September 12, 1942. -_, (je) Elwood Pitzer, of | | Box 15, | U.8.N. inka sc a School, Towa City, Town. . It was indeed a pleasant surprise to heer from you from Iowa City. I took your letter home and read it to lrs, Allen and Eleanor. Eleanor is the only child we have at home and she will soon be leav- ee ee eee oe ee er She is majoring im psyohology. Bobby is on his sophomore medicine there and will be a junior in Merch. Naturally, when Bob enrolled at Pennsylvania, Eleanor wanted to go more, Te You ae Sediags Pues re She Mate Ure. Allon was quite interested in the Irisiman, Bremen, fron Notre Dame. Jane is married and living in Chicago, but of course Mrs. Allen will write Jame end tell her all about you and your contacts. I met Bremman when I was through Chicago once. We had a short visit with him when he was with Jane. I think he is a fine fellow. Jane is taking civilian f end hag a number of hours in the air. Her husbend is a pilot. Oe ee a oe ee cs ee Art School in Chicago. We Shin ahe he is quite a girl, 2 Mawy is living in Palo Alto with her femily - husband and three children. they ave getting to be quite well along in age and size. We would be delighted to see you and Betty when you come down for the Pre~-Flight School ~ Kansas game on September 19. We also . play the Pre-Flight School basketball team in Kansas City on January 29th. I am sending you a copy of ow schedule and also a copy of the letter I wrote to my basketball team this sumer. I thought you Might like tomwad it for old times. — Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you, I an Sincerely yours, — Direcbr of Physical Education,