December 12, 1940 a Peek Waite New York, New York Dear Mir. Phillipss . I feel very guilty in not aclmowledging your and Mre Adams* very lovely invitation to me as of November 8, when Ts oa eee dinner at the Ambassador Hotel. : it was physically impossible for me to be there since Iwas coaching my team and teaching here, but I appreciate your _invitetion nevertheless. ; | I was delighteé that your ee ee Ohrbach Athletic Association sons Sew York AskeUs Championse % was @ thriller. I heard a part of it over the radio but the reception wes bad that night and I did not get to hear the finishe However, I stayed right by the radio pulling for your team to wing. Again thanking you, I am, Sincerely yours, Direetor of Physical Edueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsi¢c ce: Kenneth S- Adams