Jamary 24, 1942 Mre Te Pietrykowski 82 Howell Street Buffalo, New York Dear Mire Pietrykowskis Answering your commmication of recent date regarding NeCeAeAe basketball champions, may I give you the following informations The 1939 NeCeAeie Tournament was held at Northwestern University in Chicago, the Finals being played between Oregon and Ohic State. Oregon won the championship that yoare The 1940 NeCeAeie Tourmment ms held in the Muicipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Missouri, and the Finals were played between the tniversity of Indiana and the University of Kansase Indiana . won the championship that yeare Trusting this gives you the information you desire, T am, Sincerely yours, Direstor of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | FeAslg denuary 31, 1341 Moe Dan Partner Sports Editor fhe Keansss City Star Kensas City, Hoe bear Dan: Last week I wrote Lte Comdre Gene Tunney, Us. Se Be Pes at the Ue Se» Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida, offering to heve our manufacturer ship them one Goal-Hi standard with rules, etce, for his aviatorss re Tunney replied this morning, saying: "TZ like the idea of your “Goal-Hi" game. It seems very sensible and because of its moveability, I think it could fit in very nicaly with our pley program and voluntery game schedule. Aecordingly, I would eppreciate your sending one to Ensign de Ve Stack, dre at this Station. I will instruct him to advise you of his reactions efter he bas tried it oute With many thanits for your thought, believe me Sincerely yours, Gene Tunney | Lte Comdr., USER" From time to time I will send you sketehes such ss this if you desire them. You soem sore interested in gathering news than & lot of our local boys, wie never get it unless we call them up and deliver it to them in celiephenes | Sincerely yours, FCAzlgsmin | Director of Physical Education and Yecre: tion , Versity Basketball Coech THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 ca aN SUBSCRIBERS tuesday Dr. ¥.0,Allen University of Kansas Lawrence ,Kas, Dear Phog:; Well,as yet I con’ #kntnk we have the 1941 Big Six championship pasketball team at ‘Lawrence, But -- when some of your youngsters improve things will be different. Hope the story and column about Monday night's game met your approval. I wasn't impressed by the technical basketball exhibited -- and 4 doubt that you were, Herets a question -- Does Bobby use the same,soft shot that Ted O'Leary used when he was a star for you? I think there's material for a feature story there -- if such is true, I know ted is a favorite of yours and thought perhaps you taught Sobby his shot. I've yet to approach ‘ted on the subject, awaiting your replg. Will you please leave three seat tickets and 4 press ticket in my name at the box office for the Missouri @ame? Thanks. xa Dan Partner Jenuary 31 > 1941 Urse Anna I. Passch Eudora Fansas Dear Mrse Passch: I ackmowledge receipt of your letter of the 26th instant. However, I am referring it to Mre Farl Falkenstein, financial secretary of the /thletic Association. I inquired of Mrs Falkenstoin, and be stetes that we do not carry insurance on any of the boys, since this is a state institution. The state tees oare of doctor billse 3 Thank you for your letter, and I assure you that if there is enything we eculd do we would be giad to give your proposition careful consideratione Sincerely yours, . FoAtig:min — : Director of Physical “ducation and Recreation Vorsity Basketball Coach Cc. E. SPANGLER. CHAIRMAN OF THE BoarD ‘Woodmen Accident Company «Lincoln, Nebraske OFFICE OF DISTRICT AGENT PHONE ¢ SOS1 EUDORA, KANS, fr 26 OGY) A Jroublesome Problem Solved Most school boards are not in a position to pay the expense when a student is injured while engaged in athletics. Many parents are unable to stand this expense and feel it should be the responsibility of the school board. There is a happy solution to the problem: The Athlete's Super Accident Policy issued by the Woodmen Accident Company has been designed to meet this need. The liberal amounts payable under the policy cover injuries from a chipped tooth up to major injuries and loss of life. Coaches, superintendents, and school boards should cooperate in seeing that their athletes are protected by this insurance. Because this policy is limited to indemnity for injuries sus- tained while practicing for or engaging in athletic games, the premium is very low, Jess than a penny a day for each athlete. It is sold in groups of five or more. Protect yourself and your team by meeting a long time neat with the Athlete's Super. Accident Policy! 4G Benefits: or Tess Or Pte loos a $250.00 For Loss of One Hand and One For oss ‘of Both Byes!) 250.00 Foot wasseereecenenscetenesetcan tees ctceeeseee= $250.00 For Loss of Both Hands............... 250.00 For Loss of One Eye to... 125.00 For Loss of Both Feets....-2.--.- 0.0. 250.00 For Loss of One Hand................. 125.00 For Loss of One Foot..........2..2.2..:. 125.00 Specific injuries according to schedule............ $2.00 to $150.00 Risa Zo Mgh sehorl Colligsn, oy Vorcvts in sid a eis FIFTIETH YEAR IN BUSINESS Number of Policies Issued Over 1,068,000 Number of Claims Paid Over 380,000 Amount of Claims Paid Over $13,675,000 A MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY Issuing Non-Assessable Policies on the MUTUAL LEGAL RESERVE PLAN ad eens S. P. Athlete’s Super Accident 5M 9-40 STUDENTS e Be Careful Childuen How many times we warn our children to be careful. We know how real the danger is—accidents are always lurking around the corner just waiting for one slip or one careless moment. Most children are careful, but how often even the careful ones are injured —at home, at school, on the highway, either at work or play and while they, of course, suffer the pain and inconvenience, the parents are the ones who have their savings impaired or even wiped out. Every day the paper tells of many accidents that have happened to children of school age. To help parents, or the student who is supporting himself meet the heavy expense of injury Woodmen Accident Company has developed a policy that provides the most liberal type of reimbursement indemnity known—complete medical, surgical, hospital and nurses’ indemnity and at a cost so low that no his or student can afford to be without The Student’s Super Reimbursement olicy. Benefits: . . gy 4 a Death by accident ‘ $500.00 Loss of both hands, feet, eyes, or one hand and one foot... 500.00 Loss of either hand 250.00 Loss of either foot 150.00 Loss of either eye.2 c= ee 125.00 Expense Reimbursement Limit (For any one accident)... 200.00 Also Double Indemnity and Guaranteed Income Option. Issued to Males or Females ages 8-25 (inclusive). FIFTIETH YEAR IN BUSINESS Number of Policies Issued Over 1,068,000 Number of Claims Paid Over 380,000 Amount of Claims Paid Over $13,675,000 A MILLION DOLLAR COMPANY Issuing Non-Assessable Policies on the MUTUAL LEGAL RESERVE PLAN wes aden ve | ee £8 S. P. Student’s Super Reimbursement 90M 9-40 February 4, 1961 Presitent Northeast Missouri State Teachers Sellage Kirksville, Missouri Dear President Ryles Thank you se mueh for your gemine kindness in sending me the photogreph that wis taken during the Homecoming Parade lest falle I took the photograph home end showed it to Mree Allen end it renewed many pleasant . memories of our trip to Kirksville. We are hoping thet Mrs, kyle is very much better and that you are enjoying your usval busy life and your good healths. : Mrse Allen trishes to be remembered to you and your good familys Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Edueation and one | Varsity Pasketball Coach FUAglg February 5, 1941 Mire Ray Se Pierson lawyer Peoples Netle Bank Bldg. Burlington, Kansas Dear Rey: : Doubtless when you addressed me as firector of Athletics you were amare of the fact thet Grimn Henry is Director of Athletics and I have nothing whatsoever to do with handling tickets or finamees for the Athletic Association. However, it does give me pleasure to cooperate with you and the Athletic Association and I have referred your letter to Mre Berl Falkenstien, Financial Secretary of the Athletic Association. He states the price of each ticket is 75¢ plus a 10¢ tax on your Kelfhn card and plus 15¢ for insured postage to mail you the tickets, If you will send ~ & check to Mr. Far] Falkenstien in care of the Athletic Office, he will mil you the ten tickets for the Oklahoma games 7 You doubtless mow thet we are practically sold out for every geme and there are less than 80 tickets left for the Oklahene game et the present time. It is a pleasure to do you this services Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach POAslg | CC: Pal enstion TEL. OFFICE 214 Ray S. PIERSON LAWYER PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK BUILDING 145 BURLINGTON, KANSAS _ February Third, io big Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen:- Please reserve ten tickets for me for the K.U-Oklahoma game on Friday evenings, March 7th. If you will let me know what they are I will send you a check. Otherwise have them in an envelope at the ticket office and I will call for them that evening. I am taking it for granted that one of them will be complimentary by virtue of my K-Man card No.493. If you can't get these tickets all together, please place them six in one group and four in another or something similar. Wishing you the best of success during the balance of the season and with kindest personal regards, I am, RSP: JH February 6, 1941 Dre Don Carlos Peete Argyle Building Kansas City, Missouri Dear Dre Peete: . : If you should come down for the Freshman game, whieh will be played Friday night at 7:50 in the Auditorium, I want to talk with you regarding one of our Freshmen, Jack Ballarde Jack came to me the other day end stated that . this summer he wanted to have the bridge of his nose taken. care of, and he wanted me to recommend the best plastie surgeon to do the jobe I told him he would have to consult you regarding this, and if you did net come down om Priday you would on Monday, and that we would discuss the matter with you thene I told him I would advise him as per Dre Peete's recommendations I want you to meet Jack and talk with hime The bridge of his nose is very flet and he thinks he wants it built upe We are alyvmys glad to see you and yours and we will be looking forward to the time when we will have the opportunity to greet you, which we hove is very soote Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAslg ‘February 6, 1942 Profs Dele Patterson 108 Frank Strong Hall Universi ty of Kansas Dear Prof, Tatterson; Iwant to thank you for your extreme kindness in offering to permit Eleanor to enroll in your Medieval History provided there were any withdrawals begiming Saturdaye 3 : However, Eleanor has completed her enrollment satisfactorily now and thinks that she will not make any changese She has enrolled for a course in Foods and Nutrition and we believe that this will be satisfactory for this senester.s : 3 . I do wish to thank you for any past and present favorse : : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation and Recreation ‘Varsity Basketball Coach Pebruary 6, 1942 Mr, Glon Perkins 1025 West Hills lawrence, Kanses bear Glens For your information I an enclosing — & copy of a letter I have written to Paul Walker ef Wichita, inviting him to the Kansas Relayse Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rdusation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coash FOAsic = February 7, 1941 Meg Don Partner - The Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri. Dear Darts ~ Thenks for your good letter of recent dete telling me that you need three press tickets for the Husker gamé.e Tem yassing this on to Mre Barl Faikenstien and I em sure that he will take care of you in his usual prompt and courteous BENnne he I do wish that you could talk CeEs HeBride into coming eleng with yous I imagine thet it will be necessary for him te become acclimated sinee he has been in swmy Cel ifornia se long, but it would be good to see hime I assure you it is a great pleasure to pasa any . chatty notes along to you for your columme You heave beem very kind, indeed, to us and it is friends oN people like to do things with and fore 3 I still think you are selling this Casas team pretty highe Every game I feel as if we cannot go any further, but somehow we soreten then oute Wichita gave us a fit for 32 minutes end then folded upe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation : Varsity Basketball Coach THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 — ae SUBSCRIBERS Dear "Phog," That Wichita game really had me worried and when we got the flash on the final score I was very relieved. Despite your warning (and Oklahoma's very poor showing against the Aggies last night) I'm still riding your horse in the Big 6 race, But the tig thing at hand now is that Nebraska game Monday. Please regard this letter as a pep talk. The first game you toys lose(especially at lewrenece) T. O'Leary and I are in for 4 heavy razzing from the office force here, Please leave three seat tickets and a press ticket for me for the Husker game. I'm attempting to talk Mr, “cBride into making the trip with me but have been unsmuccessful, as yet. I certainly appreciate the letters wou send with notes for my cOlumn. It's guys like you who meke life easier for newsmen. Dan Partner February 10, 1941 Mr, W. W, Parker, President Southeast Missouri State Teachers College Cape Girardeau, “Missouri Dear VW, Wes Last year we had a souvenir basketball progrem from your institution which was printed in sepia, It was cut out of paper much efter the shape of a basketball with the lacings and so forth on it, and I thought it was very clever, 3 I am wondering if you are getting out programs for this year's games, and, if so, I would appreciate your sending me one of the Progranse I trust that irs, Parker and the rest of the Parkers, as well as “The Chief," are in the best of health, With kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, PCAtlgs:mln | Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach February 12, 1941 ‘ : iy Ape i-2 (ne ‘ GA ie i ‘ é : c Whew Oe, o ae : Mr. Erwin Cohan 4203 4. Yan Buren, Ch Chicago, Illinois Mr, Allen Poil 1501 S, Kenneth Ave, Dear Brwin and Allens We have your letter of recent date regarding your athletic ability. Our tuition for out-of-state students is $75.00 per semester, $150.00 a year, I am asking that a catalog be sent you so that you my study it, : There is always an opportunity for 2 fellow to work for his woom and board, but too many times athletes rely upon their athletic ability to earn their money, We heve several boys working for their room and board, but I informed them that just because they are athletes is no sure sign thet they will earn their room and board unless they work, If you are really interested in obtaining an education and have money for tuition, I would be very glad to help you help yourself, but you doubtless noticed by watching our boys on the floor that . they were students first and athletes second, Kansas has a high academic rating and a fine group of students here, We have about 4,000 or more students enrolled, in- cluding a few graduate students and the rest undergraduates, : I am also sending you a bulletin of our Physical Education Department, If after seeing the cataloges and reading this letter you are still interested in entering the University of Kansas, I would be glad to hear from you, Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation PCA:1g Varsity Basketball Coach Dear-Sir, | : We have watched your team play at the Chitace Coliseum, and were very enthused on the type of basketball your team plays. We are now attending the John Marshall high school, in Chicago and play for Mr. Louis Weintraub, whom is our coach. Our team has piayed in three years for the semi-finals of the city tournment. To be frank, we were offered to go to the Universities of Michigian, Depaul and Loyol We coul@Nt afford the tuition and would like to ieneiw if there is any chance to go to Kansas and work our room .and board, .and the requirements of getting into the University. Our gobeaie 4s a little below G average but our last semesters work is E. which is emgcellent in our school rating Our names are Allan Poll and Erwin Cohan, we both are past siz feet. Poll being 6ft. 3'tand Cohan being 6ft. we both are gainin weight Poll diden ine I75 and Cohan 182. We are wkiting this letter not bragging about ourselves but being interested in going to College. We would. aprreciate it very much if you would consider this matter carefully and return an answer to us. We live at. Erwin Cohan 42035 W. Van Buren, Ch Allen Poll IS50I S. Kenneth Ave. Chicago Ill. Thahking you, THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 a a ee SUBSCRIBERS Dear "Phog:" My hearty thanks for your long letter,received today. I*ll use all the very readable information included at different times in the near future. I sincerely hope you've whipped that cold.Mayte you should wear long underwear. (?) Things are moving slowly here. Mr. Mac is expected back this week -- full of conversation about the sunny climate of California. My thanks again for the fine information, © Sincerely, — a Dan Partner February 22, 1941 Phi Kep pa Psi University of Kensas Lawrence, Kansas . Gentlemen: Your wire to me and the Kansas basketball squad arrived at the field house in Columbia in good time for the boys to eppreciate your friendly and loyal spirite Such things as this telegram give evidence thet the basketball team is more than a group of men but en integral part of the University in which | the organized houses and the team ere a determining perte : Thank you so mich for your thoughtfulness in wiringe Fraternally yours, Director of Physical Education end “ecreation Varsity Besketball Coach ‘PCA wmh WESTERN UNION PRESS_ MESSAGE R. B. WHITE PRESIDENT — KR SF S& Lawkence KANS Hp Feb 2 Dk Allen + KANSAS Uni'y BasveT ba cr SQUAD CoLumbinz Mg — FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT ; You Re The Ones, S tow Missota}, AL PHA. S25 pe February 24, 1941 Ure Den Partner Yanseas City Ster Kanses City, “issouri Dear Dan: In reply to your letter of recent date, I have talked with Mrs Earl Falkenstein and he will save the tickets for you aS you requeste °* This letter will take precedence over the note you sent me by Replogle. _ With kindest personel regards, I am, Sineerely yours, FoA:1g:ebb Director of Physical Education and Recreation , Varsity Besketball Coach THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 eas 7S SUBSCRIBERS pear Phog: i notice the K-state-K,U, game is a selleut -- which sets the stage for a swell victory. 1 sent you a note by Replegle. Please disgegard it. : PLEASE LZAVE ONE SEAT TICKET AND ONE HIRSE PRESS TICKET IN MY NAME FOR THE GAME, THANKS AND BEST REGARDS. DAN PARTNER February 27, 1941 Mire fan Partner Sports Desk Kansas City Star Kansas City, Missouri Dear Pans I find that I failed to answer your inquiry regarding Bill Hogbene Here is the off=theerecord explanations Bill Hogben has a girls He even had one last yeare Just about this time when he was not pleying regularly he wanted to quite I told him that I hated to seo a fellow quit when he had a chance to make a letter, We had no better chance to win the BigeSix then than we have this year, so I insisted that he stay outs Well, as it turned out we were fortunate beyond expectation and tied for the Big-Six, then won the playeoff and you mow the rest of the storye Well, Bill got strap watches, windbreakers, gold basketballs, silver basketballs, sweaters and the likes He had high hopes of playing regularly this year but when it came to the games he could not hit so I saturally replaced him with someone else. He came to me again and said he wanted to quit; said his mother and folks thought he had hed enough end I said, “Bill, I do not want to turn in your name es quitting the squad, so why wouldn't it be better to say you work out once or twice a week to avoid the misunderstanding that usually takes place when boys quit the squad$ Bill said, “Oley.” He has not been out to practice and, of course, will not beg but there is this fine fellowship between the coach and the playere : | Bill is one of the swellest fellows I kmow and I would not do anything to hurt him, but I am telling you that he is not reporting regularly and, of course, we would not expect him to do soe Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation | Varsity Basketball Coach PCAslg THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 a ea SUBSCRIBERS Dear Phog By a glance at the tox score I find that the name of Hogben is missing and upon investigation I find that he has quit the squad. Will you give me the reason for his action? I understood you had high hopes for Bill and was very surprised to hear that he quit. Nice going against the Huskers. That was a crucial game and the victory gives you the post position in the Big Six race. | I shall appreciate hearing from you regarding Hogbe ne | Sincerely, a Dan Partner