April 13, 1943. Prentice-Hall, Inc., 70 Pifth Avame, New York City. \ Dear Sire: \ I sontinus to receive statements from you in the amount of $2.89, addressed to T. C. Allen, Dir. Phy. Ed. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. i have written you a number of times, and ask that you kindly bring this to the attention of your book- keeper. I have your credit memorandum, CM 4152, dated November 28, 1942, for $2.80, for the return of the book which was sent me for inspection. This clears my account with you, and I would appreciate it if your bookkeeper would clear the record on his books. Sincerely yours, { : Forrest C. Allen, POCA:AH Director of Physiaal Education.