February 5, 1941 Mire Ray Se Pierson lawyer Peoples Netle Bank Bldg. Burlington, Kansas Dear Rey: : Doubtless when you addressed me as firector of Athletics you were amare of the fact thet Grimn Henry is Director of Athletics and I have nothing whatsoever to do with handling tickets or finamees for the Athletic Association. However, it does give me pleasure to cooperate with you and the Athletic Association and I have referred your letter to Mre Berl Falkenstien, Financial Secretary of the Athletic Association. He states the price of each ticket is 75¢ plus a 10¢ tax on your Kelfhn card and plus 15¢ for insured postage to mail you the tickets, If you will send ~ & check to Mr. Far] Falkenstien in care of the Athletic Office, he will mil you the ten tickets for the Oklahoma games 7 You doubtless mow thet we are practically sold out for every geme and there are less than 80 tickets left for the Oklahene game et the present time. It is a pleasure to do you this services Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach POAslg | CC: Pal enstion