THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 6 00,000 a SUBSCRIBERS Dear Phog: Got a good chuckle from you letter regarding Schnellbacher. Damned glad he is going to be a Jayhawker. The last I heard Hank Iba had him hog-tied and hobbled for the glory of the Oklahoma Ags. I'm sure that under your guidance he'll be a star courtman, DoN't be too hard on the boys of Aggieville,Phog. They undoubtedly are so tired of losing basketball games to you that there is no stopping them when they get a chance to do a little throat-cutting. Such methods,as you know,sometimes back-fire and do little good. Received two letters from Manhattan yesterday,both from responsible business men and ardent “downtown quarterbacks." Both reported a “smear campaign” conducted by Messers. Henry and Hurt on Hobbs Adams and Go., the K-State brain-trust,. According to these men,who were willing to testify in court, the Jayhawk grid mentors said some mighty naughty things about the Wildcat boss and his schoole So you see,I catch it from both sides and grin at the activities, Far be it from me to take such things seriously because sports are for fun,not blookd,as far as I'm concerned, It was good to hear from you again and I hope you'll write again soon. Trust me to keep your information a secret as to its source and I remain an Allen booster, Received a card from Dr. D.C,.Peet from somewhere out west. This is his second vacation this summer, Those "docs" do pretty well I guess. My best regards to Mrs. Allen,Mitt & wife and Bobby. Hope to see you soone Sincerely, Dan Partner October 1, 1941 * Mr. Dan Partner Sports Desk Kansas City Star Kansas City, Moe Dear Dan, Thank you very much, Daniel, for sending me the tear sheet from the Shigh -- is that good! I like it and I imagine you are ths gentleman who coined the cognoman. % Certainly, I'm not for lopping off the head of the chickens to exterminate their lice. That's not my jobeeneither is it my job to save the chickens. It's the business of the fellows who are interested in it more than I’am. I am interested as head of, the department of physical education in preserving the best intrests for educational.purposes for the athletic youthe Certainly there are intelligent men in the football realm that cen offer a solution, but the only solution that the educators would enjoy would be not proseliting the players, and when you fail to proselite the players you have de-emphasized football. The boys who play de-emphasized football get far more education trying to do than the others. pge ao fhe heads of the National Collegiate Athletic Association will not dare bring down the wrath of emphasized athletics on their — heads because most of those fellows are heads of departments and teach other things than athletics. There is such a keen anasti- mosis end interest in the reletionship between high-pressure ath- ‘letics and the collegiate representatives that one will not say to the other, "This thing has got to got". Therefore, only time will bring about its downfall or destruction. Shigh was very right when he says, “The National Collegiate Athletic Association has failed through insipidity or cowardice." ~ "“Goewardice"” is the word that should be usede It was good to see you and Ray, Dan, and I only wish that I might have had more time for a real visite With all good wishes I Sincerely yours, * Scot ay SRSA IGE ty oo : - Pirector of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach ; _ Becember 8, 1941 Dre Don Carlos Peete Argyle Building Kanses City, Mo. ‘Dear Don,. - I em sending you the statistics thet wore made by Nathan Sinai in Harper's of October, 1941. His discussion was on “Physical Fitness and the Draft". I am sending you these comparative figures end I am sure that these which I am sending along will be valuable for any introduetion that you may care to make. I am hurrying this letter along endeavoring to get to basketball practise, but wanted to send it to you at the earliest possible moment so that you may make use of it. I do want you to know how very much we enjoyed having the entire Peete family down with use I got a lot of things done this Sunday, but not as many as I had hopede Mrs. Allen is coming home tomorrow evening. She is getting in, I believe, at 6:05. I do not have her letter with me, but Mary's going to drive her over from Anchorage. Since I have a speech to make at an engineering banquet at 6:30, I will have to get Isabel to drive up for her. Milton, of course, will have his basketball practise, so we'll get Isabel to do the family honors and responsi- Give our love to the entire Peete femilye ‘Sincerely, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation PCA/pg Varsity Basketall and Baseball Coach — November 14, 1941 Dr. Don Carlos Feete Argyle Building Kansas City, Mo. \ | } Dear Dector Peete, I have tickets for you, Urs. Peete, and the children and | would be very happy if you would stop by the house sonetine before two o'clock to get thems , / 4 It is not necessary for you to call if the childr are not planning on coming to the game or if something sho d come up and you and Mrs. Peete cannot, for some reason, e to geome to Lawrence. I will have the tickets and if you come they will be ready for yous i : With all good wishes I am Sincerely, | i one rere ere aS 4 Director of Physical Eduegtion and Recreation PCA/pE | Varsity Bysketball and Baseball Coach — October 6, 1941. Thank you for your kind letter of the 2nd instant. | Mrs. Allen and I rattle eround in that big house like a couple of dried peas in a pod, and if we just keep still we can hear each other without ringing We have talked to Kenneth Thompson, and are telling him to look you up any time he is in Kansas City. ° : We will keep in close contact with Lawrence Stream, who is a good boy. I have had opportunity to coach him a couple of times and he is a good basketball player and a fine boy. Deubtless you saw the football game Saturday with Dr. and Mrs. Wahl, and wasn't thet a terrible day! I saw the game and thought Kansas did pretty well under the ciroumstances. With best wishes to you and lrs. Peete, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. DON CARLOS PEETE, M.D. 531 ARGYLE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI October 2, 1941, Dr, F, CC. Allen Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Friend: I am very grateful to you for the football tickets and I have heard from Miss Tillery and know that she had a wonderful time, thanks to you, It will be a privilege to examine Kenny Thompson any time that he can come to Kansas City, except, of course, Saturday afternoon, I am sorry that Lawrence Stream was not availeble when you needed him but I think that after he gets more into the routine that his desire to come home will be easier to satisfy. We are expecting to come to the game Saturday and have been invited as the guests of Pe and Mrs. Wahl. They have the tickets and I don't know where they are located but we hope very much to see you folks at sometime during the afternoon if possible, If by any chance we don't get to have a visit we hope to see you in the near future. How does it feel to have all your youngsters away for the first time in 25 years? Give our regards to Bob and Eleanor and the rest of the Allen tribe and hope to see you soon, As ever, Your Friend, 2 oe DCP/EP _ ~~ ~w«e a6 tle University hospital. EN ree es Dr. Don Carlos Pecte 531 Argyle Suilding Kansas City, No. Dear Doctor Peete, Kenneth Thompson, one of our freshmen, was in the office this afternoon and I learned that he has very bad adenoids, tonsils, and some sinus trouble. Kenneth is a fine athlete and I want to do all I can for hin. I'd like for him to call on you sometime so that I can know exactly whet his condition is and advise him. He mentioned that he may have his tonsils removed in Kensas City during some vacation, but I thought after you talk to him that he might have that done here at the University hospitel. I would like to talk to you after you see Kenneth. Sincerely, yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Pca/pe Varsity Basketball Coach Dieeacene if Rese alg pa , , i res i ; : Sept. 23, 1942 Dr. Don Carlos Peete \ Argyle Building ‘| Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dr. Peete, Doctor Allen was called to Topeka this norning and as he left he asked me to send you the two tickets for the Kansas~-Temple Zanes. his : He wanted me to ask you to tell your young and efficient technician together with her "technical advisor” that he hopes she will greatly enjoy the game. Sincerely, pua/g Secretary to Dector Allen septeber ©, 294). Dr. Don Carlos Peete, Argyle Building, Kansas City, Mos Dear Dr. Peete: that will not be at all regular. I want to help him and I thought perhaps it would help me if you would tell him at your convenience that if he expects to make much money it will be necessary for him to stay here during the week-ends. I will appreciate this bit of cooperation as these boys listen with a great reverence to their home town heroes. Things are moving along pretty well. We are sorry that we didn't see you at last night's freshman-varsity game, but it wasn't worth your time to drive that far, although we had quite a group of interested alumi. Yeurice Breidenthal, Jack Breidenthal end Tom Yan Cleave, Jr., &&8 well as other Kansas Citians were down. With all good wishes to you and your family from the Allens, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches i e » ' ; a : 3 iF 5 5 g é Wi i by s 7 H HO a eg aad } 3 : DON CARLOS PEETE, M.D. 531 ARGYLE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI - August 8, 1941, Doctor F, C, Allen,Department of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Friend: Thank you for your letter and basket bail schedule, That letter to the players certainly should aid greatly in lifting their morale and in- creasing their eagerness for school to begin, It even makes me wish that I was twenty years younger and had an opportunity to try for a place on the team, We all enjoyed your visit and the ball game to the nth degree and wish that these get togethers could be more often, Bob and Mit are cer- tainly filled with a lot of enthusiasm and I know they both are going places. It is always a delight to be with them, i have set your appointment for 4:50 Monday afternoon and Alice wishes that Mrs, Allen and yourself would join us for dinner, before your meeting in the evening, Looking forward to seeing you Monday, As ever, Yours friend, 7 Le « DcP/EP Don Carlos Peete, M.D, P4Se We are looking for ygur pencil but havent found it yet, Look in Bob's car, se NM, Toe he A ee ore i ay Le Sept. 16, 1941 Dr. Don Carlos Peete 531 Argyle Building Kansas City, Mo. : \ ie, Dear Dr. Peete, .- \ I spoke to Mr. Falkenstien about tickets for the KansaseTemple game at Philadelphia on vetenye Deptember 26. Mr. Falkenstien has written we “the Temple athletic association | for tickets and they should arrive some time this week -- I hope. ee Mr. Falkenstien told me that the team will arrive in Philadelphia on Friday evening at 3:45. They will play Temple at 63:50 and will get out of Philadelphia at 1 a.m. the next morning. I believe that they are planning on stopping at Columbus on Setareey and watching Missouri play Ohio State. : You will hear from me as soon as the tickets arrive. Enclosed is an evaluation of team and individual performance . — in basketball that I thought you would be interested in seeing. With my usual good wishes I em Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg | : Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach Encl. } December 4, 1941, Ire We We Parker, President, Southeast Missouri State Teachers College, Cape ‘Crantenn, ‘ssourie Dear We Kes for giving me the mmes of the Hirsch boys = Bobby and Jimaye i am autographing the book and sending it off to them today. I trust that ee : i a letter fron from Mrs F, We lang, of Foveythe Seorcta that he is sending the arch to yous THA us Sane Shieh: Dsaniea vee ae ales ae te f i j E With many pleasant memories, I am Very sincerely YOursy Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FOA3AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. November 21, 1941 Mr. John Plosia 67 Arlington Ave. Clifton, Nod. Dear Mr. Plosia, I am enclosing a mimeographed copy of our basketball schedule for the year 1941-42. As yet our printed schedules are not available. As you will note by the footnote, the home games are underscored on the schedule. 3 : I was very happy to be of servi & to youe With all good wishes I an | Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FcA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach iS November 18, 1941. | Bite Jay Plumley, Quaker State Sales Department, Standard 011 Company, Ste Joseph, Wissouris Dear Jay: I am very sorry that I missed you the other day when you stopped by my offices It would have been a great pleasure to have a visit with yous I just want you to kmow that I think of you often, and wish you much success in all your endeavors. With kindest personal regards, I am Very sincerely yours, 3 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coachs November 13, 1941 Mr. Paul Poelaert Box 55. Stillwater, Minnesota Dear Mr. Poelaert, in answer te your inquiry of Nov. 9 I would suggest that you write to Mr. George Veenker, Athletic Director of Iowa State College, Secretary of the Big Six Conference, and ask him for the Big Six schedule. : If you will write to Mr. T. Nelson Metcalf, Athletic Director of the University of Chicago I am sure he will be able to send you a Western Conference schedule. Also, write to Mr. S. Jameson Swartz, of the University of Pennsylvania, for the Eastern Conference schedule. Sincerely, . Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach | ee ne een eee CS obo wd | | A 9 Oe ap KL 4 foie x Ee ica hacks See ( Pout PoelawuL— “Giox 25 DMLhwd Tes, Minn. Hovenber 7, 1941 Mr. Moe Pressly Redwood Motel Court 707 No. 6th Street Grants Pass, Gregon Thank you for your letter of the Gst instant. Iam sorry _ that you find it impossible te officiate for us, but I can readily understand your fulletime business comes before the _ officiating business. We will miss you, but we wish you cone tinued success and prosperity in your new work. If and when we are driving through Southern Oregon we will make the Redwood Kotel Court our headquarters. The fact that you run it and the additional fact that it is approved by Duncan Hines is sufficient evidence mae it is a i at. wnioh we would» went to atope With ell good wishes I am Sincerely, Pe er Oe, Direetor of Physical Education and Reorestion Fca/pg Varsity Easketball and Baseball Coach Approved by Duncan Hines, United Motor Courts, and Triple A Association SESS ES ESTES TES ES ES ESS Ss SESS SSS ES ES ESS SSS SES SS REDWOOD MOTEL COURT “A Motor Court of Distinction’’ 707 NO. 6th STREET GRANTS PASS, OREGON Nov. lst, 1941 Dre Forest C. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansase Dear Dr. Allen: Since I accepted dates for basket ball last sprimg, I have entéred' the Motor Court busi- ness here at Grants Pass, Oregone I did think that I would go back to the midwest for the basket ball season, however, business has been so good that it will be impessible for me to get awaye i hope this will not inconvenience you too much in assigning substitutes for mee I have enjoyed my work and associations with the coaches and officials in the Big Six, and will miss greatly the visits with all these fine gentlemene We think we have one of the finest Motor Courts on the coast and our business has been swell. It's a lot of fun and we like the climate of southern Oregone Thanking you and all the coaches of the Big Six for the wonderful treatment I received, I remain Your friend, Vie Cee November 3, 19¢le The Topeka State Journal, Topelm, Kansase Mes Don He Pierce, Dear Pons a8) daa] ie iy tLe 3s a $34 uth ‘lt sires’, paid ya ; He 6 ait “tt sifsaid bat en tie srt i “al an i fll i HE fn ris qe Hi Suscess to you, Done Sincerely YOUrs, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coaches The Topeka State Journal TOPEKA. KANSAS Oct. 23141 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Dr. Forrest Allen Kansas University Lawrence, Kan, Dear Doc: Just a note to tell you that I'M glad to hear that your taking the State Journal this winter. Mr. Stauffer told me about it just the other day. I concentrate quite a bit on Big Six doings in my column,hence will visit you as often as I possibly can and get down to as many games as I can. Certainly miss school this year ,especially football but at least I can retain some of the old fun in talking and learning a lot of basketball with you from time to time. | Give Bob my best regards next time you write him and tell Mitt hello for me. I certainly think a lot of both of them. They're my kind of athletes. Hope I can see you before too long . Kegards to you and Mrs. Allen. Respectfully, Ch ee October 20, 1941 Mr. H. B. P iper St. Louis, Moe Dear Mr. Piper, Your letter of the 15th instant is at hand. Mr. Shed has no connection with the University of Kansas. He has done some demonstration work here at the University and has a few private pupils that he has taught during his brief stay. You may contact him for a time at the Bvanston Country Club, Evanston, Illinois. Sincerely, Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCA/pg Varsity Basketball Coach TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 3400 “as HP he to coe ARCHERY BADMINTON BASEBALL BASKETBALL BOWLING BOXING CAMPING FENCING FIELD HOCKEY FISHING FOOTBALL GAMES GOLF GYM HUNTING ICE SKATING POLO ROLLER SKATING SKIS SOCCER SOFT BALL SQUASH SWIMMING TABLE TENNIS TENNIS TRACK VOLLEY BALL WRESTLING AMMUNITION CUTreeryr GUNS LETTERING MEDALS OUTDOOR CLOTHING REPAIR SERVICE TRAINERS SUPPLIES TROPHIES 2621 GLIVE STREET SRURT LOUTS, MO. Oct.I5, I94I Professor Allen, Director of Athletics, Kansas University, Lawrence,Kansas. Pear Sir; I am writing to you in regards to Mr. Ken. Shedd as I understand he has been appointed as head director of your badminton classes there. I am a personal friend of Mr. Shedd's and as I have not heard from him since he left this city I would like to get some information from you if he is connected with the University. Thanking you in advance,I remain yours truly, October 10, 1941... Dr. Le Re Pyle, Mills Building, Topeka, Kansas. Dear Dr. Pyle: | I desire to thank you personally fer your generosity in making it possible for a very deserving young man to remain in school. This young man's father was @ Spanish-American war veteran and was killed. The mother is in the home at Dedge City, and the young man in question had a brother who was killed by lightning this summer. This chap is one of the finest young men that ~ know of and he is not an athletic tramp by any manner of means. He will make a name for himself, and you without doubt will receive a letter from him. Later on he will call on you in person to thank you. Before he is out of this University it is my opinion that his name will be on the tongue of a great many of the faculty members and athletic followers. Mr. Hitt, our assistant registrar, has spoken of him, saying that he is one of the finest young men that he had met. He is a fine student, a fine athlete, and a real gentleman. Mr. Hitt was a Summerfield scholer and a brilliant teacher of mathematics, so I am sure that his evaluation is a real recommendation. you, and assuring you that the | Again thanking first time I am in Topeka I will stop by to express our thanks for your generosity, Tam Sincerely yours, ‘Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. H. L. KIRKPATRICK, M. D. 415 MILLS BUILDING TOPEKA, KANSAS November @, 1941. Mr. Dan Partner, Sports Desk, The Eansas City Star, Kensas City, Missouri. Dear Dan: I just returned from Cape Girardeau today and have your letter dated Monday. No, I am not planning to take a shot at Missouri athletics, although somebody could easily take them apart. The statement I made about big time subsidized fpotbell carries — plenty without mentioning names. 7 Shaten ef Jim Reuseh’ Just think of it ~ back in 1830, when it happened in Columbia, Missouri, and Jim Pausch was getting $75.00 a month for selling insurance, and he sold it, Dans And to think of what is going on down there with the same outfit and the same men, only someone else is doing it. And Missouri is out their chest end parading like a striped tiger wder the effeots of cocaine. But I can't be bothered about those guys down theres I will see what I ean do about my basketball team. - How answering your question about a staff member. You linow,; thank; ee ae ue ee a a When people talk to me about any angle of our local situation I re- fuse to be drawn in a ae ce I can frankly say to you I know not one thing about it. There are so many rumors going around oe eee Sens Mine T will enjoy © chiniing bee with you. i, it ete, aah atk pone: S08 at aad aE Wd te but it ie not about this football situation here. 1, too, am sorry. that I did not get to see you Priday night. But I will have an opportunity to prolong our visit. I always enjoy visiting with youe I will be in Kansas City on December 6th. I will not be there wee ee eee eh een pa ee the oldest women’s club in Kansas, and since she is in the cast visiting with Eleanor and Bob, I am going to take a couple of the members to the Friends in Council dinner which is the 70th anniver- sary of the club, - Mrs. Be H. Lindley and Mre. R. %. 0 "Leary, Ted's mother. ; = Incidentally, Dan, Mrs. Allen, Bobby and Eleanor are attending the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia tomorrow. I got four tickets, hoping that I could make it, but at the last minute I knew it was better wisdom to atay here and work. B3ut I know they “will enjoy the spectacle. Mrs. Allen went to visit our newly wedded daughter Jane, Mrs. Elwood Wons, in Chicago, and from there she has gone on to Philadelphia for a visit with Bob and Eleanor for a week. And then she is going to swing down to Louisville to visit with Mary Hamilton, our daughter who has three children. ! - $e You see I am a bachelor, and having this dinner date I will not be able to get into Kansas City until Saturday. You will have Se but I might give you one an ae ae ee es ae friend, the tabby cat et Columbia. Of course it would be tho. better part of wisdom to keep still. But their sportsmanship burns me up, and incidentally, I might tell you it has been smolder- ing since 1950, but it burst into flames when the golden tigers had the best football buy of the year. ‘Twenty-two thousand dollars is a lot of money, and it ought to buy a good football team ~ and it dids ae Oe Teas | Director of Physical Hiucation and Recreation, FCA: Au - Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coachs THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 Gao ae SUBSCRIBERS Monday Dear Phog: In wy daily conversation with Ted O'Leary y°storday,he mentioned the fact that you might be planning some statment regarding practices at Missouri coneerning their athl-tes, Will you give me the information? Of course,I*d like to have it exclusive. Ted mentioned that it was Missourits Mrs Tarr that gav- Kansas all the trouble back in 1930, or '3l,when you held the chair as director of athletics, Off the record, I hear that one of the football staff memb-rs won't have his contract r-=newed for next season, Can you give me any "inside" information on that rumor? Sorry I didn't gt to visit with you Friday night. I enjoyed the game. I shall appreeiate hearing from you. Best regards, Dan Partner Ostober 7, 1941. Mr. Lee Poynter, Sibley, Iowa. I answer letters, even though a year intervenes. I am sorry that I have failed to answer your communication of January 23rd sooner. I kept your letter on my desk ex- pecting to look through the equipment room and see if I could find a pair of 74 shoes. Two or three months later I discovered that we did not have any 7g and all the time I expected to write you. But this distraction and that one kept me from doing so. I regret that I have been so tardy, and I am sorry that I-know of no way whereby you can secure a pair of sige 7z of the “Phog* Allen basketball shoes. Wishing you success, I am Sinverely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AB Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. October 6, 1941. Mre Ralph Le Pusey, $506 College St., Dear Ralphs I was very happy to hear from you, and to know that you are located in Kausas City. In reply to your inquiry concerning your "x" card, I would suggest that if you will send $1.00 te Mr. Earl Falkenstien, financial secretary of the Athletic Association, he will send you a card to replace the one you lost. Very sincerely yours, Direstor of {eal Bducation and Recreation, PCAsAH Varaity and Baseball Coach. 2 1 Western Union can handle WALES Oe Tgel car ULTRA SIE DIRECTESERVICE = CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ / E S E RN 1201 _ SYMBOLS _. This is a full-rate ' DL=Day Letter ss ) N= Ovens Tiere erred character is in- LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symboi above or pre- i NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. C. WILLEVER Slit Viadicigtaes PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination e4\SEP 3 PM 7 43 KAV111 36 NT=SANANTONIO TEX 3 : DR F C ALLEN= 801 LOUISIANA KR= WOULD GREATLEY APPRECIATE. LETTER BY RETURN AIR MAIL TO LOCAL D RAFT BOARD, NUMBER FIVE 2023 SMITH YOUNG TOWER» SANANTONIO, TEXAS STATING THAT MY MASTER'S DEGREE CAN BE COMPLETED IN SIXTY DAYS ‘AND RECOMMENDING DRAFT DEFERMENTs URGENT= JOHN PFITSCHs ? 023 P | TS e He. 44 APPRECIATE £UGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Wire John Pfitsch, Sah Antonie, Texas Our deferment committee wrote your draft board Sept. 2 urging deferment till February 1. After conferring with your board regarding this letter wire me your desires. Will respond immediately. Regards, F.CeAe