December 17, 1941. Mr. Clarence Peterson, 1537 Kentucky Street, Lewrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Peterson: I waited util after 11 o'clock last night, and then was so tired that I went to bed. Then I was awakened by the ee ee eee but I was in no shape to report. T still wanted to go with you ~ the spirit was willing, but the flesh was weak. . I want you to lmow that we immensely enjoyed the music, and I am sorry that my age caught up with me. The Modern Choir is one of my favorites, and your singing lest night added to my appreciation of your talents. Congratu- ae SS 7 a ee ee Spe With best wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and cearention, FCA:AH Varsity Besketball and Baseball Coach.