Jenuary 6, 1943. Mr. Enest Pontius, Lawrenee Journal World, oe ~ Lewrenee, Kansas. Dear Ernie: I wish to take this moans to express to you our appreciation of your fine work on the public address systen. It is very generous of you to take yow time to do oo ee ball. team. While there is no peouniary ramumeration for this public service, I am sure that you do derive a certain anount of pleasure from knowing that you are doing a wnique job and one that is very difficult to perform in, such a highly satisfactory manner. ; serskls Suliles yee ib bid ett wk tals més. I desire to express my thanks through this letter. With all good wishes for a very successful and happy New Year, I eam Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.