Dear-Sir, | : We have watched your team play at the Chitace Coliseum, and were very enthused on the type of basketball your team plays. We are now attending the John Marshall high school, in Chicago and play for Mr. Louis Weintraub, whom is our coach. Our team has piayed in three years for the semi-finals of the city tournment. To be frank, we were offered to go to the Universities of Michigian, Depaul and Loyol We coul@Nt afford the tuition and would like to ieneiw if there is any chance to go to Kansas and work our room .and board, .and the requirements of getting into the University. Our gobeaie 4s a little below G average but our last semesters work is E. which is emgcellent in our school rating Our names are Allan Poll and Erwin Cohan, we both are past siz feet. Poll being 6ft. 3'tand Cohan being 6ft. we both are gainin weight Poll diden ine I75 and Cohan 182. We are wkiting this letter not bragging about ourselves but being interested in going to College. We would. aprreciate it very much if you would consider this matter carefully and return an answer to us. We live at. Erwin Cohan 42035 W. Van Buren, Ch Allen Poll IS50I S. Kenneth Ave. Chicago Ill. Thahking you,