October 31, 1940 Mre Ye Ee Padden Ue Se Engineer Office 701 Davidson Bldg. Kansas City, Mos Dear Ure Padden: = find that somehow your letter of Yay 22 was mispleced and 4 failed to answer the seme before the close of school last springs However, I em now writing to let you mow that while i appreciate your sending me that date on Robert S. Macklin et Amity, Woe, it is not our habit to offer any special inducements to the basketball mene We do this because we do not heve eny money for such purposes, and secondly, most of the special dispensations are granted to the football boys in an effort to build e better team. The fact that Robert would come from Missouri would have meade it necessary for him to pay out<-of-stete tuition. We have no way to take care of this, and, since some schools do make specie] inducements, I am sure we would not be able to bring him here if we wanted to. There is no extra money here for basketball pleyers, and we have adopted the policy of taking only crack students interested in the University, and have endeavored to make besketball players out of theme : I do wish to thank you for writing me and I em sorry thet I failed to acknowledge your letter sooner. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FCAsig:min