Incidentally, Dan, Mrs. Allen, Bobby and Eleanor are attending the Army-Navy game in Philadelphia tomorrow. I got four tickets, hoping that I could make it, but at the last minute I knew it was better wisdom to atay here and work. B3ut I know they “will enjoy the spectacle. Mrs. Allen went to visit our newly wedded daughter Jane, Mrs. Elwood Wons, in Chicago, and from there she has gone on to Philadelphia for a visit with Bob and Eleanor for a week. And then she is going to swing down to Louisville to visit with Mary Hamilton, our daughter who has three children. ! - $e You see I am a bachelor, and having this dinner date I will not be able to get into Kansas City until Saturday. You will have Se but I might give you one an ae ae ee es ae friend, the tabby cat et Columbia. Of course it would be tho. better part of wisdom to keep still. But their sportsmanship burns me up, and incidentally, I might tell you it has been smolder- ing since 1950, but it burst into flames when the golden tigers had the best football buy of the year. ‘Twenty-two thousand dollars is a lot of money, and it ought to buy a good football team ~ and it dids ae Oe Teas | Director of Physical Hiucation and Recreation, FCA: Au - Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coachs