Dan Partner Page 2 Jane 22, 1941 a No, Dan, we will not even be BigeSix Champions. If we should get a tie out of it, which I think is more than unlikely, then the other teams" percentage will be better because we do not have a well-balanced team that holds the opponents low enough in score, nor do we get enough because we do not have enough goal shooterse However, we are making a courageous fight out of it and I was tickled pink over the performance of our boys at Manhattan, ‘They really do have intemtinal fortitude when it cones to meeting the “lion in his dens" They had it set up for us for & perfect K-State victory. Frankly, I think, Tan, that Engleman's hitting has raised the morale of the team considerably, and while he might have an off night it perhaps will be when they play two men on him and when they do they will release one of our other boys who, I think, may bag enough goals to mike up for ite I believe that this morale angle for the entire team is & pretty good angle to hit one Now, here is a little inside dope, Dan, I wish you would treat confidentially, Unglemm is one of the finest boys in the world, but when a team is played up as only 4 oneeman team too much, it might cause a slight resentment on the part of the other boys, even though ingleman would have absolutely nothing to do with ite I would like for you to_ play up, if you can some way, about the courageous fighting support that the other boys give Engieman. They fight their hearts out and are happy for him because they realize that all of them are winnings | i stated that I thought Engleman played a marvelous game, and one that was near perfection, but no team can win on one man's effort. It takes the combined fighting attitude of the entire group to wine Therefore, it Still is e fiveeman team, supporting Engieman as the top mane There is not @ boy that played dow at Manhattan the other night who uses tobacco or takes a drink in or out of seasons There was Engleman, Kline, Bob Alien, Sollenberger, Hunter, Hall, Walker, but that also goes for Biii Hogben and Jim Arnolde That is the reason more than anything else why these boys are fighterse They are the most conscientious bunch of trainees I have seen and they just stay in there and fight wmtil the cows come homes | : ' Really I did not think we would have a chance. I thought the psychology of the whole situation was set for an Aggie victory, but these _ little kids just got out there and fought the daylights out of theme The Aggies average 23 years and 6 months and our average is 21 years and 6 monthse Théy had it on us in poundage, height, home floor, and every logical advantage, and yet unless we played a red hot game we could not possibly have won, It was just an exveptione . Dan, if anything else occurs to me in the next few days I will ssf down and jot outa yarn for you, if I am versatile enough to think of On e