$140,000 CONTRIBUTED BY KANSAS CONFER- ENCE METHODISTS WILL BE USED TO RENDER THE FOLLOWING SERVICES AMONG THE 4,000 METHODIST STUDENTS AT OUR STATE SCHOOLS. At EMPORTA: .. 3... SP ae 06a weenie OU0 Rearrange the church plant to provide adequate space and facilities to min- ister to students, and 4id in provid- ing a full-time minister to students. At DAWEENCGE:< (0.0. ccs aeie age ree, 000 Assure for & period of years an assist- ant part-time worker among students and a more adequate program maintenance through investment of funds and use of income supplemented, if necessary, by & small, definitely limited sum cf the principal each year to maintain a more adequate program of ministry. At: MANHATTAN: 2.00, 0.4 dec ca cara s 100,000 Apply on the erection of a student center near the campus on preperty now owned by the Foundation as socn as building is permissible, and until such time be invested with the possibility that the income may be used to support a more adequate program of ministry. At PITTSBURG: . iis ewes woe g ae oper 000 Purchase a house near the campus to serve as a student center, some remcdel- ling of church plant for better serving the students, and assist in providing a special worker among students. he WAYS: oe, ea ok aes Believing its best interests at present will be served by not participating in 2 campaign, Hays, at its own request, asks no share in the money now being raised in the Kansas Conference. Total estimated costs of campaign and collections. cura iste oes oe ee CRAND. COUAL, Cini as ci eee 1001088