November 24, 1941. Tre Ae Ee Garrison, a graduate and former faculty member of the University, who is now director of the Colegio Americano at Bogota, Colombia, South America, writes mo that he would like to heve informtion on Goalelii « the rules book and any other printed ine formation that wo could send hime I would be very happy 4f you would send a copy of the Gosleili Rule Book to Dre Garrison with my complie — Mis address iss Dre Ae By Carrison, - Apartado #85 & Aero #8604, . Bogota, Colombia, Se As i Gaetan aise "These young people are hungry for games because this is an adult world in this countrys There has been no time given to amusenents of any kind for children until recently." I em sure he will appreciate all the printed mterial you are able to send hins Vory sincerely yours, Director of Physical Baucation and Recreation, POAsAH - Varsity Basketball and Baseball Ceache September 29, 1941. | I have received your inguiry of the 24th instant, and presume you are referring to our new game of Goaleilie I am enclosing sane printed mterial describing the equipment and its use, Tho Goalelli standard is made by the Prod Medart Manufteturing Company, of Ste Loula, Missourle Thoy also handle the distributia of the Goalefi Rule Books, and I am sure if you will write them Shey will be happy to send you any additional terial available. : Eg Yery sincerely your's, Director of Physical Sducetion and Reereation, FOA:AR Varsity Basketbell and Baseball Coaches Hovember 3, 1941 The Baker and Taylor Co. 55 Fifth Avenue at 12th St. New York, N.Y. Gentlemen, I have received your card requesting e copy of the Goal-Hi rules. I am sending it on to Mr. Roy Weingettel, Sales Manager of the Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. who I am sure will give it his prompt attention. | The Medart Co. has exclusive sale of the rules of Goal-Hi. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation rca/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach November 6, 1942 Ur. Weinsettel Sales er ; Fred Medart Manufecturing Co. St. Louis, Mo. “—— roe gs I am writing you regarding #135 Horizontal Bar with steel bars. It is listed at $14.00 in your catalogue MDI at winter 1940 prices. Will you please advise me if there any change in this price? . Is this complete with the floor plates or are the floor plates extra? I would appreciate your writing me at your early conveniences | Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg = Varsity Basketball and Daseball Coach Hovember 3, 1941 Mr. Roy Weinsettel Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. st. Louis, Moe Dear Roy, | Please find enelosed a post card from The r and Taylor Co. requesting a Goal-Hi rules book. Will you take care of this order? Thank yoUe Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach October 22,1941. Mr. Re E. Weingettel, Sales Production Manager, Fred Medart Manufacturing Coe, - St. Louis, ee Dear Roy: Tansten: Sex yoiet tae ete ae tp lean, I just have @ letter from Mr. E. 8. “Burt” DeGroot, Jr., in charge of physical training for the Fourth Air Force, at Riverside, California, in which he says: “The air base at Fresno has one of your GoaleHi standards, but the new athletic officer there has been unable te find the set of rules which should originally have come with it. If You have an extra copy of the rules I would ee, receiving one. As our facilities and equipment grow I intend to recommend o Goal-lit standard ; for all bases." 7 ‘oye won't you gent two of tho Goslntt rule Vooks to Iare DeGroot at 4057 Elmwood Court, Riverside, California, and he will see that the athletic officer of the air base at Fresno - gets then. I would like to ‘ci you qaltieate: itech he ig a prince of e gentleman and e real educator. He was in our dee » partment of physical education here for two years and made 4 great impression both as to work and as to intelligence. His father laid out: the fivet:playeraunt 45 Chteage ~ Mouth Park Playground. He is now on the Eenee 20 eperee OF The Dey Scouts of America in the West.” Burt DeGroot's brother is Dudley DeGroot, Ph.D., who was athletic director at San Jose Teachers College, and he as their football coach ran up the highest scores made in the United States last year. At present he is athletic director at Rochester University, Rochester, New York. You will remember Dr. DeGroot, I believe, because he refereed the HaCeAsA. Western Play-off between Kansas end the University. of Southern California. I would like to see you cultivate Dudley DeGroot at Rochester. Write him a letter and ask hin about Goal-lii. This is a fine family of pioneer physical dir- ectorse Thanking you for your attention to these details, I an Smepely yours, ciiutis at ested Wei thiie ial Berens, FCA:AH ee FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER Oct. 20, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog:— T have your letter of the 16th, and glad to know that Mrs. Allen as well as the other half of the’Allen combine were pleased over the increase in the quarterly royalty check. Concerning the reason for the increase in the number of Goal—Hi sales, I believe this is due to the fact that a number of buyers over the country wanted to beat the 10% Government Excise Tax that went into effect October lst, and hurried their orders in at the last mimte. Regarding the last question of your letter, the consumption of Goal-Hi standards has been quite general all over the country without any one source buying an unusual quantity. We get some business from the Army Camps. Kindest regards. Cordially yours, MANUFACTURING CO. REWs MS STEEL LOCKERS____STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS_____ GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Sept. 30, 1941 Mire Re Be Weinzoettel Sales Manager : Fred Medart Manufacturing Cos St. Louis, Ho. Dear Roy, I am in receipt of your letter from your Mr. Crosnoe referring to the Goal-Hi — from Miss Sarah Moss of New York City. Wili you kindly thank Mr. Crosnoe for his prompt attention te Miss Moss's second inquiry. \ I was sure that your company would give prompt attention to her order. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach oe 7. os 6 FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Loutrs, Mo. September 26, 1941 dict. 9/25 Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Pear Dr. Alien: In the absence of Roy Weinzettel, I am replying to your letter of September 24 in reference to Goal-Hi equipment for Miss Sarah Moss of New York City. In investigating this situation, I find that we had previously shipped Miss Moss a Goal-Hi unit to New York state and she again ordered two standards for shipment into Florida. Apparently our second letter advising her that the price in Florida would be slightly higher and asking for an acceptance of this price did not reach her, but a copy of that letter directed to her address in New York did come to her attention at a later date. We are just in receipt of a reply from her that enables us to go ahead with the transaction, so I believe that you can consider the incident closed. With cordial regards, I am Yours very truly, FRED T MANUFACTURING CO, er, Merchandising Division G. W.Crosnoe:in EC REATIONAL..........AND PHYSHCAL- FITINESS.£ QUIPM ESP oe Cae at ohtay ; bey eai a aaa es = nate ghee atiaiy ET SO oe ho eee i te ; : ; Sauna See sar BP aay ee ae Paattu ERI a aS ke oe ta ch Catan ean i go llee lea Soar hme ek Se ciara Ae ie ge an ad "© Hotel Beato Bway and 75th St, Ne¥.C. en kay fe - ee Sept. 6, 1941 Miss Sarah Moss 3 Director Aunt Sarah's Camp Dear iiss Moss, I an very happy to have your recent inquiry for Goal-Hi equipment. “ ¥ do not handle the sale of the Goal-Hi standards, but I am imme- diately sending your order on to the Fred Medart Manufacturing Cos - at St. Louis Mo. iI am sure that they will take care of your wishes , very promptly. I am gled to know that you are a booster of Goal-Hi. Very sincerely yours, A | Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation Poa/os - ‘Varsity Basketball Coach | Sept. 8, 1942 tir. Ro B. Weinzettel Sales Mangzer Fred Medart Co. St. Louis, Moe Dear Roy; I am enclosing a letter received this morning from Miss Sarah = Yoss, together with a carbon copy of my replys I trust thet you will have your oe tive take care of her order at once. Very sincerely yours, a : Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/ pg Varsity Basketball Coachs Sept. 24, 1941 Sales Manager Fred Medart Cc. Sts Louis, Hoe Dear Roy, I am enclosing a second request about Goal-Hi for Miss Sarah Mess and also a carbon copy of: my reply to her. I am sure that you will handle Miss Mos: order immediately. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Sept. 24, 1941 Miss Sarah Moss i Eotel Beacon, ace : Broadway and 75th St. New York, N. Ye Dear Miss Moss, [ad ‘i I am very sorry that you have as yet received no fe your eee sini two Goal-Hi standards. i Your first letter which we answered on Sept. 6 and nailed ta / a Pittsfield, Mass. was sent immediately to Mr. R. &. Heingettel ail \ \ This company is the maker of the Goal-fi. standards end wo asked \ ‘A Ure Weinsettel to have gs representative take care of your La order at once. cs ea \ again writing Mr. Weinsettel and am sending him a copy of 2 this letter and I am sure that you will hear from him very soon. _ \4 Sincerely yours, : A : i \ \ | pee Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCR/pe Varsity Basketball Coach Oct. 2, 1941 Miss Jane E. Harris Director Physical Education 2 alecaany Si City Public Schools Sioux City, Giws Dear Miss Harris, I am very sorry that I em unable to send you the rules for Goal-Hi. These booklets are distributed by the Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. of St. Louis, Mo., makers of the Goal-Hi stenderd. The rules sell for $1.00 per copy if purchased separately. If you are equipped with the stendard Gonl-ii device you should have received a copy of the rule book. I em forwarding your letter to the Medart people and I em sure that you will hear from them very promptly. Trusting that your students enjoy this ae of Goalplit I am Sineerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach SIOUX CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS SIOUX CITY, IOWA. PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JANE E. HARRIS, DIRECTOR October 1, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen: Will you kindly send me the rules for "Goal-Hi"? We are all equipped on all junior and senior high playgrounds and are anxious to play the game according to your rulés. Send the bill en4 I will gladly send the amount to you. JH/MJ October 16, 1941 Sales Manager oF Pred Medart Manufacturing Cos: Ste Louis, Mos Dear Roy, I certainly thank you for your good letter and your check as of October 9. You made Mrs. Allen extremely happy and I can tell by the tone of this letter that "my wife's husband” is equally s0. Yes, this check is substantially larger and for the pre« ceeding quarter I want to ask you to accept my thanks and appreciation and convey them to the “big Boss" and all of his office who so loyally work for him and with him. I am sorry that I did not get to see Gene Tunney when he was in Kansas City. I called him up and had a nice visit with » him when he was in St. Lovis and had a business talk with hin but it was not about Goal-Hi. I was interested in getting a young athletic director here in the Lawrence high school accepted as one of his 600 athletic directors who he was seleoting for his navy personnell. If I had had the opportunity I would have put in a Goal-Hi plug but did not. He told this young man, Maurice Cannady, thet he was very fond of me and glad to hear from mee He came on to Kansas City, but it was necessary that I call him in St. Louis because Maurice was to be called in the draft the next day had he not been accepted by Mr. Tumey. I was tied up with Masonic wort the night he was in Kansas City and could not get up to see him having had two speaking engage- ments, one with the Lawrence teachers earlier in the evening, and the Masonic meeting which closed just before midnight. I am wondering if you or one of your assistants could write me and let me know why Goal-Hi went on a boom in sales the last few weeks. Is it service orders, industrial consumption, high school sales, or what that have increased sales recently? I would appreciate Provi time to tine your giving me a break- down analysis showing w the consumption is taking place ‘ in one of those above n sources. Thanking you I em | Sincerely, — . ss | . Diredtor of Physical Education and Recreation | - Varsity Basketball Coach Sept. 30, 1941 Mr. R. Be Weingettel : - §ales Manager Pred Medart Manufacturing Co. St. Louis, Mo. Dear Roy, I am enclosing a copy of a letter pate ‘Bruee Cummings, coach at Benton High School, who asks about Goal-Hi. I have sent him all the printed material I hav@ here describing the equipment and I though possibly ¥ might like to have your sales — dell on him this fall. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach ° °o ae °o o FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louis, Mo. October 5, 1941 dict. 10/2 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lirector of Physical Education & Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We received your correspondence of September 30 directed to the at- tention of ir. Roy Weinzettel in which you advised that Mr. Bruce Gummings, Goach at Benton High School, was interested in GoalxHi equipment and that you had forwarded to him all the available prin- ted material. We wish to thank you very much for advising us of Mr. Cummings' in- terest, and we shall take immediate steps to bring this matter to the attention of our District Sales Supervisor for the State of Kansas, who will be very glad to see that Mr. Cummings is contacted by his nearest local Medart representative. Yours very truly, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING COMPANY Merchandising Divisim F, Medart:1n yo rae © dae © ee CR ee a REC RE ALLO N Al coe. AND: PHYSICAL: FIT N E:S/S:-£°Q-U0 PME NT September 26, 1941. St. Louis, Missouri. Dear Roy: I have just received a copy of Bulletin No. 9 on Health, Physical Education, and Recreation, published by the Missouri Publie School System, which contains a nice write-up on Goal-Hi. I would suggest that you write to Mr. Forrest G, Stith, Coordinator, Jefferson City, Missouri, and ask him to send you a copy. I am sure you will be inter- ested in reading it. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Big J eS FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Lours, Mo. Yctober 2, 1941 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Director of Physical Education & Recreation University of Kansas 4awrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; Your letter of September 26 directed to Roy Weinzettel in reference to Bulletin No. 9 on Health, Physical Education and Recreation as published by the Missouri Public School System was reccived in Roy's absence. Some months ago, Mr. Stibh, visited our factory, and I had the pleas-— ure of showing him over our plant and discussing matters of mutual interest. I am writing him and requesting a copy of this bulletin which I will pass onto Roy upon his return to the.ffice. With cordial regards, I am Yours very truly, ACTURING COMPANY FRED M T N ager, Merchandising Division G W. Crosnoesin SP ORF S.c2s esos REC REATAO (NDA L-o.o. 3. AND PHY SICAL. FEEN ESS) -E.0U0U PPM ENT ce Dr. Forrect C. Allen Dir. of Phy. Ed. and Recreation University of Kansas lawrence, Kansas September 10, 1941 Miss Sarah Moss, Director Aunt Sarah's Pittsfield, Massachusetts bear Miss Moss:;- Dr. Allen has forwarded to us your recent letter wherein you order two GoaleHi standards for your development “Cabana Homes" on Sunset Beach, St. Petersburg, Florida. Before we can enter your order for shipment, it will be necessary that we have additional information, Will you kindly advise us which type of Goal-Hi standard you neon We are | attaching hereto several circulars illustrating the verte ya mode 1s and will appreciate it if you will. advise us which tah ! or of sired. At the moment we cannot lecate our recor chase of Goal-Hi equipment. However, ts bought this Geal—Hi game for your camp vise that due to higher freight ra are slightly higher in the {oTlty California, New Mexico, AptZers ing, Colorado, and Flonfic Amos dike pi ¢! you we are ee Af orz pork RE ish both zone Ra! Zap preh mr zen order is to con= \, Morhae, ¢ iF price will apply. For instance, if you |p eV ff me ayle ens Goal-Hi with the ad- net cost Mo.b. Pittsfield, Ma ssachu- 50, Seneies Wile sane Wht shiggtd to 8. Peters-~ cost you $35.50. larly shipment of your order ot of advice as to type of standards desired, which applies in the State of Florida for There is one other bit of information which we would like to have to complete your order. it is our understanding that this equipment is to be shipped direct to Cabana Homes, Sunset Beach, St. Petersburg, Florida. rh of assumption in this matter is incorrect and you de— sire these 1-Hii standards shipped to same other point kindly ad~ fise when replying to this commnication. Yours very truly, CG oMKelly rs sith, athena Wie Saas at ee cl ibig aPR Re pe alle ac laa tua > RTA nett lo ais GS AEs. a is et = ieee gaa seman a i ciel aaa iy hctiiae LSpbay lain Gas Geert otae: er oe it ihe Ra dale i a