Septeniber 27, 193% ire Ray Patterson, . Box 152, : Loveland, Colorado. Dear iir. Pattersons may Thank you for your kind letter of the Zend instante We think the bleck and white maricings on the basketball court make a womlerful improvencnt, especially for a floor thet is dark. The broken lines enphasize the court mridngs, thus aiding spectators, officials and players to a great degrees The court may be marked at a very minimal cost, and wo believe in its benefits very strongly. The black line is broken every six inches. with a two inch white square on the center the free throw lines and the boumdary lines. This white line is painted on with white show card color nixed with LePage's glue, and woars very well for the entire seasons It my be washed off with wam wter. Coach As Je MeDoreld, of Southwest iiissouri Teachers College, Springfield, Missouri, is putting the ‘black and white broken line on their new basketball floor. We used it here all last year and imtend to use it againe Persomilly, I think it is a great improvencnt. | With best wishes to you for a successful, season, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache |