duly 20, 1942. Lieut. W. D. Partner, USER, Naval Pre-Flight School, . University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, N. G. Dear Dan: Then on January 4th we met Jack Gardner's Aviation School at Lawrence, and we meet Missouri, opening our Big Six play on January 6th at : i eae Well, since I. have started I find.that it will be moh better to send you « basketball schedule than it will be to write out the description of these dates. . _ Jack. tells me that he will have a $180,000 swimming pool and a. $500,000 recreation building. I am sure these won't be ready, but we are plaming on playing him over there on February 4th. We - will play in Kansas City several times this year. I believe that is the place to. make the money. Certainly the college campuses will not. drew big crowds due te the tire and gas rationing which is sure to be on before snow flies.