Containing all ‘Points’ Necessary for Attending the 23rd Annual Red’ Pierson Fishing Party at the Cabin on the Neosho River Burlington, Kansas Saturday and Sunday, July 10 and 11, 1943 Come and enjoy a weekend with what we think is the finest group of gocd sports in the world. Point 1—This is your invitation to come and spend the weekend with Red Pierson and his Gang. This “Point” is valid after you have sent in your acceptance of the invitation on the attached reply postal and stated when you will arrive. Party begins Saturday afternoon, July 10th. Point 2—This “Point’’ when ac- companied by necessary Gaso- and the required amount of greenbacks will furnish you transportation to Burlington, Kansas. line Coupons, Bus Ticket, Etc., | Point 3—This ‘Point,’ when ac- companied with the required arguments, which only you can | understand and furnish, will soothe the wifie to such an ex- tent that she will give you per- jmission to attend. | Point 4—This ‘Point,’ when presented to duly recognized authorities, will permit you to enter the sacred grounds sur- rounding Red Pierson’s Cabin. Extra Point—For Frogleg Feed Sunday morning at 12:30. Point 5—This ‘Point’ will get you a seat at the supper table Saturday night’ at %:15.. The point is it will be a “pointless” meal, consisting of Neosho river catfish (unless the food admin- istrator decides said fish must be ‘“pointed’’). Points or no points the fish are caught and will be fried and plattered in due form Saturday night. Poini 6—This ‘Point,’ together with $5, will purchase $5 worth of blue, red and white chips. The point is to lose that amount as quickly as possible to the Country Boys from Burlington, Kansas, after which additional “Points” can be secured for the purehase of additional chips. Point 7—This “Point’’ will en- title you to breakfast consisting of pancakes (not rationed) and possibly eggs (not rationed as yet) and steaming, delicious and aroma-filled river water (FDR coffee), replacing the usual cof- fee (which is rationed). Point 8—This ‘Point’ will make you eligible to enjoy another ‘Pointless’”” meal Sunday noon, which will consist of further denizens of the Neosho river, fried in true Pierson Cabin fas- hion, ala jack garrett, etc. Point 9—If and when you reach the afternoon of Sunday, July 11 without mishap, and provid- ing you have made the neces- sary contribution to the local wolves, this “point” will permit you to escape from the grounds and return home at your own risk. (Please fill out and mail this card at once) I will attend the 23rd Pierson Fishing Forty taly-10 ond Hy 1943 2 I will be unable to attend this Veurs Gary L-wilicrnive Of 2 ea ee Bb er Date Signed 2.2: ee ee