March 22, 1946 Sgt. George F, Bernhardt, Manager Fidelity Insurance Agency : Leavenworth, Kansas Dear Sgt. Bernhardt: I received your fine letter sometime age and am very sorry that during the past two months we have been completely absorbed in the business of winning the Big Six Championship and lossing to the Oklahoma Aggies for the NeC.AAe play-off, You have probably been returned to the States by this time and ‘if so, you undoubtedly know all of these facts. However, I am enclosing the scores of our games for the past seasons Your question as to how we came out in the tournament in December can be answer to the effect that we beat Rice in the first round, lost to Oklahoma A. & Me in the second round, and beat Oklahoma University in the conciletion, winning third place behind the Oklahoma Aggies. Milton is ‘still in the Navy as a Lieutenant (jg) and he expects to get discharged sometime before this summer, He is now stationed at St. Louis, Missouri, doing work with the naval supplye Bob is also a Lieutenant (jg) in the Navy, after having graduated from the University of Penssylvania Medical School, He is on a flat top somewhere in the Atlantic, : I appreciated hearing from you and I eam sorry that I was delayed in answering your fine letter, It is certainly. swell that so.many of your fellows are interested in our basket- | ball and I want you to know that we deeply appreciate the service which all of You have so unselfishly shown. With kindest personal regards to you, I am Sincerely yours, _ Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach.