January 4, 1940. Dre We We Parker, President, Southeast iissouri State Teachers College, Cape Girardeau, lissouris Dear Friend We Ne: Wisi snk: dining seth tae eed tek Gada sed enn gratulations upon Bobby's basketball performance. Bob just stopped in the office end I showed him your letter, and of course it pleased him very muche ee a ee ee ee re ee + ae bern on July 3, 1919, prior to our leaving in Rob is © presmedic and almost a straight "A" student. this is his third year. lie exnects to take his degree here and : | them hopes to win a liarvard scholarship in the medical school — there. We believe that he has the ability to mike it, and it is on account of hie academic record that we ere esvecially | well pleased. His athletic record of course is just one of ~ those activities that takes his interest and consumes his