March 25, 1942. Ur. Allan H. Pett, _ Wellsville, Kansas. Dear Allan: Wetiavi iio sess Sinn te Siw eeteuns Very sincerely your, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE = 277/z.4 23 (74 2- WELLSVILLE, KANSAS mea Gee a 7 ee nn eee March 26, 1942. Mr. Don Palmer, — Secretary of "L" Club, Liberal, Kansas. Dear Don: We have a motion picture taken this year of our Kansas-Kansas State game at Lawrence, but no titles have been placed on the pictures. It was taken with rather poor lighting facilities for movies, but if you would care to see a picture of the game this might prove interesting to your high school boys. The only cost would be for postage both ways. The University Extension Division has a two-reel film on "Pundamentals in Basketball", made by the Hastman Kodak Company as a part of their teaching films division. This shows the Kansas basketball team under my direction demonstrating the fundamentals of the game. The Extension Division rents this filn for $3.00, I believe, plus transportation. If I can be of any further ‘service to you I shall be happy to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Eiherai Kascas March 12, 1942 Mr. FF. Gy Alien Lawrence Kansas Dear Sir: I understand that, in the past, motion pictures have been taken of various basket- Dall games played by K. U. I do not know whether these pictures. are avaible to us but if they are, we would like to make arrange- ments for showing them in the local high S0001. ae if it is possible for us to obtain these pictures we would accept the responsibility of them and handle expenses. Would you please give me any information about the films such as size of films, (we have a 16 millimeter projector) and running length? Also, are there any other sports films that might be of interest to us? If so, would you please give facts about then. I have enclosed a self-addressed env- elope which you can use if you so desire to answer this letter Respectfully yours, Dene Fete Don Palmer See. of "LL Club" Liberal Kans. March 16, 1942. Mrs Allan H. Pett, Wellsville, Kansas. Dear Allan: engagesents on Uareh 27 and 28. I would be free on What arrangements would you care to make about transportation? Would you want to come up and get me, then bring me back, or what would you suggest? . I shall be glad to hear from you. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. February 25, 1942. Mr. Allan H. Pett, The Chamber of Comerce, Wellsville, Kansase Dear Mr. Pett: I an acknowledging your letter of February 19th to Dr. Allen in his absence from the offiee. He has accompanied the basketball team to Oklahoma where they play the Oklahoma Aggies at Stillwater tonight, and the University of Oklahoma ' at Norman on Friday night. Ur. Allen will return Saturday, and I am sure you may expect a reply from him some time next weeke : Sincerely yours, Secretary to Or. Fe ©. Allen. oe eer PLENW PETT ~ Oo PRESIDENT THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 2424. (7,17 «5 WELLSVILLE, KANSAS a ; oe Hea oe 2 March 16, 1942, Dre Harry 4, Phillips, Central Missouri State Teachers hitheai Warrensburg, Missouri. Dear Dr. Phillipe: _ hank you for your wonderful letter of March 7th. It was great of you to write me and express your and | ' Mess Phillips best wishes. Mery, our married daughter, and her three children are with us for a month while her husband is out on the West coast. We are all well and happy, and we are anxiously looking forward to the time when we will be able to drop down to Warrensburg and have a fine visit with you and Mre. Phillips. I assure you that the Allens have always considered the Harry A. Phillips family our closest and sincerest friends. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education and Reoreation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Traffic Department G. E. CARLETON, 202-204 RAILROAD TICKET OFFICE BLDG. oe Cily Hi March 2nd 1942. Mr. Forrest U.Allen, Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Hr.Allen: I understand there is a possibility the University of Kansas Basketball team will compete in a tou mament to be held at Madison Square Garden, New York, March 17th - 25th, md, if you and your team should make this trip I would greatly appreciate your using the Pennsylvania Railroad between Vhicago and New York. I will be in Lawrence in the near future and hope to have the pleasure of seeing you while there, in tie mantime if we can be of any service to you just 'phom our Kansas Vity office Victor 0935 and everything possible will be done for youe Thanking you very much for past patronage and hoping to have the pleasure of again serving you, I am Yours very truly, a' e Dou Jhb k enger Agent « March 9, 1962. Director of Physical Education end Reoreation, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. RED BUD FARMS R. R. 6 LAWRENCE, KANSAS LYLE S. POWELL HORSES, CATTLE AND SHEEP GERALDINE 0. POWELL 31h Ee Congress St. HAY AND GRAIN Tucson, Arizona February 23rd, 192 My dear Dr, Allen: It appears now that we will not be back in Lawrence by March 9th - for the Rotary program which you delegated to me. I'm sorry as I can be, and I had no idea when I took on the job that I wouldn't be there on March 9th, As a matter of fact, we didn't get away as early as we had expected, and now, tho Lyle is feeling a good deal better, he was so completely worn out that he feels that he should stay away a little longer and get into real good shape again, while he has a chance, I thought you would rather appoint a new chairman than for me to ask a friend to do it. I consulted some with Nell Weaver, but she thought that she and Art might be out of town. I might suggest Nell Cotton or Catherine Brand. All I have done I have done by mail and I asked Mrs, Buddy Hanna to be co-chairman, and I wrote to the others, but don't know where it all stands. Nell Weaver and I switched from college girls to young matrons for several reasons, and I compiled a list of young matrons most of whom had connections with Rotary, past or present. These girls are just as pretty, more dependable and would get after the costume business more by themselves, we felt. Aleen Hanna would be the one to talk and consult with. I should think that John Andrews might see that the pianist had the proper music. Most of the songs might be found in some of those books with all the old- time songs. Two of the girls - Mrs, Kelvin Hoover and Mrs. Paul Smart (Alice Marie Meyn) I asked to sing the verses of their songs alone, and have the men join in the choruses. They have such good voices, I hate to renig - I feel that I have fallen down on the job. Perhaps some other time I may carry thru something else. I worked in Lyle's office the last three or four weeks before we came south, and have had sn unusually busy season, it seems, A Best regards, and I ho he program is a we succeSS. ‘) iene Ble a9 March 2, 1942. Mrse Don Carlos Peete i 4140 Canbridge, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear lrs. Poste: IT am enclosing the ticket for Don, Jr., to use so that he may sit on the players’ bench with us next Friday night. We are looking forward to having him with us, and to seeing you and Dr. Peete that night. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, 8 9 Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Thank heevens for Tucker, Be® seein: you Friday when rf hope you take care of Mr, of about 20 points, PeS, ~~ If possible,cen you give me any oe ono wapener the Jayeyay-Jayhawkers are going to en's line coachs ; hear there's a meeting Sundays | as February 24, 1942. 4 really wanted to invite Don, Jr., to sit on the bench with the boys at the Missouri game. understand perfectly how you felt about it, but I do want Don to accept our invitation. We will be glad to have hin. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAH Varsity Besketbell end Baseball Coach. February 24, 1942. . Dre Don Carles Peete, 561 Argyle Building, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Dr. Peete: ak es es es ee ‘aie Ghoeuue Go we ek ek ce a, just prior to our leaving for Oklahoma. Your loyal uy | Support and encouragement means much to the boys. | Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, _FCAsAl | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. _ Pebruary 21, 1942. Shs eh We will be happy to have you. Yery sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and eisewbin: FCA: AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. February 21, 1942. Ur. Louis B. Perrin, 608 E.5th Street, Beardstown, Tllinois. Deazx' Louis: / I want to thank you for your letter which you wrote February 14 and which was delivered by Mr. John Glenn. I appreciated hearing from you and I only wish that I might visit Beardstown and talk with the Mexican Avenue gang on Fourth Street. You assure them that I. will be back within six months. Thank you for the exceptional designation - "King B topper of all time". Rockne, the great argosy of football was in a far greater niche in his sport than IT em in mine. But it is kind of you to sharacterize me as such and I greatly appreciate it. Mrs. Allen and the family are happy to hear from you. It was great to have John Glem with us. I believe he enjoyed his visit, and we greatly enjoyed ‘With best wishes to you and your contemporaries, I am i Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Bducation end Recreation, — POASAH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. GLENN ICE AND FUEL COMPANY BEARDSTOWN, ILLINOIS MANUFACTURED ICE tin S.! i. cee Srna hf D sarouhed aumuls over, FRANKLIN COUNTY a dine or, To wo Un girer| . | ‘ L caeus ti danien “Up ve ays, Ws Aor Dita te Up — ar COAL War Crown of Andy il Chai hus ewe On th a os op DISTILLATE +P yp, inet Fs ti ig BULK STATION ne Lay t, AIR CONDITIONED ——/. Are trelig are] Ud nvr o4 OMY frm ICE REFRIGERATORS Des n P —_——— COAL STOKERS OIL BURNERS February 18, 1942, A. fe dire itt Dis Siti, oP oie tied of Dikaatind, ee ee te a eee our Department of Physical Education at the Universitye Tt am enclosing a @ pamphlet describing the courses for a in Physical Zducation, which I hope will give you the desired information. If you find it possible to come ‘> Lawrence any time in the near future I shall be glad to talk with you and discuss your plans for your college educations tg If there is any further information that you desire, or any way in which we can help you, it will be a pleasures Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ‘Pebruary 19, 1942. and told him I wanted to him five minutes, but he was so that you will know the inside bi e f és “ 3 on the source where you got the other information. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketbali and Baseball Coach. February ¢, 19462. ir. Tom Parker, Parker Buick Coe, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Tom: i am sending you a check for $6.12, the same to cover the . work done on January 2 ani 17. I am not paying for the radio because it is still very unsatisfactory. In fact, it is as un~ satisfactory as a radio could be. Either these fellows that — you have who work on the radio do not know their job, or else this radio is un-fixable. There has been no benefit from the time you first took it off to the present. Therefore, I feel that I do not owe this bill. I am not going to be oe. the position of a fellow kicking on every amall bill, wanted that dent pressed ee ee ee I certainly would not have spent $4.01 it didn't look bad. Warren said, “Oh, we'll fix that all right". And I told him I wanted it pressed out. t rue eyo i sg FS Therefore, to my way of thinking, when anything like that is seid I am figuring that it is of minimal expense, and when it runs inte as much money as this I have felt that the obligation is upon your Nee ee ee ee ee ee cons hte, repair i iy it, and so forth. Frankl, I would rather not have easbod Ae oat thm to have this done because am unhappy about it as it is. The reason I am writing you this letter is to tell you that fe ee ee ee 2 eee eee it. I remember that I gave you the green light on service that is needed, but I am withdrawing that because I want to be con» eatted before I spend my money. I remember being at the Rexall Drugstore when my starter failed to work. ee ee came out, weitehed a wire, and I drove the car to your place wmder its own power. Maybe $1.50 is - — sum for that trip on that distance, and you may have a % charge, but when the service work is done at your place I 1 that that was plenty. -2= Now, Tom, I am not a big shot. I pay my bills and that is reason I evaluate money a little more highly than people who do I see a lot of fellows around town who have a certain ego = everything but they don't pay their bills. I do not want to that class, nor do I want to be in the class that gripes on pense. Therefore, I am putting my car up and riding a bicycle for a Good many reasons. — I felt that I should be perfectly frank with you exactly how I feel. I am going to spend less and less itures as those. Sincerely nal: Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH | Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Dre Don Carlos Peete, 4140 Carbridge Street, Kensas City, Kansas. Dear Dre Peete: ft am sending herewith the four tickets for the game tomorrow night. We shall look forward to greeting you at that time. Very sincerely yours, : \ Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA :Ali Varaity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enc. . | January 26, 1942. Mr. Reaves Peters, 342 So. Chelsea St., Kensas City, Vo. Dear Reaves: I eam sending you copies of commmications regard- ing our basketball game at Iowa State. Later 1 will tell you about the officiating. I desire to make a statement. Sincerely yours, ) Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, — FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coache January 26, 1942. Mre Dan Partner, Sport Desk, The Kansas City Star, Dear Dan: 3 I a enclosing herewith the copies of correspondence : ‘ regarding our game at Iowa State. This is for your con= fidential informations Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education and Recreation, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.