April 13, 1943. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 70 Pifth Avame, New York City. \ Dear Sire: \ I sontinus to receive statements from you in the amount of $2.89, addressed to T. C. Allen, Dir. Phy. Ed. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. i have written you a number of times, and ask that you kindly bring this to the attention of your book- keeper. I have your credit memorandum, CM 4152, dated November 28, 1942, for $2.80, for the return of the book which was sent me for inspection. This clears my account with you, and I would appreciate it if your bookkeeper would clear the record on his books. Sincerely yours, { : Forrest C. Allen, POCA:AH Director of Physiaal Education. STATEMENT PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 70 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK pec 33 ish - fT. Gs Allen, Dir. Phy. Ed., University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas c RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. RECEIPT SENT ONLY IF REQUESTED Pay LAstT AMOUNT DATE DESCRIPTION CREDIT IN THIS COLUMN =o. 12 7 1 BALANCE ACCOUNT RENDERED 2009 THIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT AS IT APPEARS ON OUR BOOKS AT THE CLOSE OF THE MONTH. REMITe TANCES !IN TRANSIT WILL APPEAR ON NEXT STATEMENT. ANY ERRORS SHOULD BE REPORTED AT ONCE. PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 70 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. December 14, 1942. Prentice-Hall, INUCe, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York City, N.Y. Dear Sirs: I have your statement of November 30th for $2.89, which you say is overdue. I also have your credit meworandum dated November 28th, for this item, a copy of "EDucation for Safe Living", which was returned to you several weeks ago. This book had been sent to me for inspection. I trust your credit memo will cancel this charge. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. 11/28 /42 UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION LAWRENCE KANSAS De Tr EDUCATION FOR SAFE LIVING STATEMENT PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 70 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK gov 30 2 rc € oc. Allen Dir Phy Ed. University of Kans. Lawrence, Kans. ke “a RETURN THIS STUB WITH YOUR REMITTANCE. RECEIPT SENT ONLY IF REQUESTED eee Ovraeseeee ease eaauseese a rr ee Rn we Pay LAST AMOUNT oe DESCRIPTION DEBIT CREDIT IN THIS COLUMN — 142 ll-l] BALANCE ACCOUNT RENDERED 2 89 1 THIS IS A STATEMENT OF YOUR ACCOUNT AS IT APPEARS ON OUR BOOKS AT THE CLOSE OF THE MONTH. REMIT- TANCES IN TRANSIT WILL APPEAR ON NEXT STATEMENT. ANY ERRORS SHOULD BE REPORTED AT ONCE. PRENTICE-HALL, INC. 2, OE IeIn AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. SOUTHEAST MISSOURI! STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. W. PARKER, PRESIDENT CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI April " 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Phog: I was delighted to have your letter of April 3. Qur basketball team, I must confess, was something of a surprise to me. I didn't think we had the manpower to get the job done. But apparently we did. Yes, we have the Browns with us. I have been giving Manager Luke Sewell a few of the fine points of the game. The outfit looks pretty good in some respects. I am afraid, however, that they don't have enough speed on the bases to be a very high scoring outfit. They have two or three starters who are like I was in baseball, havé to hit a three-bagger to get to first base. They, twelve or fourteen pitchers here, but it seems to me there are only four or five top-notchers. But I am not making any prognostications. One never can tell. This Luke Sewell is really e fine chap. He is another Branch Rickey. You will be interested to know that C. P. Harris is in Washington taking Red Cross training for over-seas duty. I hope everything continues to go well with you and the Allen tribe. Mrs. Parker joins me in the best of good wishes to all of you. Most sincerely /yours, x We We PARKER | President Be 3 WWP:BC (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS } DR. F. C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Physical Ed. Depte Kansas Us —— ER SE EENENEE TIEN Portis, Kansas, Jan. 24th, 19435. Dear Dr..Allen: I ama prophet. Yesterday I told someone you was due to lose, not that it was 135, but just on general principles. I see you did, But it was a good one to lose. It will do your ‘team good and be & tonic. They can go better and faster on a good road after being on a rough one. ‘If it had been in the BSix it would have been a jolt. . I saw a comical piece in a Wichita paper other day about you at the Okla. game and sent it) to Max and hope he handed it to Yous It indicated you were “tough" down there. S es Yesterday was warm here; March 30, 1943. Dr. Don Carlos Peete, Medical Arte Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dr. Peete: I want you to know how very much the enjoyed the wonderful hospitality of you and Mrs. Peete jast Saturday night. ) I am enclosing a publicity sheet put out by our Professor K. %, Davidson, and I want to call your attention particularly to the bottom of the second page. I expect to call you very Bob's visit. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Enc. March 31, 1945. Mr. Ernest Pontius, Lawrence Daily Jownal World, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Ernie: Rather belatedly, but none the less full of deep appreciation for you wonderful service to the basketball team in your a... CCC eee work you did. The job could not have been done better, and we say’ thank you a thousand times. Sincerely yours, Director of Phys ical Edusation, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Mareh 31, 1948. Sporta Comittee, - Chamber of Comproe, Lawronse, Tansese Dems Yaudes The ending of the basketball season, the drive for the Red Cross, an infected tooth, and a thousand other things have kept mo from wri you te thank your 3% Comittee and the Chamber of Commerce for the wo contributions to With deep appreciation, I en Very sincerely YOUrs, fireetor of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. April 3, 1943. Dr. We We Parker, President, Southeast Missouri Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Dear Friend Walter: fhis congratulatory note is very much belated, but none the less genuine. I saw your fine Cape team defeat Vary for the National Intercollegiate finals and I thought the next day that I would send you a wire congratulating you and the school on your fine achievement. But you know how the pressure of administration is. Something crowds it out, and that is the case with me and your congratulatory note. With the big league ball club in your environment and a National Intercollegiate championship basketball tean, old Cape Girardeau, under the efficient leadership of W. W. P., is tops. viliceiin: umes wr sends alt sedetNA tl aii eae and to your fine tean. il in cena dl very fine family. With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, — FCALAH Varsity Basketball Coach. March 1, 1943. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Pate ae Ie Cor, 12:312=31 For as the body is one and hath many members and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also have Christ. For by one spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free pen have been all made to drink into one spirit. For the body is not one member but many. If the foot shall sey, Because I am not the hand, I ‘a. not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? and if the ear shall Say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body, is it therefore not of the body? If the whole body were an eye, where were the hearing? If the whole were henriag. where were the smelling? But not hath God set the members every one of them in the body and it hath pleased Him, and if they were all one member where were the body? But now are they many members, yet but one body. And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee, nor again, the head to the feet, I have no need of youe Nay, much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary, and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable upon: thee we bestow more abundant honor, and our uncomely heart have more abundant comeliness. For our comely parts have no need that God hath tempered the aay together having given more abundant honor to that part which lacks. That there should be no schism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another, and whether one member suffer all the members suffer with it, or one member being honored all the members rejoice with it. Now, ye are the bodies of Christ nnd members in particular, and God hath set some in the church, first apostles, ‘secondly prophets, thirdly teachers; after that miracles, then gifts of healing, health, government, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? Are all- prophets? Are all teachers? Are all | workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? Do all speak the tongues? Do all interpret? But covet gekeneey the best gifts; and yet shew I unto you a -more excellent ways February 26, 1943. . With best wishes, I = Sincerely yours, Director af Physioal Education, ‘Varsity Basketball Coach. FCA:AH February 17, 1943. Miss Wilma T. Peters, 64 LaVerne, : - Long Beach, California. Dear Hiss Peters: Dr. Allen ie exway much of the time on basketball trips, and has asked me to reply to your letter af 4th asking for rules ou basketball, football, baseball and elementary track. mere 10 a dock piblished ky Gamders entitled "Team Sports for Women", by Schwartz ani Meyers, that would be very helpful. Dr. Allen also suggests the Barnes Dollar Library, which contains many valuable books on rules.. — You will be happy to kmow that the basketball team is unbeaten so far in the Sig Six Conference. I am enclosing & sohedule of our games for this season. Sincerely yours, Secretary to Dr. Porrest ©. Allen. UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN February 10, 1943. Mr. Ben Petree, 1245 Oread Avenue, Lawrence, Kansas. You are reported as having excessive absences in your Physical Education class at 9:30 MW&F. If you have been attending another class please let us know immediately. As you are no doubt well aware, absences from Physical Education are a serious matter. Please report to this office your reasons for these absences in order that it will not be necessary for us to report you to the Chancellor's Office. Very truly yours, School of Engineering and Architecture, UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Lawrence January 22, 19435 To Members of the University Faculty: We realize howmany demands there are on your time and money. I have refused to tak: the chairmanship of many worthwhile activities this year because of sy reticence in asking you to give for any cause. But anyone sho has been to Warm Springs, Georgia, anc has seen the impeded and s.ffering youth in that great founcation could not hesicate to cooverate in this great neticnal undertaking. And too, to sce some of these Kansas youth walking cn Mount Oread who derived the healing benefits of the Warm Springs Foundation cannot help but cause a tug at the heartstrings that will loosen your purse strings. There are many ways to give, end this, the President's Birth- day Party, is but one of the many. Denny Bachman's orchestra will play for the party et the Community Building, January 50. Tickets will be on sale at the following places: Business. Office, Alumni Office, Hospital, Law School Office, Memorial Union Building, School of Educ- ation Office, School of Pharmacy Office, School of Engineering Office, School of Fine Arts Office, Watson Library, Physical Education Office. It is necessary that I make a report to the committee regard~ ing the sales by next Wednesday, January 27. We will be very glad to deliver any tickets if it is not convenient for yov to call at any of these central locations for the purchase of same. Wontt you aid in helping the little fellow walk? Sincerely yours, Dollar inclosed. Never mind avout the ticket, a M. Yo (fans oe pO D 0 Qa 8 5 — Wt oOo oe © Ae ee Moca > a So oe OS Ae CoG ne OS) w= StS. OS as ae tS Wo Wig OS 2 eas St eee as Saye as a a Adu. ow TOC torn Soe ee @ atte \ 00) Oe es ee eS ea wy Oa oe a SSM eee oS et¥fice. Se aN Se a ts ee PA Oh Sa | we, TV ee iY ay oes 6. e TAO Se (hoe ee 6 ao 2 Se pee i Oe Po ey eee 4 So = — ¥ LA: OC oe Weepin - Nowak, oo ie = = A 3. : Po ey is a} Seo Ne A ae | LOO —- |~A Ha a. ao a eee ee a eae —- Ae Nes te as ao Jeet s. on A. od A Owe Tt an feo Pee Vas oe 290 207 Cay Oe _ Hebets in cas 2) 5 ee SS hi Pee iS a oe AS - 7b es 9p a) ee Farin / ae of +t) oe 7 os a i. . cry Ee ee OED Soi eos. YO6 —- Yio: . fg 2s. 50 g3e8es - (Buen Gr Klages cy sae oO ee Buri Ape ee ee pe Aahler) 2 Bie or a : " ae 2 : é a , ¢ c s Se i rs y nt . = : (rate ieee Z ; : ‘ Mi = a Higa a ae aa 7 2 t University of Kansas Press Journalism Building Lawrence, Kansas Dr. Allen: Please accept the following contributions for the Infantile “aralysis Fund. If you can give your time and effort to this worthwhile project, the rest of us can at least contribute our bit, and are glad to do so. Ryther....$1.00 Pennock... 1.00 Hartecsese 50 Barnes.... 1.00 TOTAL. .....$6.50 Yours very truly, mine Thos. C. Ryther Jenuary 28, 1943. Mr. T. CG. Ryther, University of Kansas Press, .. Journalism Building. | Dear Mickie: It was swell and generous of you and your gang to make this contribution for the infantile paralysis fund. I deeply appreciate your fine contribution. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsA 1 Varsity Basketball Coach.