THE KANSAS CITY STAR. DAILY SUNDAY WEEKLY COMBINED CIRCULATION CIRCULATION CIRCULATION 450,000 MORNING AND EVENING 320,000 PAID-IN-ADVANCE 600,000 ca aN SUBSCRIBERS tuesday Dr. ¥.0,Allen University of Kansas Lawrence ,Kas, Dear Phog:; Well,as yet I con’ #kntnk we have the 1941 Big Six championship pasketball team at ‘Lawrence, But -- when some of your youngsters improve things will be different. Hope the story and column about Monday night's game met your approval. I wasn't impressed by the technical basketball exhibited -- and 4 doubt that you were, Herets a question -- Does Bobby use the same,soft shot that Ted O'Leary used when he was a star for you? I think there's material for a feature story there -- if such is true, I know ted is a favorite of yours and thought perhaps you taught Sobby his shot. I've yet to approach ‘ted on the subject, awaiting your replg. Will you please leave three seat tickets and 4 press ticket in my name at the box office for the Missouri @ame? Thanks. xa Dan Partner