July 15, 1945. My. Reaves Peters, 342 So. Chelsea Avec, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: Thank you for your letter. It is perfectly agreeable to me for them to make a schedule any time the august body feels impelled to move. Our physical conditioning program atarts me to work every morning at 7:30, so I get up each day at 6 o'clock and by the time I get through with my administrative work connected with civilian, — my hours guurally mm out. S wadd ee a ee 0 it Mh ee, We see how I am going to mike it. Will you be making any trips around over the Big Six before school opens? Ye might play a game of golf here at Lawrence some time when you make such a trip. If I should arrange a trip to Kansas Gity I will let you imow. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:An Varsity Basketball Coach.