UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS @ LAWRENCE, KANSAS me U. NEWS BUREAU W. A. DILL, Director og HORACE MASON, Sports Editor Sports News That saddest of all football experiences, making a long run for a touchdown and then having it nullified by the officials, was the experience of L.D. Silver, University of Kansas fullback, in the traditional Kansas-Missouri game in 1898. The Jayhawks handed the Tigers a 12-0 defeat that day, but only a technicality kept the score from being 18-0. Silver raced 80 yards on a crisscross for a touchdown, only to eee the play called back. ‘wm The student paper, the University Weekly, for November 24, 1898 had the followingto say about Silver, "Words of too high praise iKtmmmiinmm cannot be spoken for Silver who made a very brilliant run of 80 yards without interference amid deafening cheers from University friends, but was called back because the referee had not blown his whistle to put the ball in play." Besides making this spectacular play, Silver also played an important part in the two touchdowns which counted. The Jayhawk team lost only one game that year, Nebraska having a jinx on the Kansans even then. ~30= (fhe Kansas records show Silver lettering in football only that one year-1898)