ELKINS-SWYERS CO,. SPRINGFIELD. MO. @ IE Z “The Agency of Service ¢ 1s —" 2OS-1IO HOLLAND BLDG. TELEPHONE 7265 SPRINGFIELD, Mo. young chap may be able to make use of his ability, to help obtain a college education. I am being frank and to the point, the boy is & friend of mine. TI have watched him for a number of years, I feel that he can make Bood if given the chance. It is my thought in writing that possibly you might be interested in this boy. In event you are, I can refer you to his ceach Mir. J.H. Collins of Greenwood High School, of this City, or I myself will be glad to answer any inquiries you m#ight have. He is smart, and will make good grades in college. I might add that Missouri University is interested in hin, this for your own information. T will greatly appreciate it if you desire informetion on this boy from another source that you keep the name of the writier of this letter in confidence. I would be very happy to see this boy attend some good niversity such as your own, 1 feel that it weuld be a wonderful thing for hig. I know fora fact, that any school with ® basketball will profit by his prescence. Please do not hesitate to call on me for additional in- formation if you are interested. Sincerely yeur Par: CP