SOUTHEAST MISSOURI STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE W. W. PARKER, PRESIDENT CAPE GIRARDEAU, MISSOURI oy 1940 Dr. Forrest 0. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Doc": I greatly enjoyed your letter of January 4. In my former letter I failed to say that our youngest is also a basketball player. Herewith enclosed I am sending you a program for the Maryville game last night. You will note on page 7 a picture of our "baby". The Maryville game last night was a very close one, Maryville nosing us out 33 to 30. Mrs. Parker and I were interested in the news of your family. I shall be glad to report on ours. Mary Elizabeth is married and lives in Cape Girardeau. Her young son, Bobby, was one year old day before yesterday. I know now how a grandfather feels. You, ot course, have known for some time. Bobby is a perfect specimen, if I ever saw one. Jimmy, our oldest son, is with the Aluminum Company of America, in Cleveland; Walter, Jr., is doing his second year in graduate physics at the University of Missouri. Billy is here. He finisnes, I believe, at the end of next summer session. He thinks he is interested in journalism but at present is a bit discouraged by the fact that the cubs receive such small pay and many of them upon finishing schools of journalism do not find employment. So I don't know what the future holds for hin. tell your son, Bob, tnat I wish him every success in carrying out his plans to go to the Harvard Medical School. If a boy has the stamina, the field of medicine is one of the most attractive. Mrs. Parker joins me in the very best of good wishes to all of you. Most sincerely yours, . We PARKER, President