January 9, 1941 Your letter of January 2 requesting a copy of our school catalogue has been receivede We have calied the Registrar's office and asked them to put your name on their mailing rere ee SH Rad FON Otay AF ee Sree HOR aee T am sure you will hear from them soos Simerely yourn, Tirector of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coseh PeAslg NATIONAL RECREATION ASSOCIATION Founded 1906 AS THE PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA 315 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY TH ANNIVERSARY January 2, 1941 Mr. Forrest Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mr. Allen We are interested in keeping up to date on courses in community recreation. We understand that you are offering some training in this field ani would appreciate being placed on your mailing list to receive a copy of the school catalogue. Sincerely yours We Ce. Sutherland wes :SS hi SiN a cs Suiemichs ce Sara ails eee jes she She JOHN G. WINANT, FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT GusTAVUS T. KIRBY, TREASURER F. W. H. ADAMS NEW YORK, N. Y. F. GREGG BEMIS BOSTON, MASS. MRS. EDWARD W. BIDDLE CARLISLE, PA. _ MRS. ROBERT WOODS a OFFICERS _ROBERT GARRETT, SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT ET mE 2g i) ie 2 w ; ba ae sw MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS, THIRD VICE-PRESIDENT HOWARD BRAUCHER, SECRETARY BOARD OF DIRECTORS AUSTIN E. GRIFFITHS SEATTLE, WASH. MRS. NORMAN HARROWER FITCHBURG, MASS. MRS. MELVILLE H. HASKELL TUCSON, ARIZ. ness wmsuicntaaN erty. IND. ea aa - OTTO T. MALLERY s% io 45) PHILADELPHIA, PAL “WALTER A. MAY | PITTSBURGH, PA. CARL E. MILLIKEN | AUGUSTA, .ME, = _ MRS. OGDEN L. MILLS . a7 N.Y, ase APNE. D.C. é 4 Ieee rettaed INP. Ho te eor se: wt breemc: gx, Bias Site SSRs Hert Fol % ~ ienbh s MRs. wisi purretwont ; - uks MINA” bist HUGHES ns ae ANC! neice, "ea Lr. MOLINE, ILL. fatean. foanaar weer ORANGE, Neds a etiase. os ; HENRY L. CORBETT PORTLAND, ORE. MRS. ARTHUR G. CUMMER JACKSONVILLE, FLA. F,. TRUBEE DAVISON : LOCUST VALLEY, N. Y. HARRY P. DAVISON NEW YORK, N. Y. ROBERT GARRETT Le aaa BALTIMORE, MD. ROBERT GRANT, 3RD JERICHO, L. I., N. Y. one iN D. JAMESON HILL, N. H. GUSTAVUS T. KIRBY NEW YORK, N. Y. * (Fie peeve aa HUGH Me K. LANDON. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. MRS. CHARLES D. LANIER GREENWICH, CONN, oe ROBERT LASSITER CHARLOTTE, N. Cc. SUSAN M. LEE s BOSTON, MASS. MRS. J. W. WADSWORTH WASHINGTON, D. C, J.C. WALSH NEW YORK, N. Y. FREDERICK M. WARBURG NEW YORK, N. Y. JOHN G.WINANT | CONCORD, N. H. .... STANLEY WOODWARD WASHINGTON, D, ¢, sesamin atonal . Pebruary 27, 1941 kre Roy Fe inzettel Seles Promotion Manager Pred Medart Manufacturing Coe Seint Louis, Missouri Dear Poy: I find that I have not answered your letter of VYebruary 12 regerding running the exhitition for the National Basketball Coaches Association Convention on Merch 24 and 25. Frankly, Rey, I vould not discourage your spending good money, but since this mecting will be in New York, I am very sure thet only about half of the coaches will attend. The Yestern hasketbal] Championship of the Bational Collegiate Association will be held in the Municipal auditorium in Kensas City on Merch 21 and 226 ‘Thet will keep the coeches from east of the Mississivopi “ere largely, and then the National Play-Off will be in Kansas City on Merch 29 between the East erd the Vest. Also the Netional Lasketball Rules Committee will meet in Kansas City at the time of the Final Ghempionship Play-Off. fo the only thing thet will be held in New York will be the coaches’ meeting and Nat Holmen, the New Yor Yiddish general and Ballyhoo artist, will tell you thet there will be « big meeting, but I think it will be a flop. Frankly, I would not spend my money for an exhibit of the fan-shaped backboard or Gosl-#i for the smell attendance thst they will heve, uniess you went to, of course. But if it was «sy money I would save ite Our basketball team is not so hot and I am not expecting to finish eny better than in a three way tie. If we get it I will be tickled to deathe Sincerely yours, PCA:lg:min- Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coech FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louris, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER February 12, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": John Hatton, of Kansas City, wrote me a day or two ago, inviting us to exhibit during the National Basketball Coaches Association Convention in New York on March 24 and 25, We are a little bit in the dark concerning this convention, and I wonder if you can give me any information. I'd like to know how many coaches regularly attend this National Meeting and, in- cidentally, will you be among those present? I, of course, remember the meeting that was held in Kansas City last year, at the time of the Basketball Rules Committee Meeting. The thought was advanced by Hatton that we might display our fan shaped basketball backboard and the Goal-Hi unit to good advantage. Anything you can tell me, "Phog", will be very much appreciated. Cordiall ur's REW: je P.S. I note from the local papers that Kansas is going right along its merry way in the Big Six basketball race. I am still hoping to accept that invitation to sit on the sidelines with this out- standing team, and its coach, if I can ever catch up with them. STEEL LOCKERS.___ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING____GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS , AS < are em April 12, 1942 It was with genuine pleasure that I received a letter from you and your firm as of April 7 enclosing a check for $310.52, covering royalties due us for the first quarter of 1941, Thank you so much for thibs This morning I wrote Mrse Allen a check for $155.26, covering her half, and I kmow thet she got quite a wallop out of this as it cives her pin money to spend on the youngsterse And I say pin money because Jane came hone from Chicago lest night and Mrse Allen spoke for my car so that she might drive to Mansas City tomorrow and buy some clothese When & woman buys clothes for Jane and Fleanor, if she has any pin money left, it will be the 267 and not the $1552008 Thanks, Roy, for you and your firm's contributions I am heartily agreeing with you that the full enclosure of the base, which is open now, will be a definite improvemente I saw that difficulty and it was a real problem, but this eliminates that eltogethere I will also be glad to know what changes you have mde in the headpiece, ag I realize your i of experts are constantly bent on improving their produtte I trust you and your family will heve @ very pleasant Masters I would thank you to remenber me kindly to Mire Medart and his — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAslg FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louris, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL : SALES PROMOTION MANAGER April 7 3 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog";: Enclosed find our check in the amount of $310.52, covering royal- ties due you for the first quarter of 1941. You will note from statement that accompanies check that this pay-— ment to you represents the usual 5% on a basis of total sales during this period of $6,210.47. I am also in receipt of your edited story of "There Is Only One 'Phog' Allen Game of Goal—Hi." We are going to work this into a folder that is now being developed, which in turn will list a couple of important improvements that we are making in the game, It is a little early to let this information out, so I give it to you in confidence. We are going to have a new fully enclosed base instead of the open base, which will eliminate possibility of player stumbling over the ribs of the old base, and are also chang- ing the headpiece slightly. More about that later, "Phog," and meanwhile, hope you can put this check to good advantage. ii a oe n Manage REWs: je Enc. STEEL LOCKERS____ STEEL WARDROBES____ STEEL SHELVING____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS_____ GYM SEATS____. BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Ya ko iad. fst FP hd Gol farn 3 Be we Ke, Ks ngs ss FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louts, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER May 8 ‘ 1941 Dr. Forrest C, Allen University of Kansas i eenenernennetntecncvien Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog"; I think it would be opportune for you to write Gene Tunney, Lt. Comdr. Mahan, at Jacksonville, and Fnsign J. W. Stack, JYe, at Pensacola, regarding their experience with Goal-—Hi now that they have had an opportunity to play the game for a period of time. Possibly we could get a lead on what reaction they are ex~ periencing that might make it possible for our salesman in that area to pull in a good order. Will you give this some thought, "Phog," and write these three people if you agree with my reasoning. REWs: je P.S. Bill Robinson is anxious to have three or four extra prints of your picture. You remember that we use this in our advertising and I wish you would send these to me post haste, please, as we have occasion to make some new cuts for our magazine advertising and need an illustration afyou. STEEL LOCKERS____STEEL WARDROBES_____ STEEL SHELVING____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____ GYM SEATS_____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS Mire Poy E. Weinsettel Seles Promotion Manager — Fred Medart Manufecturing Company Ste Louis, Missouri Dear Mre Yeinsettel: Enclosed find a gopy of a letter from Mre John A. Neill, Principal, Weyne Street School, Lewistown, Pennsylvania, which speaks for itself. I om -ls0 enclosing = copy of the letter I have on this date written to ‘r. Neill. I eam sure thet, unless he hes purchased a vutes book, you will be gled to send sim & complimentery copy of the seme. Sincerely yours, PCA:re:min Director of Physical Education and Recreation 2incle Versity Basketball and Baseball Coach Mrs John As Neill, Principal Wayne Street School Lewistown, Pennsyivania 7 Dear Mre Neill: . We are on this date sending a copy of your letter to ire Roy Ee einsettel, Sales Promotion Meneger, Fred Medart Manufacturing Compeny, “te Louis, Missouri, and I am sure thet he will be glad to mail you © complimentary copy of the rules booke {ineerely yours, FCA:re:min Director of Physical Education end Recreation Varsity Besketball and Baseball Coach LEWISTOWN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Cate, & 5. mP LEWISTOWN, PA, WAYNE. STREET AND. BRATTON AVENUE May 6 ‘ 1941 OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL Dr. Forrest C. Allen Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: We have been using your game, "Goal-Hi", and we like it very much; but, however, by some hook or crook, we have mislaid the official rules book. Will you kindly send me, at your earliest convenience, a book of rules. Very truly yours, ys John A. Neill, Prin. Wayne Street School Lewistown, Penna. | peapspoan* : pele. grLos May 19th, 1941 Hr. R. BE, Weinsettle Sales Promotion Manager % Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. Dear Sir: I am sending to you umder separate cover, three glosses of Dr. Allen. | He is out of town but asked that I write you stating that he would write upon his retura. Sincerely Forrest C. Allen:-Secretary dune 19th, 1941 Fred Mehart Mfg. Company Seint Louis Kissouri Dear Mr. Weingettel: We're sending you two Irom Pommels which we ‘wish you would cover with leather. : Will you kindly furnish us with an estimate é so that we can send the order into you? This is a State requirement. Sincerely yours, June 24th, 1941 Mr, W. A. Robinson Advertising Manager Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. Saint Louis, Missouri Dear Bill: I find that I have failed to answer your good letter of the 13th instant and I'm sending you correction on the attached proof. Bill, I believe that it would be well to make this read "Doctor Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach of the University of Kansas". If you want to leave Baseball out, it's O.K. by me. ‘ I noticed that I won Championships in twenty one or twenty seven years of coaching. I coached thirty four years and won twenty seven Championships. I imagine this statement was concerning my coaching at the University of Kansas, but in my all time record, I won twenty seven out of thirty four Championships. You can handle that as you like. We tied for the Championship again this year, you know. Why not say that Doctor Allen was past President of the Nationa] Basketball Coaches Association and for years was also Chairman of the Research Committee of the National Basketball Rules Committee of the United States and Canada and also Chairman of the Research Committee of the National Basketball Coaehes Association. For nine years I was Chairman of the Rules Committee of the Fifth District N.C.A.A. I am not now Chairman of Basketball for the Fifth Digtrict N.C.A.A. but I have coached longer than any Basketball Coach in the United States in any college that I know of and I have won more Championships than any coach in any League in the United States. Of course, Bill, I'm not boasting about this but you wanted the facts and these are facts. My kindest regards to the Medart family, both personal and commercial. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCA:re FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Loutrs, Mo. W. A. ROBINSON June 13, 1941 ADVERTISING MANAGER Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc"; We are, at the present time, working on a new Goal-Hi catalog and as you will remember, on page two of the present catalog we included a paragraph concerning the originator of Goal-Hi as per the attached proof. Sometime has elapsed since this original copy was written and no doubt some of your titles have changed in the meantime, and we ask that you please make the necessary corrections on the attached and return it to us at your earliest convenience. This new catalog will include the new style Goal-Hi base which we hope will help to increase the sale of this item and as soon as the new catalog is printed, I will see that a few copies are forwarded to you for your file. Kindest personal regards. LY, ye ph? - Advertising Manager WAR :Jc STEEL LOCKERS____ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING___GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS G@AL-HI AMERICA’S NEW, YEAR ’ROUND, INDOOR AND OUTDOOR PLAY-GAME.... ¢ NOT A HIGH GEARED SPORT — Suitable for girls as well as for boys! ¢ FOR PLAYERS OF ALL AGES — Elementary School students enjoy Goal-Hi as much as University men and women! ¢ A MASS PLAY GAME — Not limited to small formal teams—Entire gym classes or playground groups play Goal-Hi! Originated by THE NATION’S LEADING BASKETBALL AUTHORITY Goal-Hi is New Sport Invented. By Dr. Allen’ Lawrence, Kan., July 14 (ap)—Dr. F. C. Allen, versatile Kansas U. coach who’s always tinkering with basket- ball, has come to the rescue of unlucky | mitted in this area without penalty. canes who toss goals into opponents ; When a coal Bee the oe is Goal-hi, a variation of basketball, eflected bac Lee ule court by 4 has only one goal and it’s the target metal cone. Thus there is no letup of both sides. The new sport made /| 25 12 the regular cage sport. its debut last night with former col-| Players who commit fouls are lege stars mixing it in a strenuous| placed in a penalty box for a time, 41 to 40 contest. as in hockey, leaving their team/ The game is played on a circular| mates short. jf court 50 feet in diameter. There is a 6-foot circle around the goal, which has no backboard. No player is per- INTRODUCE NEW GAME EE Demonstration of Goal-Hi Basket- A Word... concerning the GOAL-HI HAS ITS DEBUT oo DR. FG ALLE es N OF KAN THE GAME’S INVENT es OR, e . ae ball Tonight at K. U. originator of i) Gon re est Played at Lawren ——_—_—_——_—__ G@ALHI Wilts wkers Defeat Ce, 293 me : ca S, 41 t *Goal-Hi a new, basket e: pre Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical \ a $278 2 . . . | ee tere eC: ongingted DY uiplic for the first time, Education and Varsity Basketball sen ight, July 18, at 8:30 p.m. chu ee emonstration will be pave’ theast corner ee wih two teams composed of rhe f : ¢ es : : of Kansa b ‘ en, Universit Y ts participat- has had the longest period of services : S basketball ¢ ty ne 7 es Wildcats. of any collegiate basketball coach. His introduction to cach, had its i : ; a or ame, 18 played either in_ sihdoors around a goal of tee od size and nee mounted a ie : poe edestal surr eae differant SI cle he rea is included Seat diameter and is known as foul this area without penalty. ae ae ond area is limited by a space eae in diameter which is known a8 e free-throw area and this ell, a in play at all times. After a 10U. an been committed the shooter, | ae throw his shot from any place 1 in favor of the Jayhawhes to 40 . a h : feet radius line. The outside has contributed unstintingly of his uy “ - shooting hee eae very are 0 fect in diam ice be enthusiasm, knowledge, leadershipand | ing bean a score is made the Onno. space corresponds Oe vee loyalty for more than thirty-seven years. and score oes to grab the ball tween the free throw lines of a ree ee lar basketball court. The goal is an open target from is deflected on entering the goal is de : aa Tito the court immediately me metal cone, thereby ne ee ey continuous. he game WH! | heal The game is to,be plevie minutes, yen and one-hi The oes quarters will be pay with the present basketball ee while the last two will ee ae under a new system which - aa the player eg ae ee a box for on 7 : 2 ee cintiler to hockey regulations. on the playing field nder the terday afternoon on the Stadium al Upon entering ¢ - The _ The ey he public is Field with Billy Andlauer, Paramount lected out into the cone Fae ae lights at 8:3 ed. and there will be Newsreel photographer, shooting 1000 Th y the, a metal cone, thereb ee cordially imviteCand parking room. feet of the new game invented by Der tie, Play continuous ae ample will officiate: Dr. F. C. Allen. Principals in the haities i : tr ing are the two squads: Sar: Bob Allen, Gerald Barker, Lee Casida, Dean Ne ack Max Replogle, Bob Klawu ee Connor, Virgil Wise, and i. : OE Dick Harp, Ee ae and, Ken Senter, Dave Shir ae Masoner, Charles Linden, J ohn ; Bill Arthur, and Al Emch. Coach of the University of Kansas, better known wherever basketball is played or discussed as ‘‘Phog’’ Allen, teams have won championships in twenty-one of his twenty-seven years of coaching. Dr. Allen was for two years President of the National Association of Basketball Coaches and is now Chairman of the Research Committee of the National Basketball Committee of the United States and Canada. He is also Chairman of Basketball from the 5th District of the N. C. A. A. Dr. Allen is widely in demand as a speaker and instructor of the game to which he GOAL-HI AND ATHLETES MAKE FILM DEBUT FOR PARAMOUNT NEWS Goal-Hi made its film debut yes- film are a group of Kansas Univer- sity and Haskell Indian athletes. Fans of the popular new game will get another chance to see it in action tonight when the Gunners, captained by “Odd” Williams meet the Artil- lerymen. These teams are made up of younger boys. A still younger group will play tomorrow night when the two teams which played such a close game last week will meet again. i —"Goal- vised by Dy basketball Variati oal Yonieht as two as ots Tsity and former Vv. A Players fro arsity basketball schools comp ae, Ores ground befo matel Neck - a periods, t the goal post “toot circle is around a composes th oe Part of the § € remaining the space Here and corresponds to Ines of a regular e goal is an o are committing committeed : Gerald Bai two periods. ersity pla game, ae vice) world €ams composed of re a crowd of. Y 800 spectator 7 nd-neck + he final scor Hough Pproxi- te basketball, na field fifty moeome ty feet in en the free ¢ basketball ue oe pen target from i any the Peualty is pl < one ker, former Ott i ‘ awa uni- ', was the star of he Copyright 1939 Fred Medart Mfg. Co. June 24th, 1941 Mr, W, A. Robinson Advertising Venager Pred Nedart “enufacturing Co. | Saint Louis, Missouri | ase Dear Bill: I find that I have failed to answer your good letter of the 15th instant and I'm sending you correetion on the attached proof. Bill, I believe that it would be well to make this read "Doctor Forrest ©. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach of the University of Kansas, ete." If you want to leave Paseball out, it's O.k. by me. I noticed that I won Championships in twenty one or twenty sever yoars of coechinge I coached thirty four years and won twenty seven Ghampionships. I imagine this statement was concerning ny coaching at the University of Kansas, but in my all time record, I won twenty seven out of thirty; four Championships. You can handle that as you like. We tied for the Championship egain this year, you knoWs Why not say that Doctor Allen wes past President of the ational Basketball Coaches Association anc for years was Chairman of the Netional Basketball Rules Cormittee of the United States and Canada and also Chairman of the Research Committee of the National Basketball Coaches Associaticn. . I em not now Chairman of the Basketball for the Fifth Digtrict WeCeAsds but I have coached longer then any Besketball Coach in the United Stetes in any college that I imow of and I have wom more Championships than any coach in any League in the United States. Of course, Bill, I'm not boasting about this but you wanted the facts and these are facis. My kindest regerds to the Medart family, both personal end comercial. : : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches FCA:re dune 25th, 1941 My. We Ae Robinson Advertising Manager Fred Medart Manufacturing Co. Saint Lovis, Missouri — Dear Bills Will you give the inclosed correspondence to Roy Weinsettel or the necessary party who hendles it? With kindest personal regards, I an, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation-Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. FCAsre ‘Dr. Forrest C. Aller Unive sity of Kansas Gawrence, Kansas dune 27, 1941 Mrs John BE, Blackstone ay Infaniny sh Division, Morale Officer Taggatt Ullitary Reservation APO APO #3; tine sale Li has been directed to our atvention ty Dre ii Rul s Book and th Spa scae cae Sinee the game Goal~Hi has been on the standa.ds have been sold to high schools, ant boblegs sie tate Tag a he iti ) for itself in army and navy recreation programs. As Dir. Allen pointed out in his letier of the 25th» Several Goalelil standards ee ee ce a Kenaas, and under 26 te ee “Se Gea ghive atty of li dawrence, Kansas Mr. John E. Blackstone Captain, Infantry — Sea Boviddons Sevehe Greinds Hunter laoeatt Uilitary Reservation APO #3, wane bay ne Your Anguisy ¢ ai 17 in which you requested the ettiathl vdtee for the oBl~ii has been directed to our attention by Dre Offiei es ‘eli, RUL 8 Look and the stendard or basket. No special ba Ha any regulation basketball a Since the game Goal~iii has been on the ahh shou 2nd standa:ds have been sold to high schools, and college through be Ba the United States and with the initiation of our present Goal-Hi equipment has found a definite place for itse in army and navy recreation programs. | As Dre Allen pointed out in his letier of the 25th, Several Goal-ili standards were sent to the naval air training stetion © mat catia eee Be oe ee ee we feel sure that Goal~Hi will fit very into your canp athletic progr a ee or your order for this equipment. We also manufacture other itens of athletic, recrea and health equipment and if you would be interested in receiving our genpral literature on these items we would be glad to for oe ae ee ep Yours very truly, of the Universi, f Kansas, and under separate ~ INN* \ a : f Po July 22, 1941. Hr, R, Higgins, Memager, | Apparatus 2 Gym Seat Division, | Fred Medert Manufacturing Cos, | A Sti wanton iMissourls Deax ltrs Higgins: i i \ I heave your favor of the 2lst instant \ 7 a) if 4 | \. HH} i : regarding _ ‘the basketball scoreboard for the Aruy at Scott Field, Tllinois. : T would yeoumend that you have ts socrshoura in rr ee eee ee er ee You could run right through first and second quarters, whi would be the half, and therbhe third end fourth quarters would be the second half. ‘The college rules make it optional for the game to be played in either quarters or halves. The college rules use ten-minute quarters and twenty-mimte halves, and the high school is thet it would half and with your regulating device a2 show quirters by vottuh tven Ge tikes You will understand that college gemes are played in ten-minute quarters. Aside from this I can seo mo regson why every scoreboard should not be built to account for quarters and ‘wented to play in halves to let them do so. I trust that I have made this plain. If I have not, write me again and I at é Sincerely yours, eet af es Seales Sf ee oy es oe | FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Louris, Mo. R. E. WEINZETTEL SALES PROMOTION MANAGER August 13, 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear “Phog":- I have your letter of July 31, with enclosures, from Uruguay and find all of this material very interesting. We do not have patents in South America and at the time we originally went into this question, we found that the patents were quite expensive and we did not think the potential volume justified our attempting to develop that market. Kindest regards. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. REWs MS STEEL LOCKERS_____STEEL WARDROBES_____ STEEL SHELVING_____ GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____ GYM SEATS_____ BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____ PLAYGROUND APPARATUS