Address all communications to Commanding Officer and Refer to: ; U. S. NAVY PRE FLIGHT SCHOOL CHAPEL HILL, NORTH CAROLINA 27 August 1942 Dear Phog: This is to report that everything is swell with the Partners and that we hope the same is true of the Allens. With football about to get under- way my work is beginning. to increase and it won't be long until the big rush is on. We rented a small house,our funhiture finally arrived from Kansas City and we now are in the process of getting squared away for a stay here. We both like it here st'S a Gozy. little town and a grand personnel on the station, However,it is next to the impossible to get good meats or fresh vegatables and being Kansans, we find that hard to take. Phog, there's 2a search on for some games to be played on the flight decks of aircraft carriers. The pilots need exercise and the relaxation that physical activity provides. Volleyball,softball and basketball are being played now but there's a hugh loss of balls that go over the side into the Big Drink. I talked with Lieut. Roland Logan about: it .dast night and hit upon the idea of using your Goal-~Hi game. I've never seen it played and don't know whether it would solve the lost-ball problem but am sure oe. could tell .me. Remember Johnny Sabo sonee an assistant grid coach at Kansas? He's. Lieut. Gomdr. Sabo here,in charge of the mass exercises and. insta programs. Mrs. Partner joins me’ ‘in sending best regards to you,lirs, Allen, peers, and lir. and Mrs. Mitt. Sincerely yours, Zc ~C Fe ee ar ra Lieut.(jg) Dan Partner