Mire Dick Priest, Santa Fe Hospital, Topelm, Kansate Dear Dicks : S dest anit sand Wad ae vee tu et etn with a Groleen lec, and wide. wood whahon sents maid ee lel aca dant nad ene! venice mand amare youe = ciit at weed ts le ht Dk ee, if I om in Yopein 1 wut to etop in and lave & word with youe | Here*s wishing you the best of lutke Cordially yours, Director of Payston2 Education, — oe Oo November 30, 19586 Very truly yours, November 2, 1936... Tell, the old basketball grind is on againe On Monday following the Nebraska football game we will start attannees emai Sek Sy ee In the evening we will stert freskgm prectios. sata cata’ ide ile Whi ies Mada varsity-freshman game which will be played on November 29 in Nosh Auditorium, and the allestarelasteyear's-varsity versus the freshmn teem of this year. We are plaming to play the all-star game follow ing our game with Central Missouri. State Teachers College, last year's National Collegiate Tournament winners at Kansas ce ahd The date is scheduled: tur leemane’ Sel, Atury hee i ef sick, oie ile Se A van oie toutes Sn oe come in ahd play with your old teametes of last year ageinst the froshe On the afternoon of December Srd we are planning on a FCA:AH sre December 5, 1938. Ur. Franke Piokell, Stanoling O32 & Gas Cos, Phileade Building, , Tulsa, Oklahomais tear re Pickell: The University of Kansas basketball team is playing Oklahoma Ae and i. College at Stillwater on Friday and Sature day nights of this week, Decenber 9 and 10.° I am wondering if you end Mrse Pickell might like to drive over to Stillwater and see one of these games. I should be glad to hatve you if OR Oat Ake. Aree genes tion be: ssh Ayal MAME) det wk lesen a eee ally conveniences Tf you Go not writs Be heres jow my get in tomh with me at the Grand Notel in Sti llmtere Pate | lly son, ifilton, has been leashecen ai te Pinan Company at Gorham, Kansas, for years, ever since his gradue ation fron the University of Kensase He has told me of meeting you at Tulsa thie sumer and of your enthusiash Sar eportets If you are unable to get over to Stillwater perhaps you can see our game at Norman on January 7e I am enclosing a sched= ule for your convenience, Hoping to see you at Stillwater, I am’ Very sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coaches Decenber 7, 1938. Director of Physical Education, — Varsity Sasketball Coache (THIS SIDE OF CARD IS FOR ADDRESS ]} Pers Ce eet meet) 3 De. 3.C. Athen December 29, 1938. It will be rather inoonvemient for me to see you Kansas City, Mos Dear Davids homa, and on the 14th at Lincoln, Nebrasim. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coache 400} RX oer Prddl, \G sa Ll) \Q3 e eu JE tern Sanne Ailhad Jenuary 5, 1959, the boys end if we had someone to Sire their Corlis was the only man thet pleyed the entire game end he played a swell gme of basketball. tnglamen, of course, was the only one that counted points and he played a fing alle around gemes Corlis couldn't hit and Harp was worse than terrible. You can see that no man on the Kansas team made more ~2ew | ; Give my love to your wife, and here’s hoping that every- thing is a thousand per cent with you, old fellowes i hope that you will write me right away about your condition, as Mrse Allen With Icindest regards and best wishes from a real admirer and a sincere wollewishing friend, I am . Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, WAsAH 7 Varsity Basketball Coach. ® : al VAD. $ Jamary 7, 1939. / t a wrestling nect. here at the University me about have wrestling I $ I shall be glad te do hope that some day wo will doesn"; seem probably this years , have turned your letter over to Mre Gwim Henry, I tor of Athletics, who will write yous way of Jim He Raport, Instructor in Physical Hducations 2 help Sincerely yours, times BG Lai ee ua ve the a § g If I san Kansas in Cane 1 HY | ; i | i a ii ; | i ih 8 : 4 } aa : i al i t thi CLASS OF SERVICE 1201 - SYMBOLS ] we is a = DL=Day Letter elegram or e = = its de- 1 3 NL=Night Letter erred character is in- = dicated by a suitable lV (44 Ad j Seo symbol above or pre- _ ‘| NLT=Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. SC. WILLEVER > Ship Radiogram r PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin.- Time of receipt i is STANDARD TIME at point of destination oe at 646 Massachusetts St., Lawrence, Kansas. Phone 2764 59 JA N 19 Phy V “KRI65. 10 SC=MANHATTAN KANS 19 236P DR FOREST C ALLEN= UNIV OF KANS “" s gz éf © PLEASE SEND PLAYERS NUMBERS FOR PROGRAM TO MER CHRONICLE PRESS= 3 DAN PARTNER. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE \ATES? ‘With all Good Wishes for your happiness at Christmas and throughout the New Year oy Pee Art Powell, U. B. Coach, ‘Becomes a Grandfather | Art Powell, grand old man of Eastern basketball, is a grand- father. A'son was born to Mr. and ‘Mrs. Billy Powell, of Kenmore, | Wednesday night in Children’s | hospital. Billy played two seasons of basketball under his father, starring on the 1932-33 University of Buffalo basketball team. The senior Powell now is in his 31st year as a college basketball coach, serving at U. B . for 24 seasons. Pubes Pon oe JF ote < fauely ‘TE a S lhe alaps a faw an Ho — justia ia cmacsnatl ire des abrntt pond bo 3 2 bal dans rec jumtner a: Ase Jae yom why ee acy Hs whale er PtP? — ee oe | je a forte: tall lat @ foot mim Offutt Aare se ell thane tiple Loe’ Ze pi Pol ~~ i foun bg mtn baberinn Lhe oe ae Gf Hey shed 8 play @ vefedy mean Js med a0 bol, 4 iLhy aos tele fi Gi bu Pp oe Scobey ae «Pho Zi ema tu Ley tat aloe B send toni — .. eeu teriesen nner. als 2 hr eo eer fa . af Paagfirere Jaw pees fell ows. Jar * he OY a Cored seccrefadd Leek! Gall loecte G. fegeage —? February 7, 1959s FCA sAH | Varsity Coach» 626 Ov.ud- NC Fat. S, 1735 _ ROBERT A. HUNT, MINISTER MISS VIRGALENE DAVIS, SECRETARY EDWIN F. PRICE, MINISTER OFFICE: PHONE 1908 DIRECTOR OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES Che Hirst Methodist Lpiscopal Church AND The Wesley Fombdation at the Wnibersity of Kansas Latorence, Kansas Jan. 24, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear friend Phog: I have your letter of recent date in which you indicate the advisability of discontinuing this spring the Sunday School group. It is with sincere regret, and yet with equally sincere appreciation for what you have done, that your “resignation is accepted." And the stus dents will, of course, be disappointed; but we all understand the necessity of your action, and, in spite of what the scorers said at Ames last night, we're all for you and the team. It is with genuine gratitude that, regardless of whether the score is always in favor or not, we know the coaching is of the desired constructive nature. Very cordially yours, Febrmry 22, 1939. It is perfectly agreeable te me for George Golay to. play with your team or any team in Kansas Citys. ‘“eorge stated that you would feel better if I would give you a statement clearing him for this activity. assure you that I have no objection te his play= ¥ ing with you or any group that he wishes to play with or that you wish for him to play withe Very cordially yours, | Director of Physical Pducation, FCAsAH Yarsity Basketball Coache February 21, 1939. Siete Rnowtiton Parker, Nansas City Kansan, Kansas City, Fansase Dear Knowlton: I received your checl: this morning for the three Stet So Se tke, gues Maleeiiny 1s sane, Mowe Sneetil it over to the proper authorities. Mr. Parl financial seoretary of the Athletic Association, will lay aside some good seats for youe I hope you will enjoy the COM Cordially yours, Director of Physical Varsity Basketball Coaches CHICAGO, ILL. HARVESTER: BUILDING 180 NO. MICHIGAN AVE. KANSAS CITY, MO. 21 WEST !O0T ST. BLDG. NEW YORK, N.Y. ' GRAYBAR BUILDING 420 LEXINGTON AVE. evenmo =" | WE KANSAS CITY KANSAN (MEMBER: AUDIT BUREAU OF CIRCULATION ) Xrthur Capper, Publisher ee W.A.BAILEY, Evitor AND MANAGER ADVERTISING MANAGER KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Feb. 20, 1939. DF s PsGe Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Aten: I am enclosing my check for the three tickets to the Basketball Game Saturday Night. Thank you very much for getting these tickets for me. Yours very truly, Gartar,/ nowlton Parker. KPtt THE ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER IN THE LARGEST CITY IN KANSAS—123,000 POPULATION DETROIT, MICH. 11-269 GENERAL MOTORS BLDG. SAN FRANCISCO 1207 RUSS BUILDING TOPEKA, KANS. CAPPER BLDG. SUNDAY