April 8, 1942 Iie Erwin Cohan - 4205 We. VanBuren, Ch Chicago, Tilincis | Myre Allen Poll 1501 Se Kenneth Avee Chicago, Illinois Dear Trwin and Allens On February 12 I wrote you in response to your undated letter which you sent me previous $S wy writings I explained our tuition fee to you in that letters : In eddition to this tuition there would be e matriculation fee of $20,003 you py that but onces Then there is the student health fee of $10.00 a year, or $5.00 a semester, and an activity fee of $1275 for the years, I am sure if you have studied the wenniog yeu Dawe EetoER this information from ite On April 16 I en epikine at Gaylord, Kansas at their Athletic - Banquet, which is located out in western Kansess However, I will be here on April 14 but not after 10300 Aelle on April 15s of course, I will return on April 16. ae ee ee See eee 1 See Soe tee Oe re to see you both and talk with yous I might tell you, however, that I have not built my — teams on solicitetions of athletes because of their athletic ebility, but rather on their academic standings If you boys do come I would be giad to have you bring along the transcript of your grades so that we might seo what type of students you are. wy office is located in Robinson Gymnasium, and you will notice & sign above the door, "Department of Physical Educatione” I will be happy to see yous Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reoreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach