April 30, 1945. Dr. Don Carlos Peete, Medical Arts Building, Kansas City, ‘Mo. ‘Dear Dr. Peete: I just wanted you to know that Mrs. McSpadden called m this morning and told me she thought so highly of your fine efforts that she recormended you to lirs. Truxal, who has some stomach trouble. Mrs. HoSpadden @alled me to find out if she had mde a mistake. I told her she certainly did not make a mistake! She is going to call you for an appointment. I didn't went to take anything away from Mrs. HoSpadden - she thinks so much of you thet she wants you to help others ag you did Sparky. With kindest regards, and assuring you it was a pleasure to have a visit with you, I am } Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.