FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING Co. POTOMAC AND DE KALB STREETS SAINT Loutrs, Mo. nie Sree ioe wiacee July Fly 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: Enclosed find our check covering your expenses to Chicago and this will also serve to advise that I find you will have your quotation on the two basketball scoreboards within the next day or so at the outside. Just returned this morning from the trip that brought us together and as yet have not had an opportunity to dis- cuss the matter you and I covered when the meeting was over in the Congress Hotel. Will write you fully within the next day or two. Cordially yours, FRED MEDART MANUFACTURING CO. ee a oe omotion Manager REW/AC Ene. STEEL LOCKERS __ STEEL WARDROBES____STEEL SHELVING___.GYMNASIUM APPARATUS____GYM SEATS____BASKETBALL BACKSTOPS____PLAYGROUND APPARATUS