a file subject heading for the subscriber’s convenience in filing. This service is designed to give recreation workers and others interested in public recreation timely information on live topics from the entire field. (3) RURAL RECREATION BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $1.50 One issue each month except August. A service similar to Number 2 but omitting subjects which apply to public recreation in cities and including additional subjects related specifically to the field of rural recreation. (4) W.P.A. & N.Y. A. BULLETIN SERVICE Per Year $1.50 One issue each month except August. A special service designed to bring to recreation workers under the Relief Agencies the best and most practical of all current recreation material, and to serve as a clearing house for information in the activities and programs of such agencies in different states. (5) PLAY IN INSTITUTIONS BULLETIN SERVICE . Per Year $1.00 One issue each month except August. This service places in the hands of those interested in better recreation conditions in institutions information about recreation activities, and tells of recreation programs in institutions throughout the country, such as orphanages, reformatories, etc. (6) NEWS LETTER OF THE NATIONAL PHYSICAL EDUCATION SERVICE Per Year $1.00 Ten issues (none in July and August). Contains material on organization and administration of health and physical education that escapes the printed journals. Particularly helpful to persons in teacher training institutions and to administrators of health and physical education.