May ae 1943. to have you do it. I believe the other coaches of the conference have enough confidenee in you to have do this. 7 This would seve e lot of travel, and if you do not feel that you wanted to make it too exacting you could submit a tentative schedule and allow the coaches to shoot, at it if tha desire. I am not at all sure that we could make one at the present time as the calendars of the different schools might be altered, but I believe that we are all now getting pretty much on a war basis and the schedule will not be subject to shange as mush as @ year previous. No, sir, we are not going to be too busy to play golf this swmer. When end if you have time know and we will battle, but I think you are too good for mo. Anyhow, we will have some fun. With all good wishes, I ale Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH 3 Varsity Basketball Coach.