“March 17, 1941 ‘Dre Don Carles Peete 581 Argyle Building _ Kansas City, Missouri Deax Dong I came up to the office to dictate sone letters tonight and the most important one et the present is this one to you and Mrs. Peetes I mow you thought it was queer when you saw us in Kansas City Saturday night and we had said nothing to you about our comings These are the facts: | : Ernie Quigley called me Thursday morning and wanted to lmow if I would honor the Tournament by our presence Saturday eveninge I had promised Dre Jessen of peabody that I would drive to Newton on Friday night . to see Hoyt Baker, one of his Peabody protegees, play in the Newton Tournamente He wanted me to stay over Saturday night and see Newton and Hutchinson playe I half wey promised him that I would do soe But when I got this call from Quigley I surmised that CeE. McBride or some of my good friends had asked Quigley to call and I thought perhaps I had better accept the invitations “He also invited Milton, Bobby and their datese So Mrs. Allen and 6 girls dow to Nances for dimmers I, of course, had not expected to come back from Newton, but under the conditions I felt that had to get tack under the closing hour, beeause she lives at a sorority house, and we had to leaves . I will not be in Kansas City for the pleyoff between Creighton and Iowe. State as I had promised to speak at a Board of rducationeTeacher banquet in Ottawae However, I will plan on being with you people on Friday and Saturday nightse Saturday night the Bannons are plamning to have us to dinner and I will arrange for the tickets, But I will get in touch with you before thene I am merely writing to tell you that we will not be in Kansas City We are still going to have that good vis I hope it will be this weekends I doubt, however, that Mrs. Allen will be with us rriday evening, but | we are planning to have dinner with the Peete's and the Bamon's at the Kansas City Club and go to the game on Saturday night, | With all good wishes, I am, E Hbrarigr sof SRUntyeD, Buse ey, Bgoren tion