FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Lours, Mo. R, W. HIGGINS MANAGER APPARATUS AND GYM SEAT DIVISION November 28, 1941 Dict. 11-27 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Dir. of Physical Ed. and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Roy Weinzettel is out of town at this time and since he probably will be for the next couple of weeks, I am acknowledging receipt of your letter of the 24th to him and will see that Dr. A. E. Garrison receives the Goal-Hi Rules book you asked Roy to send along to him. Cordially yours, RWHsrs STEEL LOCKERS____STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING_____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS. GYM SEATS_____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS