October 15, 1 938 Mire Elemod Pitser, : Head Basketball Coach, Springfield Migh Sehool, Springfisid, Chios Dear Niwoods ios cade Sk Sled tan ta ack eee ak Ae October 10 and to kmow that you had bem selected et Springfield High Schoole This is a distinct honor and I want you to mow ee ee ee ee ey SY ee . good luck. 2 You didn*t sey one word about that good wife of Now, regarding as chad So shoe 2 ed hes A oy Sire 2) eae ee re Se Fee eS RY ae @ Goadhis The entire family has read with much pleasure the clipping you enclosed, so I an returning it as I imagine that you may want it for your serapbook or for other purposese It was good of you to write me and I want toassure you tint 4 122 ee a e “Wen ell god wishes, Tem Sincerely yours, ‘Mecdeen ot teteak bientitcn, PCAsAH - ‘Veraity Basketball Conche