February 5, 19402 Dre Don Carlos Peete, 531 Argyle Building, Kansas City, Moe | Dear Dre Peete: It was a great pleasure to have a visit with you last saturday. After you left it occurred to me that I might tell you of the interest Mr. Neal Wherry, the principal of the Lawrence High School, showed in Howards *s possibilities sumer before laste We used Howard a great deal that sumer on our Sumer Sehool playground and he did such outstanding work that Principal Wherry commented to me about hime I told Howard then that Mre Wherry was interested in him for the future, and I am again calling it to his attention in an effort to further build up his morale. I want him to see that it is desirable for him to measure up to the high expectations of people in the commmity and the school officials. Again thanking you for your kindmesses, and with best wishes, I an ® Very sincerely yours, - ‘Directer of Physical Education and Recreation, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache