Eiherai Kascas March 12, 1942 Mr. FF. Gy Alien Lawrence Kansas Dear Sir: I understand that, in the past, motion pictures have been taken of various basket- Dall games played by K. U. I do not know whether these pictures. are avaible to us but if they are, we would like to make arrange- ments for showing them in the local high S0001. ae if it is possible for us to obtain these pictures we would accept the responsibility of them and handle expenses. Would you please give me any information about the films such as size of films, (we have a 16 millimeter projector) and running length? Also, are there any other sports films that might be of interest to us? If so, would you please give facts about then. I have enclosed a self-addressed env- elope which you can use if you so desire to answer this letter Respectfully yours, Dene Fete Don Palmer See. of "LL Club" Liberal Kans.