December 5, 1938. Ur. Franke Piokell, Stanoling O32 & Gas Cos, Phileade Building, , Tulsa, Oklahomais tear re Pickell: The University of Kansas basketball team is playing Oklahoma Ae and i. College at Stillwater on Friday and Sature day nights of this week, Decenber 9 and 10.° I am wondering if you end Mrse Pickell might like to drive over to Stillwater and see one of these games. I should be glad to hatve you if OR Oat Ake. Aree genes tion be: ssh Ayal MAME) det wk lesen a eee ally conveniences Tf you Go not writs Be heres jow my get in tomh with me at the Grand Notel in Sti llmtere Pate | lly son, ifilton, has been leashecen ai te Pinan Company at Gorham, Kansas, for years, ever since his gradue ation fron the University of Kensase He has told me of meeting you at Tulsa thie sumer and of your enthusiash Sar eportets If you are unable to get over to Stillwater perhaps you can see our game at Norman on January 7e I am enclosing a sched= ule for your convenience, Hoping to see you at Stillwater, I am’ Very sincerely yours, — Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH : Varsity Basketball Coaches