i. - | ‘This thing holds true for Elmer Schaake, who is working at the Ordnance Plant at Eudora. Rumor has it that these people will refuse to release these wrkers, and if that is the tase, Lawrence High School will be looking for a new football coach for the duration Mico mae Tt may be ready by December ee , i Wide elk ds NS eet ts he ter ee Ps and of course he will not be with us. Hemury Shenk will carry the load back there. We have another teacher coming in with a Ph. D. degree, but thet announcament will have to come from the Chancellor's office. These are for our Depertuent of Physical Education and our four~year coaching school. ‘This is all in the School of Education, of course. 7 7 Miss Melba Schillirig wio was our dence teacher here and instruetor in Physical Education has resigned and her place will be filled by someone yet to be nominated by Miss Ruth Hoover, head of the women's division. Miss Schilling ae ening Co work’in Dayton, Ohioe | Hor home ig in Chicagos _ tet ty elicit Weiahaitet Winnia: Wks etemene 1 Mere Math “Red" Dugan, who lettered in baseball in 'S8, "S59, "40, who coaches at Effingham; Ralph Miller, who may go into Gene Twmey's program or Dr. Blvel's program, or he my go to Great Lakes « he is not sure at the present time what he will do, but he is now working on his master's de- grees Ed Ash, who lettered in football in '27 and '28, and in baseball in "29 and "S50, and is now coaching at Argentine High; Bvan Foster, an | Ottewa graduates Charles P. Millis, a Washburn College graduate, and assistant to Ernie Vanck at Topeka High School ~ a car tant eh Se eee oe ee a Varren New~- comer, @ graduate in our department this spring, taking the course as one of the St ee oe ae ee Ernest Vanek, who lettered in basketball in * *34, head basketball coach at Topeka High School. ‘These fellows tees bay lh ir npr neea end so forth, am are taking graduate Se i oe The classes are smaller due to the fact that so many of the coaches have gone into the service program in physical education, even those who @ were too old to come under the draft call. . s The 1 as campus is full of "gobs". They hnve taken over with e dooided cxphaste and you con soo white caps and pentaloona all over eee *% all hours until bedtime. They swarm into the gymasim oe ee ee ee ee sultyy and warm for tae A lot of the e boys are from Texas end they feel this humidity in a evita we Of course you know that Jack Gardner, the Kensas State coach, is to be stationed at the Gardner airport. lie dubtless will ~~ @ game of basketball some time this winter. I am sending you & copy o f ow basketball schodile which is premature becuse feotbell comes ahead of that, but ued aot, Ce a ee Rockhurst Co oa ae aren potter gph kl aeons comgagg ade ee gs Henge Avietion Pre-flight school there on 29, and boca Great his Gillie ack a Seas wee That will be “