Oklahoma High School Athletic Association Member of National Federation of High School Athletic Associations OFFICERS BOARD OF CONTROL A. C. WIEMER, DRUMRIGHT, PRESIDENT Leet. Ae ee WALTER P. MARSH, EL RENO 314 KEY BUILDING * WM. EARL WHITE, HASKELL, VICE-PRESIDENT cebu oaeLe REX O. MORRISON. ADA DEWITT WALLER, ENID, TREASURER : W. D. JOHNSON, SKIATOOK OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. November 27, 1939 Dr. F. C, Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allens In order that I mey get a more clear understanding of the rule, will you please me a ruling on the following situation: A-1l is dribbling from the back court to the front. The ball bounces in the front court clear of the line, but the player's feet are still in the back court. Player again gives impetus to the bell and it again bounces free of the line in the front court, while at least one foot of the player is on or back of the division line. Is this legal? Yours truly, | EK. ANDERSON, Secretary L“a/f