April 12, 1942 It was with genuine pleasure that I received a letter from you and your firm as of April 7 enclosing a check for $310.52, covering royalties due us for the first quarter of 1941, Thank you so much for thibs This morning I wrote Mrse Allen a check for $155.26, covering her half, and I kmow thet she got quite a wallop out of this as it cives her pin money to spend on the youngsterse And I say pin money because Jane came hone from Chicago lest night and Mrse Allen spoke for my car so that she might drive to Mansas City tomorrow and buy some clothese When & woman buys clothes for Jane and Fleanor, if she has any pin money left, it will be the 267 and not the $1552008 Thanks, Roy, for you and your firm's contributions I am heartily agreeing with you that the full enclosure of the base, which is open now, will be a definite improvemente I saw that difficulty and it was a real problem, but this eliminates that eltogethere I will also be glad to know what changes you have mde in the headpiece, ag I realize your i of experts are constantly bent on improving their produtte I trust you and your family will heve @ very pleasant Masters I would thank you to remenber me kindly to Mire Medart and his — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach FCAslg