July 1, 1939s ot cpu i} g 1H ial in » Aa® H oSs% hig oe a Hanean graduate, a ee i for + ie Sey Beye BF yew ennkigdt 96 Gall mo bee X mn hip Our love to you and Mra, Pralle. We are always happy to hear fran B Director of Physical Edusation and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coache do. page were Bio RY ee EER Airside Tolis June 23, 1939 Mr. M.F Ahearn Athletic Director Kansas State College Manhattan, Kansas Dear Sir: Big Six Basketball lost one of its pioneer boosters in the resigning of Frank Root as basketball coach. Frank Root was an untiring wrker, well liked by his boys and his opponents, but was unfortunate in not being able to produce a really successful team. In all fairness I will say that Aggie basketball teams in the past have lacked the proper fundementals required for a winning tean, Mr. Ahearn, I feel that I, as successor to Mr. Root, could teach these necessary fundamentals and bring Aggie basketball fans a winning tean. My inexperience in the coaching pro- fession will undoubtedly be considered a hindrance, wut after four years under Doctor F. C. Allen, I think I know enough basketball to produce. My youth and in- experience eannot be wholly classed as a drawback, but in some s an asset because after getting the confi- dence of the players, we could work hard together and develop an unbeatable spirit. My youthfulness gives me the desire to work harder and to win, and I will drill this same spirit into a team. I am now employed by the Phillips Petroleum Company here in Bartlesville, Oklahom, but #2 M.F. Ahearn June 23,1939 would like very much to get into the coaching field. During my last year at the University of Kansas I assisted in coaching the Freshman team. Last year I gained an invaluableamount of experience with the Phillips "66" team. As reference to my character and basketball knowledge, I will give Dr. F, C, Allen, University of Kansas. Yours very truly, Fred J. Pralle c/o Phillips Petroleum Co. Bartlesville, Oklahoma. FJP:F RRs ora y 1959— Jdume 24, =< aul jyttssey af mie ba Ht i Hf i fr nit SiG $28 Par ms iii Hi tidy UH ay ut Bi ds . i 83% 5 EY 8: is] iy! ens k : i i : I g : foal it : 8 fi it i B 3s f ae Hue i AEE iby ih a set iis ae ia ite i an il a il “HH ti ‘hh? bah 48] B i | ty Basketball Coachs never » with Very Versi cent him that ‘to With a1 good wishes, I am POAsAH Commercial Graduates Basketball Club Canadian, International and World Champions EDMONTON, ALBERTA June 6, 1939 Dr. Forrest Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Some time ago I received a circular from a publishing firm advertising a new book which you have brought out. I intended to order one at the time, but either mislaid or destroyed the circular and haven't the address of the company. Perhaps you have some of the books on hand; if so, will you mail me one as soon as conveneient and enclose the invoice. I shall remit by return mail. I did not hear how your conference came out this year, but I imagine you are still carrying on the good work. We have also done well; we played 20 games (three against men), and won 16. We lost a game to the provincial intermediate men's champions by a single point,. and another to the University of Alberta inter- mediate men by four points. We defeated another men's team by 12 points. I might add--in case you are shocked--that we do not play men's teams except under unusual conditions. In the three instances mentioned above, each game was played for charity. We lost two games to girls' teams--one by a single point, and the other by two. (St. Louis and Chicago) However, we won each series of: games played, and retain all the titles which we have held for so many years. A little later on, we expect to bring out another.edition of our "Grad" record book, and I shall send you a copy. This will give a complete summary of all games played this season. I have run up against a little trouble which hasn't made things any too pleasant for the past year. In order to make my job a little easier (I was trying to coach four teams as well as look after my school), I induced our School Board to secure the services of a teacher who was a former member of the University of British Columbia men's team which won the Canadian title. He was a good player, and I thought he would also be a good coach. Unfortunately, our ideas clashed from’the outset. I have always used a fast-breaking style of offense and a shifting man-to-man defense, while he is a strong advocate of a delayed offense and a zone defense. The result has been that players coming up to the senior squads from the junior have to change their style, with the inevitable confusion which you would expect. Over a period of 23 years the “Grads” have won 460 official contests out of a total of 476 played Over a period of 24 years, the "Grads" have won 482 games and lost but 20 (official contests); included in our losses are six against men's teams. I therefore feel that there can't be much wrong with the methods I have been using, but I am sorry to say that I can detect among my players a feeling that I am terribly old-fashioned in my plays. Naturally, unless one's players are "sold" 100% on the coach's ability, there is sure to be a falling off in efficiency. For many years--in fact, ever since it was my good for- tune to meet you--1 have spoken of your remarkable work as something to be admired, and the thought occurred to me that it would help to restore any confidence which has been lost if I knew that your team, for instance, specialized on the fast-breaking attack, and a man-to-man defense. Perhaps you don't--in which case I shall be glad to know that, too. In the current issue of the Athletic Journal, I checked through the account of every state tournament, and it is safe to say that the vast majority of teams reported upon are using the style of play which I am teaching here. For instance, in the report of the South Carolina tournament (page 9), I note this comment: “Our offense was fast, short-passing and quick breaks. I believe this style of play makes a better game, and certainly a more interesting one." Those are my ideas exactly. We are having our annual meeting on Thursday, June 15, and if you can find time to drop me a line before that time I shall be most grateful. sincerely Yevenber i, 1958. “cg Mire Je Fe Page, Coach, . Dear Coach Pager partyé The Edmouten "Grads" have a long and wonderful record amie ee . ee congretulations to you on your sterling group of players over i renenber very distinctly when Dre Neismith end I officiated the series of three gemes in Okisham. It has bean Gixls showed both on and off the basketball court. They made a very deep and lasting impression upon me. 3 Se long as athletics are maintained at this especially | And to the splendid coach of the Edmonton “Grads”, the ieast I could wish for him is another twenty three years of such happy associations : Commercial Graduates Basketball Club (anadian, International and World (hampions EDMONTON, ALBERTA Dear Friend: Our annual birthday party -- our twenty-third -- will be held in the banquet room of the Corona Hotel on Wednesday, Nov- ember 16. Dinner will be served at exactly 6.30 p.m. A Splendid program is in preparation. The cost of tickets will be 75¢ each, with the club assum- ing all expenses not covered by this amount. Those of you who have attended these parties in the past will recall that the seating space in the banquet room is limited to exactly 100, and this makes it necessary for us to know well in advance of the date just who will be present so that the seats may be arranged accordingly. Will you please be good enough to secure your tickets from Helen Northup, c-o Willson's Stationery Store, or, in case it is not convenient to do so, telephone her and have your tickets set aside. You may then secure them at the hotel on the night of the banquet. Failing to hear from you, we shall assume that you will not be present. This invitation is being sent to many of our friends who, by reason of the long distance between their homes and Edmonton, cannot possibly attend. If you should be one of these, perhaps you would be good enough to send a few lines of greeting to the Club. All such letters will be read during the evening. Please remember the time: Wednesday, November 16; dinner at 6.50 p.m. sharp. Sincerely yours, Edmonton "Grads" Over a period of 23 years the Grads” have won 467 official contests out of a total of 484 played Pe ee SLO. tlhe Sk Bached Ball Coack.. iad Corsi Niwdadg 7 ete ae ii hn nt : ee a tp ted bea I Lena lif bok omepll jee Hho adhe Li cents A casefally yall snot fou tithe J toa dort J 7 WF clits casas elo sii f Moss Ss vadeal a try aie Co MOE 2 Tie Lalita Diner Sofereye th I tral B here a hal tp leg ca v4 Chu Gu WW wo FP: December 6, 1 9386 Mire Fred Pralle, Phillips Petroleum Cos, Bartlesville, Oklahomm. . | Dear Freddie: I want you to know how swell it was oi’ you to come up and make the evening of December 5 a wonderful success. You were your same old self and everybody took you in with open armmse Iagain thank you end Sylvester Selmidt for doing a ewoll jobe on the find by the way, Freddie, I want to congratulate step that you are about to takes That is emetiy what make a great success of life. ‘You have the enthusiasn ai gus bo eunourage ani to ini you to an spot es ee sens 66 ee aif oie g end 1 want to extend reaiprocal congratulations to you both. I am awfully shocked to leam thet ies Wood has diphtheria. i trust it is in its lightest form and will not cause eny great ine conveniences -You will remember that I met iiss ood in front of Carl's Agein, thenk you very mush for your usual fine response to our urgent requeste Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical — FCAsAH | ' Varsity Sasketball Coache Jdenuary 16, 1939. Dear Friend éwins 7 4 : Ye drove back from Lincoln after the game Saturday night and got home at 6 otelock in the morning after a rough, tough rides I got to bed at 20 minutes of 7, and it looks like I am going te have a rough ride with this tasketball This next semester I have the National Association of Basketball Coaches meeting, the Natioml Rules Body mect= ings I em on the board of the Sth District of the National Collegiate play-off; I have meetings to attend of the State Health and Physical Education Association, the sectional mesting at Sioux City, Ime, and the mtionel mecting at San Franciseoe a Dele: Baty, wean See Se Se See ee Director of Physical Education, Coache ROBERT A. HUNT, MINISTER MISS VIRGALENE DAVIS, SECRETARY EDWIN F. PRICE, MINISTER OFFICE: PHONE 1908 DIRECTOR OF STUDENT ACTIVITIES THE FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH AND THE WESLEY FOUNDATION AT THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE, KANSAS Jan. 14, 1939 Pr. Forrest C. Allen, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear friend Phog: I am wondering if you know by now the dates when you will be away the fore part of the second semester. We.would appreciate knowing these so that we may make plans for the Sunday School class. The new group will start Sunday February leth. We will indeed be very glad to have you carry this on the Sundays you will be here, and we will arrange for the other Sundays. Thanking you for this favor, and with every good wish, I am Cordially, 1209 Tennessee. LECCE February 20, 1959. Mre Rey Parkins, Coach, Edison High School, a Mimmeapolis, Minnesota. Dear Rays I am sending you confidentially a copy of a letter that Andy Kerr wrote me. You are not supposed to Imow about it, but I wanted you to be forewarned if anything should come upe You will notice that I have mentioned Andrew McDonald along with youe i should like for you to sit down and write me all of your qualifications because I may have some other inquiries and I remember that you wanted a college job. i em also sending you a scopy of a letter that I have just received from George Le Rider, Director of Athletics at Miami University. Rider is a grand man, as is Andy Kerre I lmew Rider when he was Director of Athletics at Yashington Univ~ ersity, Ste Louise I believe either one of these two jobs should interest you somewhate Give my love to your good wife and your youngster. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs February 23, 1939. Mre Yeoman PeLong, : Department of Physical Sducation, Vestern State Teachers College, Kalemazoo, Michigane Dear Mre Pelonge I have your letter of the 22nd instant, and beg to state that we have no vacancy here in the position of custodian or losker=room attendant. Our present custod- ien is doing fine work, and we do not anticipate a vac- ancy in the near future. However, I em glad to lmow of your qualifications and desire for a change, end if anything opens up we shall let you knowe With best wishes, I em Sincerely yours, irector of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coaches WESTERN STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE _ KALAMAZOO, MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION February 22, 1939. Mr, Forest C, Allan, Director of Athletics, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear oat: Kindly consider my application for a position ét your school as custodian of athletic equipment and caretaker of any other physical education equipment or locker-rooms, During four of my five yeers of experience in a college system I had complete charge of all athletic equipment and locker-rooms, I also had charge of all general physical education locker- room fecilities, I know how to organize and mark equipment with stencils; how to cheek easily and record distribution of this equipment. I know how to repair shoes and how to operate light sewing machines, I know how to chart locker-rooms ‘to i the most use of the locker facilities avail- able. At present I am employed at Western State Teachers Collecse; Kalamazoo, Michigen (largest teachers college in the United Stat és) from which I recently received my A,B, degree, However, I am employed only a few hours each afternoon be- eause of insufficient funds to pay for a full- time man, ssibility of a position now if there is a po or at a later ae at your school, pleese advise me concerning the same DON CARLOS PEETE,M.D. 531 ARGYLE BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI February 4, 1939 Dr, Forrest. C....Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Dear Dr. Allen: Thanks very much for writing about Dick Harps; I will be glad to have him come in any time for an examination and I will write you a note after seeing him and give you our opinion. Thank you for your kindness to Mrs. Peete and me when we were in Lawrence. 1 hope that you will have continued success with the team. Sincerely yours, Don Carios Peete, M.D. March 3, 1930 Phi Kappa Psi, Lawrence, Hansase Dear oiesnensael Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness and loyalty in wiring the lensas basketball teen at Coluabiny Six words describe it best — they couldn't miss, we couldn't hit. John Kline, Ralph Iiller and Bob Allen, your representatives, showed themselves very worthy on the Daaiothall court, mut st just eomed that the tea couldn't Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bienen, POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs CLASS OF SERVICE : 1201 SYMBOLS This is a full-rate DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- NL=Night Letter winless its de- ezied character is in- E 1( -> oe LC=Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable eS above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. R. B. WHITE ee CARLTON J. CC. WILLEVER ~ Ship Radiogram ? PRESIDENT. © (ics ee Se I CRAIRMA N OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STANDARD TIME at point of destination Raraiwwad at 19 Gawth Qth Ce C.2n).0..L2. AAW DLW. 2140 AAJ241 12=LAWRENCE KANS 2 746P oe KANSAS BASKETBALL TEAM= S39 MAR 2 PM 8 8! KEEP ON DRIVING KANSAS KU 1S, LISTENING AND WERE ALL BEHIND YOUS THE PHI PSI'Ss THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE Your contri bution ” has been very much worth while, and very greatly time we call upon February 14, 1959. but most sincere note Pine cooperation with the presenting our radio programs, can use Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, * DIVISION OF SPALDING SALES CORPORATION ALA Le FIG: COEeTFrI?T TE eS 1012 GRAND AVENUE KANSAS CITY, MO. February 23, 1939 Dr. Forest ©. Allen, Dir. of Physical Educ. University of Kansas. Lawrence Kensas Dear Doe: Thanks ever so much for giving me permission to use George Golay on my team for the coming Naismith League Invita- tional Tournament Saturday and Sunday. I most certainly did not want to use the boy. without your permission, and I certainly appreciate your efforts in helping me out as I believe he will help my team considerably in the coming tournament. Any way that I can return the favor at any time please do not fail to call on me. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate you on the fine geme your boys put up against Nebraska which I saw a week or so ago, and also I want to wish you the best of luck in the Oklehoma game Saturday, and 1 am certainly pulling for you and the boys to knock them off. Sincerely yours A.G. SPALDING & BROS. DIV. SPALDING reo By BP: CR Merch 15, 1959. I aa cory Zor the delay in anowering your good letter of the Srd instante It will be a pleasure to - autograph for you both "My Basketball Bible" and “Setter Baskethbali" e x a wary: hana thet you Sted the tthe, About the only advice that I could give you would be to suggest that you write to Mre Edwards or Mr. Maddox of the Bastman Kodak Company, the firm thet shot the silent Nin, and write to Chuck Taylor of “Alson Company, Chicago. ‘Taylor could give you the name of the Kansas City, lissouri, fim that shot the movie talkies iI think the firm was Forrest Calvin Canpanye I an sorry that I do not have the address. Converse, Wilson Company, and the Phillips Petroleun Com pany shared in the expenses , I spend about 20 to $0 minutes each day on practice drills as diagrezmed in the book. I use the slow much more than the fast break. In my opinion a team should never attempt to fast break miless they have mastered the _ fundamentals of bell handling. ‘The diagrams ere for devel= oping a slow break offense « either high school or college. If there are any other questions that you desire to : ask please do not hesitate to write me. With best wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coaches , BEALLSVILLE VILLAGE HIGH SCHOOL H.L. PRICHARD, COACH BEALLSVILLE VILLAGE HIGH SCHOOL a