Ms Page three = a new foneshaped backboard is legal where the home mana gement chooses to stall it, Since the rule in the book at this time read this way, most cozches interpreted Pe meaning of this statement to be a test for opinion relative to "play on the ba: beard by coaches who had not installed it for their games at home" an@ they were willing to play for experimental purposes. Tying this statement up with the stote. ment listed in the 1940 QUESTIONNAIRE OF THE NATIONAL BASKETBALL COMMITTER: "Assuming that proper safeguards would be made against any sudden compulsory use of equipment whose use would involve considerable expense, do you favor per- mitting the optional use of: (2) A flat surfaced backboard with several inches removed from the borcers and with the upper edge circular, (b) ** convex surfaced board with the shape as in (a)," Is not the inconsistency of the wording evident? Reading further into the science of research we must return to the 1941 QUESTIONNAIRE and the following statemont: "Check below only if you ‘Coached, playec, officiated, or managed games on courts with new type of bankboards: (a) Prefer new type - 819 (b) Prefer old type - 196 " Two factors are very evident in this statement. First, those who have gone to their administrators for the money to buy this innovation will hesitate to cordemn it even though they do not find it an improvement over the rectangular board. Thesecond evident factor is that of the approximately 1900 high schools, colleges, Yts, and others who answered the questionnaire, 1015 answered the above statement. jnce less than 4000 sets of these boards were in use at tmt time, one might logi- cally draw the conclusion that the questionnaires were mailed to a carefuliy selecte? sampling of those schools favoring the new type of equipment. Would not the schools using the rectangular equipment heve a perfect right to voice their opinion regarding the faneshaped bankboard? The tabulation of the results of the questionnaire by the chairman of the Question= naire Committee is questionable; the total summary of the results are tabulated in five sections as follows: 1. Atlantic Coast Area (New England States, Delaware, Maryland, New Jorsey, Now York, Ponnsylvania, Virginia, Washingtor, D.C. and West Virginia) 2. Southern States (Alabam, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississivpi. North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas) 3. Central States (Illinois, ee Kentucky, Michigan, Opio, Wisconsin) 4, Widwestern States (Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraskn, North Dakota, South Dakota ) j 5, “Yestern States (Arizona, Califormia, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, N Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming) 6. Canada ew How can ao N.C... representative determine the reiction of his district when the research tabulations are scattered over three or more districts? Why was this change in tabulation allowed by our N.C wi, representatives?