July 8, 1943. Mr. Reaves Peters, 342 So. Chelsea, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: . : A V-12 student, Geldard Woerner, came to me this morning with a bad knee. He stated that he had played on the Central High School basketball team last Years ; Not knowing the personnel of the Interscholastic teams this year, I am writing you to ask you to tell me just how good Geldard Woerner was. He was a guard, I an told. SecyWithng ¥iek ony WALL ba lng’ wnkinely, sonttéenttal. But I want to kmow whether I have a basketball player of bettex then everage ability. With all good wishes, I em - Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH | Varsity Baskevbals Coache