August 29, 1941. Personal Mr» Dan Partner, Sports Desk, Kansas City, Missourie Dear Dans I want to spin a little confidential yarn with you which you can use as you wish without revealing the source of your information. I noticed a week or two agé au item about Otto Schnellbacher of Sublette, in your columtl. Well, here's that is the top. But this is mo reproach on the Aggie method of pays On Nonday night Schmellbacher called mo from Manhattan end said, te ee day efternoon.” I said, “Otto, if you cam get down here by moon © would be ¢ eb titke sou sneue Gath we te se en their wife and sweetheart to see the Yanks play ‘ after- moon. I bought ten tickets, and I have an en extra would like to come" He said, “I'll be there.” ' Theh, much to my surprise, on Tuesday morning I received the following wire: “Have decided to attend Kansas State. Thank for your consideration.” (signed, Otto one if you Che Tpit Scie Wid erste ‘fete ‘a “Tadede; Witeding that the wire was genuine. I am enclosing a scopy of the