Page three «= are scatterc’ over three or more districts? Why was this change in tabulation al- lowed by our N.C, i.4. representatives? Sorry, Mister foc, but you ought to check your information before you attempt to send innocent men to hell, All 6 cylincers aren't working. The questionnaires are distributed to colleges by each college re- presentative for his own cistrict. A district returns its aquestionmaires to its own representative. He tabulates for his own district and sends the suamry to the Questiomoire Chairman. Obviously, he has his own record of his district -- vother- wise how could the Chairman get the summary? It may have occurred to the sub-com- mittee that there are other groups (relatively unimportant according to report) zn this joint rules committee which are not organized in 8 districts but who might find some use in a sectional tabulation of totalrcturns. Here is another prize statement from the reporti “e----=-one might logically craw the conclusion that the questionnaires were mailed to a carefully selected sampling of those schools favoring the new type of equigent." Since the distribution of tm questiomaires is entirely by the state high school associations and their member high schools for the high schools and by responsible representatives of the N.Coele, the Y,4.C.A, and the Canadian organizations, that statement is a slur on the inte- erity of the state high school officers of 48 states and the coaches and acministra- tors of 25,000 high schools who elect those officers; as well as on the men who form the policies of the N.C,A,4., the Y.M.C.A,, and the Canadian groups. Mister God, you are covering a lot of territory. It is intimated that the sub-committce could make a lot better questionaire. Of course, every individual thinks ho can do it better. Thatts his privilege. let's take a look at the supposedly “unbiased” nature of the questionmire which was sent out by Blair Gyllion to all college basketball conches. It started with this para- graph? "Dear Basketball Coach: Numerous rules changes in past years have not been satisfactory to the members of the college basketball coaching profession. ilany have felt that the National Rules Committee had been acting. in an arbitrary manner inthe adoption of new equipment and the formulation of new rules." Herc is one of the questions with a flag-waving motif: "Do you believe that, in the light of the present demand for conservation of materials for the war effort, that the trend toward the fan-shaped backboard in the college games would be a logical procedure?" his is claimed to be an attempt toget unbiased sentiment based entirely on the merit of the molded basketball and the small backboard. Goa step further anc note the result. This same questionmaire showed 2 slight mjority of the college coaches favoring the molded type basketball and a number who proclaimed it just as good. So the small group which assembled at New Orleans brought in a "practically wani-~ mous" recomnendation that the molded ball be declarec illegal fa college use. This is the group thet is criticizing the Rules Committee for not adopting their recom= memlations and is hurling innuendoes at the High School groups and the other parent bodies of the rules committee and who would like to change the complexion of the committee. One with rubber stamp attributes might be about right. Tye report refers to an “endorsement” of some item of equipment by “ister Scratch. The mature of this so-called "endorsement" is not indicated. The fact is that ligster Seratch, in connection with his varias duties writes quite a few lctters in a yeare To be specific, the stamped envelope record of his office indicates 4,126 for the year in question. Statements in these letters lwe never been copyrighted. 4s number arc in answer to questions as to whether ‘a product or a procedure is in harmony with the rules which govern school athletics and whether it is suitable for usc in member school systems. Schools have a right to kmow whether materials meet rule specifientions anc there is no copyright on statements that they cdo or dontt, (Witness lack of copyright on statement published in the Gullion report and lifted bodily from a private letter from Floyd Rowe.) Such statements are vpen to