Affiliated NATIONAL HOTELS Alabema Birmingham HOTEL THOMAS JEFFERSON Mobile HOTEL ADMIRAL SEMMES District of Columbia iegcad HOTEL WASHINGTON HOTEL PAXTON New Mexico is HOTEL CLOVIS Oklahoma klahoma City OKLAHOMA BILTMORE Wewoka HOTEL ALDRIDGE South Carolina Columbia HOTEL WADE HAMPTON Brownwood HOTEL BROWNWOOD HOTEL SOUTHERN Cisco HOTEL LAGUNA Marlin HOTEL FALLS San Angelo HOTEL neigh San Ai ANGELES COURTS Virginia Mountain Lake Hi MOUNTAIN LAKE —_—_—_ x * fore, Paxnon Operated By Nebraska National Hotel Company Omana, NEBRASKA Office of PAT MILLER, Manager November 18, 1942 Dr. Forest Cc. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Voc: In @otober I wrote to Gwin submitting rates, etc., for the accommodations of the basketball squad during their Omaha visit. A copy of this letter was for- warded to youe fe surely are take. care of your requirements, arid elthourh I know the time for the game is: ouite a wey off, I would appreciate very much hear- ing from you. ae The Paxton is aenetdened athl etic headquarters for all visiting teams. ‘My past coaching experience enables me to be familiar with needs of the squad. May I hear from you? December 9, 1942. Honorable Payne Ratner, Office of the Governor, . opeke, Kansase Dear Governor Payne: Sinee we do not have a printed basketball schedule I am sending you a typed copy of the same. We are playing Creighton University here on December loth. I trust you can get down for that game and to all other games when pessible. I assure you it will be a distinct honor and a pleasure, as it always is, to have you with us. With kindest personal regards to yourself and family, I am : Sinserely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. STATE OF KANSAS PAYNE RATNER OFFICE OF THE GOVERNOR GOVERNOR - TOPEKA December 5, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I will appreciate your sending me a copy of the current basketball schedule. As long as possible, I want to continue seeing the games. With best regards to yourself and family, I am Sincerely, Deceziber 9, 1942. Mr. Bob Pierce, 1011 Indiana st., very sure that Dean Lawson will be fair, and when it is ascertained that the advisor, laboring under the impression that you should not have credit because you were not of military age, advised you in- correctly then I am sure the discrepancy will be straightened out to your satisfaction. Assuring you it was a pleasure to mest your mother, and hoping that all these things will be ironed out to your satis- faction, I am : : Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Bduoation, PCA:AH | Vareity Basketball Coach. Deoember 9, 1942. . hil: Prag] i ebthaes, aa is ts lial I tite ed Hight i i adits THO itil, sue Hi uit > 32 5 wag i Bit tea Hilal fits po i na ae Faas Hai | ‘ Ae Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. InG6 Decenber 10, 1942. 1500 Professional Bldg., Dear Dr. Peete: Thank you very much for your kindness in sending the prescription for Orange Ointment. : Hope you have r eived your tickets from Jimy he would take care of then. a g ote Ee Very cordially yours, : Director of Physical Education, POA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ORANGE OINTMENT Mercury Sulphide Red Sulphur Precipitated Bengoic Acid Salicylic Acid Lanolin Petrolatum White qs M.f.t. Unge Sig: Apply as directed. ere 1g gr. 45 gre 30 gr. 22% dr. 25 Mager e Bon Carlos Peete M. B. OFFICE ISO0O PROFESSIONAL BUILDING RESIDENCE 4140 CAMBRIDGE PuHone Vili4s5 PHONE LOGAN 1153 FOR _DATE R ADORESS_ Orange Ointment Mercury Sulphide Rea gr. 13 Sulphur Precipitated gre 45 Benzoic Acid gre 30 Salicylic Acid gr. 225 Lanolin dr. 24 Petrolatum White qs Obs & Mists Unge Sig: Apply as directed. see. a Oa ce Ph. Victor 0655 —Zvaris E. Steinhauer — 216 East 12th St EXCLUSIVE PROFESSIONAL PHARMACISTS “aim CONDITIONED” OPPOSITE TOWER THEATRE DON CARLOS PEETE, M. D. SERRE 1500 Prof. Bldg. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI December 8, 1942. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phogs: I am enclosing the prescription for Orange Ointment, which you requested. Thanks very much for the good time we had together Saturday night. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, oN Don Carlos Peete, M.D. October 275 1942. Officer Tr School, Cemp Davis, He &. Dear Jolmmy: i am not going to write you a long letter, Johnny, as much as I would like to. ‘e are pretty busy with our physical condition- _ p are only hoping that we heve strength d 1 3 With all good wishes to you and yours, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, Varsity Basketball Coach. g E CAMP CALLAN SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA = é J é - OQnudereliaad WR Clea, «2 < pllbc Aer er Ae I Zed hatleliny fern OL. November 16, 1942. Prentice-Hall, Ince, 70 Fifth Avemw, New York City, H.¥. Dear Sirs: I am returning to you, under separate cover, the examination copy of "Bducetion for Safe Living", which you kindly sent me in October. I appreciate the opportun- ity to look at this book, and while I found it very interest~ ing, we do not think it best to purchase a copy at this time. Thanking you for your courtesy, I am Very sincerely yours, | 3 Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 10, 1942. Mr. Ray Pierson, Burlington, Kansas. Dear “Red”: I am very sorry that I missed you when you _ Stopped by my office a week ago Saturday, the day of the Nebraska game. It would have been a pleasure to chat.with you, end I hope the next time you in Lawrence I may have that opportunity. With best wishes, I an Sincerely yours, | | Director of Physical Education, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball Goach. _ : | October 19, 1942. Dr. Don Carlos Peste, Argyle Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dr. Peete: I don’t know whether you have changed ever to the Medical Arts Building or not, but if so I am sure this will be forwarded to you. T am enclosing « copy of our revised basketball sohed- ule, together with the Santa Fe train schedule, so that you can make your plans to attend our games. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCA:Al Varsity Basketball Coach, — October 19, 1942. Urs. Don Carlos Peete, 4140 Caubridge, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mra. Peete: I am sending you herewith a copy of our revised basket- ball schedule, together with a Santa Fe train schedule. I hope Se ee ee es Garg wer basketball season. . With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physieal Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. October 15, 1942. Lt, Dan Partner, Naval Pre-Plight School, Ss - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. ©. 3 Dear Deniel: Having received The Southern Coach and Athlete from editor Dwight Feith, I notice on page 16 your dissertation. ZI am on the advisory board for this publication, so naturally I am interested in all that is contained in this very fine magazine. You did a very nice job and I congratulate you on it. Lt. Dan Partner looks like a million dollars sitting on the front row with a very dignified and foreeful expression. I read Mac's colum and am always eager to learn some- thing from the old general down at Chapel Hill. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH - Varsity Basketball Coach. U.S.NAVY PRE-FLIGHT SCHOOL IOWA CITY, IOWA September 16, 1942 Dear Dr. Allen, Received your kind letter and was very glad to hear from you and Mrs. Allen. Due to circumstances beyond my control it will be impossible for Betty and me to visit you this weekend. We will make every effort possible to visit with you before winter sets in. Wish you success during the coming basketball season. Betty wishes to be remembered to you and Mrs. Allen. Yours trul brsod igre — ELWOOD PITZER Lieut. (jg), USNR Dr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Avenue Lawrence, Kansas - if a ~® Septexber 9, 1942. Lieut. (jc) Dan Partner, ; U. Se Navy Pro Plight Sehool, ; Chapel Hill, Ne Cc, : Dear Daniels oo How, regarding the Goal-Hi. ‘Yes, sirreo, I think it is just the game that you want. Gene Tunney incorporated it into his gemes at I certainly do remember Johmny Sabo. Give hin my best wishes and remember me kindly to Roland Logan. ; 4 ® by " | ale i a f 5 8 fing | 4 | ill q as : shia by tale, ee Hi oa ea ie Dires Phys perry ) yeical Educati bell Coach. Of, . Sincere ly yours - Hy good wishes th all i ( : : wi » I om Address all communications to Commanding Officer and Refer to: ; U. S. NAVY PRE FLIGHT SCHOOL CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA 27 August 1942 Dear Phog: This is to report that everything is swell with the Partners and that we hope the same is true of the Allens. With football about to get under- way my work is beginning. to increase and it won't be long until the big rush is on. We rented a small house,our funhiture finally arrived from Kansas City and we now are in the process of getting squared away for a stay here. We both like it here st'S a Gozy. little town and a grand personnel on the station, However,it is next to the impossible to get good meats or fresh vegatables and being Kansans, we find that hard to take. Phog, there's 2a search on for some games to be played on the flight decks of aircraft carriers. The pilots need exercise and the relaxation that physical activity provides. Volleyball,softball and basketball are being played now but there's a hugh loss of balls that go over the side into the Big Drink. I talked with Lieut. Roland Logan about: it .dast night and hit upon the idea of using your Goal-~Hi game. I've never seen it played and don't know whether it would solve the lost-ball problem but am sure oe. could tell .me. Remember Johnny Sabo sonee an assistant grid coach at Kansas? He's. Lieut. Gomdr. Sabo here,in charge of the mass exercises and. insta programs. Mrs. Partner joins me’ ‘in sending best regards to you,lirs, Allen, peers, and lir. and Mrs. Mitt. Sincerely yours, Zc ~C Fe ee ar ra Lieut.(jg) Dan Partner September 12, 1942. -_, (je) Elwood Pitzer, of | | Box 15, | U.8.N. inka sc a School, Towa City, Town. . It was indeed a pleasant surprise to heer from you from Iowa City. I took your letter home and read it to lrs, Allen and Eleanor. Eleanor is the only child we have at home and she will soon be leav- ee ee eee oe ee er She is majoring im psyohology. Bobby is on his sophomore medicine there and will be a junior in Merch. Naturally, when Bob enrolled at Pennsylvania, Eleanor wanted to go more, Te You ae Sediags Pues re She Mate Ure. Allon was quite interested in the Irisiman, Bremen, fron Notre Dame. Jane is married and living in Chicago, but of course Mrs. Allen will write Jame end tell her all about you and your contacts. I met Bremman when I was through Chicago once. We had a short visit with him when he was with Jane. I think he is a fine fellow. Jane is taking civilian f end hag a number of hours in the air. Her husbend is a pilot. Oe ee a oe ee cs ee Art School in Chicago. We Shin ahe he is quite a girl, 2 Mawy is living in Palo Alto with her femily - husband and three children. they ave getting to be quite well along in age and size. We would be delighted to see you and Betty when you come down for the Pre~-Flight School ~ Kansas game on September 19. We also . play the Pre-Flight School basketball team in Kansas City on January 29th. I am sending you a copy of ow schedule and also a copy of the letter I wrote to my basketball team this sumer. I thought you Might like tomwad it for old times. — Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you, I an Sincerely yours, — Direcbr of Physical Education, U.S NAVY PRE-FLIGHT SCHOOL |\OWA CITY, IOWA September 8, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 801 Louisiana Ave. Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Since my last letter to you and Mrs. Allen, I have been stationed here at the Iowa Pre-Flight School. Words cannot express my appreciation for your recommen- dation. I sincerely believe it bore great weight. While playing baseball here, I came in contact with a cadet by the name of Brennan , a graduate of Notre Dame. After talking with him I learned that he knew Jane — small world after all, eh! Give our regards when you write her. Seeing our football schedule I notice that we play you September 19th. Betty and I are planning to attend. We will make every effort to see you all. Wishing you all well, heed September 23, 1942. All of your merning classes, of ceurse, can mect . % he macth athdetie Pinlds Waters feetiall panetiens are reserving the intramural field, which we call the Spencer Field for the from 3:30 te 4:30, but we Se ee ee ea te the oral serthees before: intcemrais ent atalest Directer of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Ceach. NAVAL TRAINING SCHOOL (MACHINIST'S MATES) UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS September 23, 1942 Dr. F. ©. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen, This is the information you requested regarding our athletic program: ATHLETIC SCHEDULE 120 Men 120- Men 80 Men 40 Men Indoctrination period (Reserved for military drill on Tuesday and Thursday.) This is the schedule with the number of men now present and the hours probably will not change with the increase in personnel but the number of men assigned to each period will necessarily be changed. Yours truly, Bc ae O.N. Pederson, Recreation - Athletic Officer, W. H. H. Pratr Kansas Orry, Missourtr March 14, 1942 le. Forest ©. Alien Universtiy of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas : Dear "Phog", With my compliments and sincere congratulations on your fully earned and muchly merited honors may I ask at your convenience the K. U. score 1895, two games Midland College, Atchinson and one college Emporia & teachers at Emporia, wherein Will White described Rolla Mitchell referee as executing a "skirt dance" and "Sal" Walker, K. U. center as looking almost human. Only K. U. seored in these games and if K. U. line is available would be glad to have it. 1 remember the line up and score in the Doane, lowe, Nebraska, and Missouri games. Sincerely WHHP2LMHA